Join your host Sue (@soozwebb), as she chats her love for all things loud and scary in podcast Heavy Metal Horror Cast.We are always on the look out for bands to feature on the show, if you are in a heavy metal or horror related band please get in touch at
Ep 30 - Blade Trilogy
19/06/2017 Duration: 48minBased on the Marvel comics of the same name, Blade focuses on our titular hero, a half-man, half-vampire hybrid, who dedicates his nights (and days) to combating his bloodsucking enemies. Sue looks at the trilogy of films that chart the eponymous hunters adventures, from the first films slightly dodgy CGI effects, through to the third films fractious production. Along the way we’ll talk father figures, mummy issues, genetic engineering and disposable characters. So don your fanciest vamp busting leathers, grab those wrap around shades and get ready to kick some undead booty. It’s open season on all suckheads, so remember: keep your eyes open. They're everywhere...
Ep 29 - Attack the Block & Cockneys Vs. Zombies + music from Infected Dead
04/06/2017 Duration: 41minCor blimey, guv'nor! We’re taking to the streets of London town, looking at The Big Smoke through the lens of Attack the Block and Cockneys Vs Zombies. Along the way we’ll be taking on legions of the undead with OAP’s in the East End, and the malicious threat of extraterrestrial interlopers with the yoof of inner-city South London. We’ll also be playing a track from the sublime Infected Dead, who blend cosmic Lovecraftian horror with savage Death Metal brutality. So grab your dentures, avoid the Po-Po, and get ready for some Barney. Believe Bruv. *This episode was recorded before the terrorist attack in London on June 3rd. It was with great affection for the city that I recorded the episode, and it is released with great admiration, pride and love. It contains some strong language.
Ep 28 - Blood and Ice Cream in Zombieland
10/05/2017 Duration: 39minIt’s the end of the world as we know it...The streets have been overrun by the marauding masses of the Undead. What are we to do, and more importantly, how exactly are we gonna get to the pub? And where the hell are all the Twinkies? The answers can only be found in this episode, as we explore the logistics of survival through the Zom-Rom-Coms Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. Is it really as simple as following the rules set out in these films? Only one way to find out. So fasten your safety belt, grab your cricket bat and prepare for some fried gold. Oh, and one more thing. You’ve got red on you...
Ep 27 - Ghostbusters 2016
25/04/2017 Duration: 25minWhen there’s something strange, in the neighbourhood, who ya gonna call? Ewww….not girls! Sue looks at Paul Feig's highly contested Ghostbusters reboot from 2016, which caused the internet to hate-vomit, even before the films release. Then she dares to ask the question: Is it even really that bad….
Ep 26 - Guillermo Del Toro's Hellboy
09/04/2017 Duration: 38minStroll on down to the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, as Sue natter's Guillermo Del Toro's cinematic adaptation of Hellboy, the demon born with the prophesied destiny to bring about the apocalypse, who instead devotes his life to thwarting the forces of evil. We'll look at Hellboy, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army and the now cancelled prospect of a third film, and what that may have entailed. We'll also chat an awesome SFX project The Conduit, a film which pays homage to the creature movies of the 80's and 90's, which will contain exclusively practical effects. So grab a six pack and light up a stogie, as we chat the lovable big red brute, his supernatural crime bustin' pals and the glorious fabrications of Del Toro's fantastic imagination.
Ep 25 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19/03/2017 Duration: 29minShe saved the world. A lot. 20 years after we were welcomed to the Hellmouth, Buffy is still as relevant and talked about now, as she was in 1997. Sue takes a look back at the reluctant chosen one, charts the importance of the Scooby gang, and generally enthuses about everything Slayer shaped. So head to the Bronze, beware the bunnies and embrace your inner cookie dough, as we head back to Sunnydale and laugh in the face of danger. Then hide until it goes away. Have a nice day. Don’t get killed.
Ep 24 Army of Darkness Retrospective
05/03/2017 Duration: 29minHail to the King Baby! It's been 25 years since the release of Army of Darkness, the final chapter of Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead trilogy. To celebrate, Sue has a retrospective of the madcap medieval movie, which exchanges scary shenanigans in the confines of a cabin, for 13th century comedic capers. The film has gained iconic status, and is one of the most well loved and quotable movies of all time, for good reason. So grab your boomstick, chainsaw and say hello to Mr Fancypants, it’s gonna get Groovy. Come get some!
Ep 23 Women in Horror
20/02/2017 Duration: 45minIt's Women in Horror month, and to celebrate Sue chats influential ladies from the genre. From Killer Queens, to Fierce Final Girls, Sue champions her top 5 chicks from 5 different aspects of horror storytelling. So grab your chainsaws and sharpen your claws, as we look at some of the biggest bad asses, and scariest Mamas captured on celluloid.
EP 22 Horror in Comics + Music from Fliptop Box
29/01/2017 Duration: 36minHey Kids! Comics! Horror comics, we're spoilt for choice these days, and we love it! Sue looks at 6 titles from different publishers that span the genre. From psychological thrillers to romance, to hell on earth, there's something for everyone. So with sage (or is that garlic) advice from Grandpa, climb aboard the Love Boat, watch out for some bad cockney impersonations and maybe burn a church or two (please don't) as we traverse the heady world of frightful fiction. It's enough to make you gnaw your fingernails with excitement! * We'll also be playing a couple of tracks from the awesome Heavy Rockers Fliptop Box. * Please note: Bad habits may induce serial killing side effects. For more information, please consult the episode.
