Center For International Forestry Research (cifor)

Outcome of Social Forestry Implementation in Lampung Province



Lampung Province's experience in implementing forest tenure reform or Social Forestry (SF) program was discussed interactively through radio broadcast of RRI Pro 3 FM Bandarlampung, on 12 November 2017 at 19.30 - 20.00pm. The resource persons on the dialogue were Mr. Ir.Syaiful Bachri, MM (Head of Lampung Forestry Office), Ir. Warsito, MM (Working Group of Social Forestry Lampung), Ir Edi Kariza (WATALA), Dr. Tuti Herawati and Nining Liswanti (CIFOR's Global Comparative Study on Tenure Team). Ir.Syaiful Bachri stated that Lampung is a pioneer in the implementation of Social Forestry program in Indonesia, with progress of 184,000 ha of forest managed legally by 110,000 families. Social Forestry is a solution for better forest management as the philosophy of SF is cooperation between government in granting legitimate rights to community in managing forest land, and in the other hand the community helps government in rehabilitating and preserving forest area. The analysis of CIFOR's research team as described b