Ice Coffee: The History Of Human Activity In Antarctica

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 121:56:23
  • More information



The history of human activity in Antarctica


  • 137_Interviews_about_an_air_crash_long_distance_Antarctic_engagement_and_a_ripper_of_a_new_book_about_Sir_Hubert_Wilkins

    03/08/2022 Duration: 01h49min

    Thomas Walkington speaks about the wreck of the Pegasus and his time on the ice as part of VXE-6. Jim Butler showers praise on me and my output after discussing how he engages with Antarctica from half a world away. Jeff Maynard maps how he chose what to include and what to leave out of his most recent book about Sir Hubert Wilkins. Strap your ears in, folks. This is a big 'un. 

  • 136_Post_war_post_war_whaling

    05/07/2022 Duration: 01h01min

    I wasn't expecting the Greek shipping magnate.

  • 135_NBSAE_part_2

    02/06/2022 Duration: 01h25min

    Three members of the NBSAE drown in an accident on the barrier edge.  Every other member of the NBSAE does their bit in making the project one of the most productive and smooth running examples of its type and of its time.  Besides kicking off or sustaining the high latitudes careers of several scientist with extremely long Ice Coffee legs the glaciology, geology and meteorology carried out during the two winters and three summers spent at Maudheim gave the footing for and set a high bar for subsequent scientific projects coming down the IGY pike. 

  • 134_NBSAE_Part_1

    22/05/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    John Giaever storms it in as a high latitudes can-do-mo-fo with an international team of scientists.  No matter how many committees got involved and put their bureaucratic handbrake on the NBSAE, the residents of Maudheim got south and got on with their data gathering and trail prep.

  • 133_Would_anyone_like_some_ham

    14/04/2022 Duration: 26min

    The role of ham radio operators in keeping Antarcticans sane through the long dark is given some attention.  Additional audio of Vivian Fuchs speaking to Donald Milner at the BBC was made available by Thomas Henderson of Graceful Willow Productions and with the permission of Jules Madey ( The music closing out this episode is "Can you hear me: part 1" composed by Wally Gunn ( and performed by Passepartout Duo (

  • 132_Chile

    02/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    A brief and patchy history of Chile as context for the nation's expeditions southward in the twentieth century. 

  • 131_Straya_too

    09/02/2022 Duration: 38min

    Heard and Macquarrie Islands: tragedy, rockets, sheep, and ham.

  • 130_Straya

    12/12/2021 Duration: 01h27min

    The first Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition gets moving.  Led my Campbell, informed by Mawson, and ignoring any potential input from Davis, the first foryas didn't kick all the committee proposed goals but a start is a start. Heard Island. Macquarrie Island. The last Antarctic outing of the Wyatt Earp.  The first Antarctic outing of LST 3501, which was almost also the last.

  • 129_FIDS_1947-8

    07/09/2021 Duration: 55min

    A mixed bag of achievements and tragedy for the 1948 FIDS. New faces with big Antarctic careers ahead of them show up in the narrative. If you are working through the series in order and don't usually listen to episodes immediately after they're released I urge you to give this one an early play as there's an important message about pies near the end that's only relevant for the weeks immediately after I hit the "Publish" button.

  • 128_Argentina

    18/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    Where the history of other nations involved in the Antarctic land grab received plenty of attention in the series to date, Argentina only received mention as being close to the Antarctic Peninsula.  I've sought to redress that in this episode. Thanks to Jim for test piloting the new audio settings.  Hope I don't blow anyone's speakers with unexpected volume.

  • 127_Crime_in_Antarctica

    31/07/2021 Duration: 54min

    While theft is rare in circumstances where most needs and wants are catered to by management other crimes occur in Antarctica with surprisingly monotonous regularity, given the small numbers of people in the far south at any given moment.  Other podcasts have dedicated episodes to the matter but that doesn't mean I shouldn't cover it too, so I did. The Australian Antarctic Division recently announced it was decreasing alcohol allowances and banning home-brew.  In part the change was geared to make women feel safer on base.  It doesn't deal with the root cause of that problem but if it helps bring about positive change then that's something.  We already tried doing nothing and it didn't work.   

  • 126_Book_reviews_and_interviews_Maori_perspectives_and_ashore_in_the_Kerguelens_and_True_South

    24/07/2021 Duration: 01h19min

    A formal book review of "With Scott Before the Mast," an informal review of "Operation Deep Freeze II Gooney Birds," and interviews with Associate Professor Priscilla Wehi, Elodie Camprasse, and Evan Townsend. 

  • 125_RARE_Coda

    23/07/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    Trail operations, survey flights, tension, and a surprise for the Darlingtons.  The RARE comes to a close and departs Stonington Island with the aid of the Operation Windmill ice breakers. The FIDS stay to keep the lights on at Base E. 

  • 124_Religion_in_Antarctica

    01/07/2021 Duration: 47min

    In this episode I fail to respect, let alone defer to, religious beliefs and the artifacts and structures dedicated to various deities' alleged glory while recounting the ongoing story of religion at high southern latitudes.   Happy to take debates on the merits of religion generally or your religion specifically if this outing causes sufficient umbrage.  I've got a podcast for exactly that sort of dialogue and it's rare it gets an airing because most local theologians know to give me a wide berth.  Come at me if you need to.  Perspective adjustments on the merits of the apologia you've been fed by your faith leaders provided free. Ice Coffee: brewing up, blaspheming, and shedding brittle snowflakes unable or unwilling to present a compelling case that I should respect their faith, let alone adopt it. 

  • 123_Stonington_Island_co-existence

    01/07/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    The Ronnes sulk about the FIDS as the RARE settle in to their digs on Stonington Island but realise they have to Voltron up or get little done.   George Takei makes his series debut in company with Katie Sagal and Billy West. 

  • 122_Extended_Kevin_Walton_quotations

    01/06/2021 Duration: 33min

    Worried that you might be feeling cheated on the history front, this month, here's some hefty chunks of trail experiences from the pen of one who lived it.  Do you want your word hoosh thick or thin?  I can add extra p flour, if you want. 

  • 121_Aviation_futre_past_future_Sean_McBride

    01/06/2021 Duration: 49min

    Sean McBride intends taking electric flight to Antarctic and I am excited about it.  I'm also excited about my own investigations into heading south to follow in Wilkins and Eilson's prop steps but uncertain whether it will or should happen. 

  • 120_Operation_Windmill

    15/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    US Navy ice breakers get ground control parties ashore to provide fixed points of reference for Operation Highjump aerial photographs.  Helicopters work ship to Antarctic shore for the first time.

  • 119_Stonington_Collision_Course

    13/05/2021 Duration: 25min

    The RARE draws nearer its destination and the FIDS head out on trail.  Will the confluence of two Antarctic expeditions in the same place at the same time conflict with the laws of physics?  Listen to 119 and find out. Oooh, see what I did there? Sizzly call to action. Getting good at this marketing shit, ay?  

  • 118_Operation_Highjump_part_two

    30/04/2021 Duration: 01h04s

    The largest ever Antarctic expedition runs its course. The Sennet heads north with its bow in a sling, divers get with the diving, and the DC-3 makes its "Ice Coffee" debut while the Sea Bees make everything else. 

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