EP 21 Top 5 Horror T.V SHows of 2016
09/01/2017 Duration: 37min2016 was a pretty crappy year, apart when it came to television. That was stonking! Sue takes a look at the world of horror telly, and gives her top 5 shows from the year, that really did really drag its heals everywhere else! What makes the list? Tune in to find out!
Minisode 2
11/12/2016 Duration: 09minIt’s that time of year again, when we get all teary eyed with nostalgia, and start to get excited about upcoming cinematic releases. Sue combines the two, chatting the rumoured remake of Little Shop of Horrors, the Tom Cruise monster mash trailer for the Mummy, and speculates about the upcoming Alien Covenant. Feel the excitement waiting to burst out of your chest? Yeah, you might want to get that seen to… She also chats Yoshihiro Nishimura’s upcoming J-splatter gore fest Kodoku: Meatball machine, to get you into the holiday spirit. Gird your loins, grab a drink and enjoy!
Ep 20 Halloween 2 (1981) vs Halloween 2 (2009)
27/11/2016 Duration: 42minSue and guest host Harry are back, this time comparing John Carpenters Halloween 2 to Rob Zombies 2009 remake 'Family is Forever'. Which version should be proud to show it's face, and which should stick to the shadows? Tune in to find out... *Be warned, contains swears. F-shaped swears.
Ep 19: Reign of Zaius interview
06/11/2016 Duration: 44minAttention humans! The Reign of Zaius is nigh! Sue chat's to the stoner metal rockers Reign of Zaius, about music, movies and how unexpected fireworks* can function as a metaphor for life. Featured in the show are tracks They live and Farewell to Arms from the bands awesome EP Planet Of... *A heads up for those who are jumpy, a few loud bangs can be heard throughout the interview. To find more info on the band, head to:
Ep 18 - Halloween (1978) Vs Halloween (2007)
23/10/2016 Duration: 58minThe spooky season is upon us, so Sue and guest host Harry honour the holiday, by chatting about everyone's favourite masked babysitter stalker! Yep, that's right, it's another Original Vs Remake episode. This time they look at John Carpenters 1978 classic Halloween and compare it to Rob Zombies 2007 reboot. Which should return from the dead and which should remain in the shadows? Head down to the podcast pumpkin patch and find out! * Featuring a special (and very noisy) guest appearance from Luna, the Heavy Metal Horror Cat.
Ep 17 - The Conjuring 2 and The Enfield Haunting
09/10/2016 Duration: 40minPoltergeists, crooked men and Marilyn Manson in a habit? Ok, maybe not the last bit...but the rest are all in a days work for paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren! In this episode Em and Sue discuss The Conjuring 2 (2016), the real life events of The Enfield Haunting in 1977 that inspired the film and the Warren's involvement in the case.
Minisode Ep1
16/09/2016 Duration: 16minIt's an elder Webb takeover! Our first minisode sees Sue give a quick news roundup of the latest happenings in the world of horror and heavy metal. From a Carrie themed prom celebrating 40 years since the release of the film, to excitement about the new Underworld and Scream Queen trailers! Plus, the return Korn and Limp Bizkit, the exit of Alan Moore from the world of comics and Fenriz Darkthrone's new political career!
Ep 16 - Carrie (1976) VS Carrie (2013)
28/08/2016 Duration: 01h02minDon't you just love it when you start your first period and gain telekinetic powers? Carrie White sure does! In their first Original vs Remake episode, Sue and Em look at the 1976 and 2013 filmic versions of the Stephen King novel Carrie, as voted for by the podcast listeners. Which film will be crowned queen and which will get covered in pigs blood? Come down to the podcast prom to find out!
Ep 15 - Female Monsters of Horror Pt.2 + Music from Devil To Pay
14/08/2016 Duration: 49minFemale Monsters of Horror Part 2 see the Sisters Webb howling at the moon once more, as they focus on the various representations of werewolves and aliens in film and TV. From the Ginger Snaps Trilogy to Dr Who, Em and Sue discuss the good, the bad and the hairy depictions of these monstrous ladies. Devil To Pay make their second appearance on the podcast with their song "Kerfuffle", from their new album A Bend Through Space and Time.
Tribute Episode - Trevor Steedman
31/07/2016 Duration: 57minThis special episode of Heavy Metal Horror Cast is dedicated to the memory of actor and stuntman Trevor Steedman, best known for his role as Private Trevor "Ski" Wierzbowski in James Cameron's Aliens (1986). Em and Sue chat with three of the late actors friends and colleges; Harry Harris, Andrew David Clark and Darren Kemp, all of whom are an integral part of the Aliens UK fan scene. Join them as they discuss Trevor's career, his love for the Aliens fandom and his favourite dirty joke! *Please note* Harry did not co-produce the Alien Anthology Blu-Ray set. Sue read his blurb sheet wrong*
Ep 14 - Female Monsters of Horror Pt.1 + Music from Schwarzenator
17/07/2016 Duration: 57minIn the first of a two part special, Em and Sue look at female monsters in the horror genre. From novel's to TV and film, they look at the many and various ways femininity is depicted in the guise of the monstrous. Episode 14 focuses on the various vampires and Bride's of Frankenstein through out the genres history. Music for the episode come courtesy of LA's Arnold Schwarzenegger inspired band Schwarzenator, with the track "We Fight (The Ballad of John Connor)".