Center For International Forestry Research (cifor)



CIFOR conducts global research on forest and climate change, adaptation, redd, indigenous groups, deforestation, gender, dry forests, food security, illegal logging, governance, biodiversity. The Center for International Forestry Research is a nonprofit, global facility dedicated to advancing human wellbeing, environmental conservation and equity. We conduct research that enables more informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of forests in less-developed countries.Our research and expert analysis help policy makers and practitioners shape effective policy, improve the management of tropical forests and address the needs and perspectives of people who depend on forests for their livelihoods.Our multidisciplinary approach considers the underlying drivers of deforestation and degradation which often lie outside the forestry sector: forces such as agriculture, infrastructure development, trade and investment policies and law enforcement.CIFOR focuses on the following research areas:- Enhancing the role of forests in mitigating climate change.- Enhancing the role of forests in adapting to climate change.- Improving livelihoods through smallholder and community forestry.- Managing trade-offs between conservation and development at the landscape scale.- Managing impacts of globalised trade and investment on forests and forest communities.- Sustainably managing tropical production forests.


  • The role of forests in addressing climate change

    04/12/2019 Duration: 04min

    Amy Duchelle-Senior Scientist and Team Leader for Climate Change, Energy, and Low Carbon Development, CIFOR Forests play a crucial role in tackling climate change. Nature-based solutions, or actions to protect, restore and sustainably manage natural ecosystems, are increasingly acknowledged for the positive ways they can contribute to climate mitigation, and support the rights and livelihoods of rural populations. A growing number of commitments and actions to end deforestation, restore degraded landscapes, and protect the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities offer bright spots for the future of tropical forests. In the first podcast of a series during United Nations climate talks this month in Madrid, Spain, CIFOR Senior Scientist and Climate Change Team Leader, Amy Duchelle, discusses how forests play a critical role in efforts to combat climate change, and what CIFOR and ICRAF scientists are doing at COP25. Duchelle is one of 14 CIFOR-ICRAF scientists attending COP25 to share research on ho

  • Interview with Lemlem Tajebe, researcher at Ethiopian Environment and Forestry Research Institute

    10/11/2019 Duration: 01min

    Even though equal access to education remains a challenge, some women prove their worth nevertheless. Half of the ministers in Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s cabinet, for example, are women. Once given appropriate access and competitive mindset, women can thrive even in the fields that are more familiar to men, such as forestry.

  • Why the world needs to put forests on the global agenda

    11/10/2019 Duration: 05min

    Climate change has reached a tipping point, becoming a climate crisis that is having a domino effect on many of our world’s forests. It is now crucial for global leaders to come together and hold an Earth Forest Summit. Robert Nasi, Director General of CIFOR, and Marc Palahí, Director of EFI, discuss the crucial role forests play in a sustainable future and why they need to be part of the global agenda.

  • Radio talk show on the Water Towers project implementation in Mt. Elgon Uganda

    16/09/2019 Duration: 51min

    The radio talk show was held on 3rd September 2019 between 8:00 to 9:00 pm through Open Gate FM. The purpose of the talk show was to sensitize listeners on joint forest and water governance and disseminate the outcomes of the project. The talk show involved three resource persons-Alice Tibazalika (Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment), Sam Chemonges (Chairperson Chema Water Users Committee), and Lorna Nabulo (member of Bukalasi Women’s group).

  • Radio talk show: Creating awareness on joint forest and water governance in Mt. Elgon Uganda

    16/09/2019 Duration: 26min

    The radio talk show was held on 15th August 2019 between 7:00-8:00 pm through Open Gate FM, a radio station in Eastern Uganda. The purpose of the radio talk show was to create awareness on the Water towers project activities in Mt. Elgon forest area in Uganda. The talk show involved a resource person, Concepta Mukasa (Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment).

  • Radio talk show on gender in forest and water management in Mau forest

    16/09/2019 Duration: 43min

    An interactive radio talk show was aired on 3rd September, 2019 between 8-9 pm through Chamgei Fm. The purpose of the talk show was to disseminate the outcomes of capacity building on gender in forest and water management in Mau forest. The aim is to enhance participation of women in forest and water management and in decision making in CFAs and WRUAs. Participants discussed how they have applied the lessons by conducting trainings on gender aspects to community members including local administrators. Resource persons were Philip Chelule (Local administrator and member, Itare Chemosit WRUA) and Jackline Chelangat (member, Itare Chemosit WRUA).

  • Radio talk show on gender in forest and water management in Mt. Elgon forest

    05/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    An interactive radio talk show was held on 14th August, 2019 between 8-9 pm through West Fm, a local radio station in Mt. Elgon area. The purpose of the talk show was to disseminate the outcomes of capacity building on gender in forest and water management. The aim is to enhance participation of women in forest and water management and in decision making in CFAs and WRUAs. Participants discussed the gender gap in CFA and WRUA leadership, outcomes of capacity building on gender and suggestions to address the challenges. Resource persons were Janephrice Talian (Secretary CFA), Joan Mukhebi, (Treasurer, Chebombai WRUA) and Douglas Bwire (Research Officer, CIFOR).

  • Comment exploiter durablement le bois d’œuvre en RDC ?

