From humble beginnings between a group of friends on Tuesday taco nights just hanging out and shooting the breeze, a mighty evolution has brought about a transformation into the Taco Knights of the Roundtable... or just the Taco kNights Podcast for short. We cover everything from Disney to movies to foodie-ness and entertainment that is all somehow connected by tangential topics and segue ways. Educational, informative, and possibly entertaining. This is the the Taco kNights podcast and we thank you for listening.
Taco kNights Episode 99: Wonder Woman Gonna Give It To Ya!
24/06/2017 Duration: 02h23minSpecial guests abound in this episode as we build up to number 100! Today we welcome Joseph and Leslie to taco 'bout stuff. YaY! Except we may have had too big of a meal beforehand and are running at half speed, but still providing full excitement! Wonder Woman is today's movie review (spoiler alert) and it is definitely worth a watch. Mix in a healthy dose of tangents that include MORE upcoming movies, Bill Nye, E3, and other stuff that I can't remember because it's way too late, and we have another show WOOOOOOOO!!! Tune in as we taco 'bout it and we'll figure out the rest together. You're welcome.
Taco kNights Episode 98: Minister Golf and Movies Go Down the Hole
10/06/2017 Duration: 01h26minCan't get enough movie talk? Well, neither can we! Or we just can't remember what we talked about and are doomed to repeat ourselves again. So we'll just putt-putt around (HA!) and have some wholesome family fun as we center (who are we kidding, not really) our talk on what once was and end up with a spoiler free (?) Wonder Woman first impression movie review and whether or not you should go see it. Do it and taco about it (tell us what you think)! YAAAASSSSS!
Taco kNights Episode 97: All About Movies... I Think.... Possibly Guardians
10/06/2017 Duration: 03h12minAgain we have a late posting from another late-night recording that went well past our collective consciousness to remember what we talked about, summarize it, and then upload it. Your guess is as good as ours in this one... but we're pretty sure we talked about movies.... most likely Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2... so when you hear the spoiler warning, go ahead and skip ahead about 30 minutes and you should be fine. Other than that, enjoy the surprise! Now let's TACO 'BOUT IT!!!
Taco kNights Episode 96: I'm Hungry
13/05/2017 Duration: 03h21minAnd now you're hungry too... for BOYSENBERRY, PANCAKES! All of this because Mother's Day is coming right up, Zelda: Breath of the Wild ruining some lives more than others, all kinds of food to find at the LA Food Bowl, plus food in general, and Hawai'i and the lazy rivers that make it awesome. What more do you need. Tune in as we TACO 'BOUT IT!
Taco kNights Episode 95: Guardians of the Star Wars Galaxy - Revenge of the Fifth
06/05/2017 Duration: 03h19minDrinko de Mayo:Part Dos We are back! What? Too soon? We know, we know... What did you all do to deserve this magnificently, tremendous podcast gift of another new episode that we bestow upon you today? Just bathe in the awesomeness... that is all. We continue the conversation from the last episode, sadly sans Phill, so we can't pick at his movie knowledge. But we'll make do and Guardians of the Galaxy up this podcast! Volume 2! Plus 40 years of Star Wars and a bonus Nintendo Switch review! What are you waiting for? Let's taco 'bout it!
Taco kNights Episode 94: Moto Pannukakku!!!
06/05/2017 Duration: 03h02minHappy Cinco de Mayo! Throw some more pancakes this way! For as you'll see... we simply cannot get enough of them... or respect ;) Mr. Movieman himself is here... Special Guest Phill joins us today for a 2017 Movie Round up! And that's all that I can remember so, yadda yadda yadda, throw in a healthy does of the Taco Tangents and we have ourselves a show! Throw back some of that tequila and tune in as we TACO 'BOUT IT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Taco kNights Episode 93: Dammit Nintendo and YaY Knott's!
22/04/2017 Duration: 03h37minIt's a brand new episode in which we... taco 'bout more of the same stuff from the last episode (but without interruptions this time) and it is a FULL show this time. First we start off with the love/hate Nintendo relationship and go over all the reasons why the won't take our money. And as we always do, segue into something related... MORE KNOTT'S BOYSENBERRY FESTIVAL!!! MMMMmmmm... so dive on in and let's TACO 'BOUT IT! [Note this episode has been uploaded at a slightly lower bitrate than usual to meet the space restrictions. A higher-level bitrate version may replace this one in the future as space permits.]
Taco kNights Episode 92: Hipster Pizza and Blackberries Matter
15/04/2017 Duration: 03h11minWarning: Explicit Steven content ahead. Now with that out of the way... we have more listener e-mail responses and requests! Thank you all for writing in and guiding this particular episode (as guided as can be anyway). Today we feature the Knott's Berry Farm Boysenberry Festival and all the stuffs to eats and gets there. Plus! It's another movie trailer review/prediction segment! You get to hear what we see while we TACO 'BOUT IT!!!
Taco kNights Episode 91: Sodas of Yore and Listener Mail
08/04/2017 Duration: 03h12minOvercoming technical difficulties is the name of this game. We are finally back with fixed equipment that is now running better then ever. Adjustments and fine tuning are still to be had as we try to get back into the groove of things. Now what better way to do that than by randomly talking about sodas of days gone by, tangent into other stuff that I can't remember, answer some listener mail, and finally throw in a bit more randomness as we finally hit our stride... only to end the show because it was running long. =P Nothing more to do now, so let's taco 'bout it!
