From humble beginnings between a group of friends on Tuesday taco nights just hanging out and shooting the breeze, a mighty evolution has brought about a transformation into the Taco Knights of the Roundtable... or just the Taco kNights Podcast for short. We cover everything from Disney to movies to foodie-ness and entertainment that is all somehow connected by tangential topics and segue ways. Educational, informative, and possibly entertaining. This is the the Taco kNights podcast and we thank you for listening.
Taco kNights Episode 19: Microphone Blues
10/10/2014 Duration: 01h53minPrograming Note: In this episode we forgot to change to our good microphones so the podcast ended up being recorded on an internal microphone on a laptop. This being the case Ben is very hard to hear if you can hear him at all since he is furthest away from the microphone. Sorry Ben. On with the show! Topics: Horror Movies Artsy Movies Gotham Pirates Spiderman in the Avengers Oculus Rift and other random things Twitter: @tacoknights E-mail:
Taco kNights Episode 18: Come on Get Scary
05/10/2014 Duration: 02h01minThis weeks topics: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Smash Brothers 3DS Disney Infinity 2.0 Destiny Good DLC vs Bad DLC Special Halloween Events (Knotts, Disney, Universal, etc.) Disneyland and California Adventure Updates. Enjoy! Follow us! Twitter: @tacoknights
Taco kNights Episode 17: DC, Marvel and Disney
28/09/2014 Duration: 02h04minThis weeks topics: Gotham Agents of Shield DC universe building Arrow Smallville Wonder Woman DC New 52 Superman Movies Batman and Superman Deadpool Movie Teaser Trailers Man of Steel Superheroes not showing up in other movies Batfleck DC movie lineup Green Lantern Spiderman vs. Amazing Spiderman movies Antman Big Hero 6 Disneyland Seasonal Foods Disneyland Park updates Knotts Berry Farm Dinning Hot Dogs Enjoy! Follow us!! Twitter: @tacoknights
Taco kNights Episode 16: OBJECTION!!! You want how much for that food?
24/09/2014 Duration: 01h38minThis weeks topics: Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Games that you go back and play Co-op Gaming Super Smash Bros 3DS Disneyland Halloween Disneyland food price increases Fried Chicken County Fair Food Plaza Inn Fried Chicken Disney Dining Bengal BBQ Disneyland Pizza New Disneyland Products and Food Stuffs Disney Viva Navidad Oswald In, Duffy Out Frozen is Comming Enjoy! Follow us Twitter - @tacoknights
Taco kNights Episode 15: Let get Technical
15/09/2014 Duration: 01h57minThis weeks topics: Net Neutrality Apple Event and announcements Hype Google Glass Jailbreaking and Rooting Phones Data and Caps Galaxy Note 4 vs Iphone 6 3ds XL and 3ds Plus Super Smash Bros on 3ds Day one Patches And much more randomness. Enjoy
Taco kNights Episode 14: And I ran, I ran so far away Disneyland
10/09/2014 Duration: 01h39minThis weeks topics: Disneyland Annual Passholder Event, Disney Marathons, Adventureland Jujus, Legends of Frontierland, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Knotts Scary Farm, and more Gaurdians of the Galaxy. Enjoy.
Taco kNights Episode 13: And then there's a time to run
27/08/2014 Duration: 01h42minThis week we talk about camping and the upcoming Disneyland Marathon as well as a couple Disneyland Tidbits.
Taco kNights Episode 12: Where in the world is the Taco kNights Podcast
20/08/2014 Duration: 01h36minIn this episode we talk about: Watching TV show tapings Where in the World is Carmen San Diego TV Show Acapella Groups Ninja Warrior American Gladiators Supermarket Sweep Smokey Robinson "Oldies" radio stations Online music streaming services Guardians of the Galaxy Columbia House CDs Discman Djs And many Disneyland tids and bits.
Taco kNights Episode 11: With special guest Ethan
13/08/2014 Duration: 01h40minThis week we have special guest Ethan on the podcast. This weeks topics include: Special Flavor Lay's Chips County Fair Foods Taco Bell Doritos Locos Guardians of the Galaxy Future of Marvel and DC Movies Star Wars Extended Universe Gargoyles Giant Fighting Robots and Mechs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Stingers at the End of Movies
Taco kNights Episode 10: With special guest Phil
06/08/2014 Duration: 02h54sThis week we have special guest Phil on the podcast. This weeks podcast include: Gaurdians of the Galaxy Disneyland tidbits 80's TV shows Female Cinematic Super Heroes Marvel and DC movies Tom Cruise Movies Time manipulation movies IMAX
Taco kNights Episode 9: With special guest Kari
23/07/2014 Duration: 01h13minThis week we have special guest Kari on the podcast. This weeks topics include: Special Trailer for Gaurdians of the Galaxy Hercules CGI Scorpion King / The Mummy X-men Lucy Sucker Punch The American TMNT Age of Ultron
Taco kNights Episode 8
09/07/2014 Duration: 01h22minThis weeks topics include: Focus Testing for Movies Gaurdians of the Galaxy 4D Theaters IMAX "Experience" Watching 3D Movies and TV 4k TVs Evolution of game consoles Future of TV technology Maleficent
Taco kNights Episode 7: With special guest Claudia
02/07/2014 Duration: 01h26minThis week we have special guest Claudia on the podcast. In this weeks episode we talk about the world of Harry Potter. Mostly we are talking about the Diagon Alley addition to Universal Studios in Florida.
Taco kNights Episode 6: Ghost, Ghost, and more Ghost
25/06/2014 Duration: 01h06minThis weeks topics include: Ghost Tours Seeing Ghost Ghost Dinosaurs Ghostbusters topics Ghosts on Camera Doing tours in your own city
Taco kNights Episode 5: Disneyland Tips, Tricks and Whatnots Part 2
18/06/2014 Duration: 01h49minThis week we continue with part 2 of Disneyland Tips, Tricks, and Whatnots with special guest Steven
Taco kNights Episode 4: E3, video games, and movies
11/06/2014 Duration: 02h08minThis week we have special guest Steven on the podcast. This weeks topics include: E3 Occulus Rift Super Smash Bros. A joke that is only funny when seen Goat Simulator Edge of Tomorrow Maleficent MPAA The Raid and The Raid 2 Million Ways To Die In The West Movies Ben has not seen Movies that we didn't understand as kids Rambo Movies Expendables Action Heroes
Taco kNights Episode 3: Disneyland Tips, Tricks, and Whatnots
08/06/2014 Duration: 01h34minThis week we talk about Disneyland Tips, Tricks, and Whatnots with special guest Steven
Taco kNights Episode 2: From Comics to Movies
04/06/2014 Duration: 01h11minThis weeks topics include: The Long Beach Comic Expo Marvel and DC cinematic Universes Gambit movie Deadpool movie End of Dark Knight Rises DC TV to Movies transition Batman v. Superman hype Disneyland Tidbits and much more
Taco kNights Episode 1: Hello World
01/03/2014 Duration: 02h01minHere it is our first episode of the Taco kNights Podcast. I decided to leave it in its completely raw form instead of editing it down. Please enjoy our first awkward steps into the world of podcasting.