Doctor Who: The Sonic Toolbox

Episode 184: The Song of DoctorDonnaFriend



Planet of the Ood.  That's what's going on here.  We can't believe we haven't reviewed this since it first aired.  So, we're remedying that this episode. Ooooood. Just love saying it.  Also, sorry we forgot to tell you about it last time in our Next Time segment that we forgot to do.  Ooooooops.  So if you haven't seen it yet, don't listen to this show until you have.  There's tons of spoilers, we don't watch what we say.  Course, we seem to have a problem with that in general.We also have a bit of news.  And a bit of rabbit chasing.DISCLAIMER: Cheryl and Daisy have no intention of ever committing any crime against anyone.  The discussions herein are merely academic. Links: Larry Elmore paintings on Google images page (sorry, his website is under construction)