Taco kNights Episode 90: Wrestling and/in Vegas!
04/03/2017 Duration: 01h07minWelcome back to another episode that started off at point A and ended up at point V... (whispers: V for Vegas). But it's less about debauchery this time and more about the foods ::drool:: Turn on you ears and your taste buds because... something, something, food... something, something... LET'S TACO 'BOUT IT!
Taco kNights Episode 89: Rated "S" for Special Steven Swears
04/02/2017 Duration: 03h17minAs you have probably surmised from the title, our special guest today is Swearing Steven! Join us for a tangential trek through alcohol, travel, Japan, Thailand, and more (Blythe? Yes. No. Can you repeat the question?)! Adult talk for adult ears in a slightly less than mature presentation. Need I say more? Of course not because this is the Taco kNights Podcast! Let’s TACO ‘bout it!
Taco kNights Episode 88: You're Gonna See Some Serious... MAAAAAAAAGIC
28/01/2017 Duration: 01h40minA magical night that leads to a magical review of a magical castle. A magical experience that can only be summed up by a magic word and a challenge to say "MAAAAAGIC" as many times as possible. Do you believe??? In... MAGIC??? Oh, oh, oh, it's... Magic... you knooooooow... Let's taco 'bout it! MAAAAGIC!
Taco kNights Episode 87: It's a New Year... It's Time for a Karaoke Revolution!
14/01/2017 Duration: 03h12minIt's a New Year and that means new things to taco 'bout and new thing to try out for your auditory pleasure (insert innuendo here... yeah). Music, Disney, and Japan are today's Taco Tangent Topics... 3T... or T3... or whatever. It's entertaining for someone! So tune in and let's taco 'bout it!
Taco kNights Episode 86: Carry Things Everyday and be Strange about... stuff
12/11/2016 Duration: 01h59minEDC is the name of the game... and speaking of games lasting 24 hours... and speaking of 24 hours,which is a day, which are part of weeks... last week Doctor Strange opened up across the nation - the last major Marvel movie before the holidays... speaking of holidays, time to shop and see all the cool stuff and decorations... like what they have at Disneyland... Captain EO! SEGUE!
Taco kNights Episode 85: Life Happens and Then You're No Longer Disabled
22/10/2016 Duration: 02h24minThank you for sticking around with us as Life happened. But we have stories to catch you up on what we've been doing! A little bit of marriage here, a little bit of es-ca-pe there, some Guardian of the Star Wars Galaxy sprinkled in with a handful of tangents and we've got another rock solid, classic Taco kNights! Welcome back and enjoy Brochachos!
Taco kNights Episode 84: I Don't Remember What This Was About (Part 2)
22/10/2016 Duration: 02h30minSome say that he predicts stuff... And that he knows how to critically watch movies... All we know, is he's called the Phill!
Taco kNights Episode 83: I Don't Remember What This Was About (Part 1)
22/10/2016 Duration: 02h16minSome say that he curses a lot... a lot a lot... And that he knows how to make people bleed black... All we know, is he's called the Steven!
Taco kNights Episode 82: Comic Con 2016 Movie Trailer Round-up with Special Guest Phill
06/08/2016 Duration: 02h24minWe have a special guest this week... PHILL! That makes for a very movie-centric podcast today as we review the big ticket movies that made their summer debut, as well as the new trailers to make their way out of Comic Con 2016. We've got the spirit and you've got to hear it, now on with the show!!! TACO! TACO! TACO! 'BOUT IT!!!
Taco kNights Episode 81: Pokemon GO! It's a HEATWAVE!!! Oh and Comic Con too
23/07/2016 Duration: 01h35minAs we alluded to in the last show, we kick off with POKEMON GO! related news that's fit for podcasting! such as pokemon GO spawn tracking/locating via the website... AND AND AND!!! In our delirium, we jump all over the place and talk up the Power Rangers movie reboot, Comic Con, some other stuff that was heat-wiped from our memory banks... Want more specifics? Tune in as we TACO 'BOUT IT! because we sure don't remember!
Taco kNights Episode 80: The More Bettter, More Funner Retroness Nostalgia Fueled by Nintendo, Pokemon GO, and Star Wars Episode Megasode Thingy
16/07/2016 Duration: 02h34minJust as the title implies, we are trolling for grammar nazis... oh, and we have new, old content too. In this nostalgia-centric episode, we go way back to the Nintendo of the 80's as they debut their new retro console, to be released this November 11th, 2016. We take an in depth look at the 30 games included and give our thoughts on whether to buy, or not to buy. And speaking of Nintendo, Pokemon GO has become a thing now... a big thing... of craziness... so yeah... And with old classics becoming new again, we drop the new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Behind the Scenes Celebration 2016 trailer that debuted in the UK as of this morning! That was a mouthful, like when you get bugs in your teeth from riding around that lightcycle all day, a la Tron Legacy. Yeah, we talk about that too. Plus! Taco kNights corrections... or Taco-rections... or something like that. I said it, now you say it too. Let's TACO 'BOUT IT!