    02/07/2019 Duration: 30min

    La demande en bois de construction et d’immobilier ne cesse d’augmenter dans toutes les grandes villes de la RDC. Selon nos sources, tous les marchés des agglomérations de la RDC sont approvisionnés par le bois d’œuvre issu de l’exploitation artisanale, pratiquée généralement, sans respect du cycle de la reproduction naturelle des essences coupées : afrormosia, Iroko, padouk, Tola, Mukolongo sont les quelques essences très prisées dans le marché de Kinshasa, Kisangani, Lubumbashi et ailleurs.

  • Radio talk show on the Water Towers: Project findings in Mt. Elgon Kenya

    03/05/2019 Duration: 42min

    An interactive radio talk show that was held on 29th January 2018 at 8:00-9:00 pm in local radio station, West FM, in Western Kenya. The purpose of the radio talk show was to disseminate key findings of the research dimensions of the Water Towers project and to discuss the practical dimensions, including benefits and challenges, of joint forest and water governance. The radio talk show involved three resource persons-Sylvia Rotich (CIFOR intern), Geoffrey Chestit (Chairman, Cheptais Community Forest Association) and Amos Chemining’wa (Chembombai Water Resource Users Association).

  • CIFOR in Conversation | Iliana Monterroso

    15/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    CIFOR co-coordinator Iliana Monterroso calls in from Guatamala City to talk about women and land rights, a new infobrief "Gender and formalization of native communities in the Peruvian Amazon," and the way forward. Link to infobrief:

  • Radio talk show on the Water Towers: Project findings in local language

    31/12/2018 Duration: 20min

    An interactive radio talk show was held on 18th December at 8:00-9:00 pm through a vernacular radio station, Chamgei FM, which is part of Royal Media Services. The purpose of the radio talk show was to disseminate key findings of the research dimensions of the Water Towers project and to also discuss the practical dimensions, including benefits and challenges, of joint forest and water governance. The radio talk show involved three resource persons—Sylvia Rotich (CIFOR intern), Alfred Soi (Chairman, Londiani Forest Community Forestry Association) and William Koros (Chairman, Itare-Chemosit Water Resource Users Association).

  • Commentary on preparations to welcome Sahel cattle

    11/05/2018 Duration: 02min

    Excerpt from 'Exodus of Burkinabe Herders’, aired on RTB (Magazine la Terre Notre Richesse), 18 January 2018, and 'Land for Transhumant Herders’, aired on RTB (Rendez-vous de la Redaction), 18 March 2018

  • Interview on the lack of pastoral zones in Burkina Faso

    11/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    Excerpt from 'Exodus of Burkinabe Herders’, aired on RTB (Magazine la Terre Notre Richesse), 18 January 2018, and 'Land for Transhumant Herders’, aired on RTB (Rendez-vous de la Redaction), 18 March 2018

  • Report on migration and natural resource management of néré in the zone Sissili Ziro

    11/05/2018 Duration: 01min

    Excerpt from 'Migrations and Natural Resource Management’, aired on RTB (Chronique Environnement), 7 April 2018

  • Report on the problem of grazing in Burkina Faso

    11/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    Excerpt from 'Exodus of Burkinabe Herders’, aired on RTB (Magazine la Terre Notre Richesse), 18 January 2018, and 'Land for Transhumant Herders’, aired on RTB (Rendez-vous de la Redaction), 18 March 2018

  • Outcome of Social Forestry Implementation in Lampung Province

    14/03/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Lampung Province's experience in implementing forest tenure reform or Social Forestry (SF) program was discussed interactively through radio broadcast of RRI Pro 3 FM Bandarlampung, on 12 November 2017 at 19.30 - 20.00pm. The resource persons on the dialogue were Mr. Ir.Syaiful Bachri, MM (Head of Lampung Forestry Office), Ir. Warsito, MM (Working Group of Social Forestry Lampung), Ir Edi Kariza (WATALA), Dr. Tuti Herawati and Nining Liswanti (CIFOR's Global Comparative Study on Tenure Team). Ir.Syaiful Bachri stated that Lampung is a pioneer in the implementation of Social Forestry program in Indonesia, with progress of 184,000 ha of forest managed legally by 110,000 families. Social Forestry is a solution for better forest management as the philosophy of SF is cooperation between government in granting legitimate rights to community in managing forest land, and in the other hand the community helps government in rehabilitating and preserving forest area. The analysis of CIFOR's research team as described b

  • Bimbika Sijapati Basnett: Rural women’s key role in conservation

    13/10/2016 Duration: 01min

    Bimbika Sijapati Basnett: Rural women’s key role in conservation by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

  • Bimbika Sijapati Basnett: Are rural women "shadow workers" in the economy?

    13/10/2016 Duration: 01min

    Bimbika Sijapati Basnett: Are rural women "shadow workers" in the economy? by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

  • Bimbika Sijapati Basnett : Rural women’s transforming roles

    13/10/2016 Duration: 38s

    Bimbika Sijapati Basnett : Rural women’s transforming roles by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

  • Maricela Tapuy, Ecuador

    13/10/2016 Duration: 48s

    Maricela Tapuy, Ecuador by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

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