The history of human activity in Antarctica
29/01/2016 Duration: 16minFirst out of the blocks in the three way race south, Dumont d'Urville does a fair job with the resources France can throw at the project after much war and revolution and war and blockades and war. Often described as a nineteenth century analogue to the Space Race, I think of this period in Antarctic history as the nineteenth century race southward, of which the Space Race was a twentieth century analogue, because causality.
016 Reynolds, Ross, Wilkes, d'Urville and Balleny
01/01/2016 Duration: 33minReynolds returns to the narrative but his efforts at getting the US a toehold in the cold see him get an even colder shoulder than his last outing.Ross earns his ice chops in the north.Dumont d'Urville, after wowing the crowds with an armless display of Greek marbility, languishes in Cholera riddled Toulon, until his big chance beckons.Balleny fulfills Enderby funded duties and adds information to the growing polynya of knowledge.I came here to podcast and to drink coffee, and I'm all out of coffee. The shakes are setting in.
015 Kemp Kimberley and Getting Toasty
29/12/2015 Duration: 41minPeter Kemp isn't well recorded, so there's little to tell about him other than he sailed on the Magnet and saw a coast that's now named after him.Jason Kimberley traveled to Antarctica in 2005 and did the hauling and the crevasse fields that make up much of my nightmare material. On his return, in addition to writing one of the most accessible recent books about life on the ice, Jason established "Cool Australia," an online science education resource for school children. Finally, I give a brief account of getting toasty, which is, in addition to snaws, a thing.
02/10/2015 Duration: 17minThe last gasps of British sealing efforts in the South and a brief profile of a dynasty of ship owners who paid for a lot of the exploitation of marine resources in the sealing and whaling boom times.
Morrell, Symmes, Reynolds and Sue
01/09/2015 Duration: 50minMorrell was a liar, Symmes was a looper and Reynolds was a bona-fide genuine slick talker. Running to catch up in the claims stakes, US politics gets in the way and Morrell adds confusion. More on Reynolds later.Sue Haliwell, Antarcticartican makes what is hope will be the first of many appearances between her northern exposures.After switching to a new hosting plan to free up money for a second podcast series, this, the longest episode to date, ate up the space allocation for this month. An episode about Biscoe and the Enderby's is recorded but won't reach the feed for some weeks.
26/06/2015 Duration: 12minHear me mix and match pronunciations as my brain fights it out between what it knows is correct and what it's accustomed to.James Weddell - the explorer who went sealing in an age of sealers going exploring. New record holders for southernmost expedition, the Beaufoy and the Jane sail into what we now know as the Weddell Sea and find vast expanses of no ice, leading to incredulity and ridicule. James Weddell didn't sign up for the standard early death in poverty deal, but that's what he got.
04/11/2014 Duration: 05minPowell sets a new benchmark for "Who?"Sealer, navigator, measurer and cartographer, that's who.
I am Sealing
28/01/2014 Duration: 23minAn overview of the state of the art in maritime extraction industries at the start of the ice rush.
Pop Culture on Ice
28/01/2014 Duration: 12minThe chronology gets thrown out early in the piece, as the case of the empty H4n case unravels and some temporal anomalies are narrowly prevented from becoming time travel paradoxes. Karl, I need the Delorean back last week. The Bellingshausen episode is in the editing suite as I type, and should be available last Sunday.
28/01/2014 Duration: 17minHard as nails Russian sea-dog braves the southern ocean in inadequate ships and after a rushed preparation and without biologists and... You get the picture. Up against it, Bellingshausen shone when the sun refused to do so, and it's not his fault most people haven't heard of him.
State of Play
28/01/2014 Duration: 12minA brief look at what was going on around the world as the exploration of the Southern Ocean began.
28/01/2014 Duration: 14minImagining, seeking, and then shrinking Terra Australis Incognita to manageable proportions. Philosophers, geographers, clergy and sailors vie for the final word on what and where Antarctica is, and who lives there. Only one more preliminary episode to go and we'll get into some history.
Making Coffee
28/01/2014 Duration: 10minThere's more to brewing up in Antarctica than just switching the kettle on. Feel free to brew along to the chorus.