A podcast dedicated to toys and collectibles based on Marvel Comics, from the Hasbro Marvel Universe line to all the tie-in lines for the various Marvel films, plus high end statues, prop replicas, video games, and more!
Issue 133: Guardians of the Podcast Part 2
07/01/2015 Duration: 01h20minWith 2014 behind us and 2015 ahead, the crew at Marvelicious Toys deliver their second roundtable discussion looking back at 2014 and forward to 2015. First, Arnie, Marjorie, Justin, and their guest hosts, look back at the high end collectibles in 2014. Kotobukiya. Hot Toys. Sideshow Premium Format Figures. Bowen Designs Statues. Gentle Giant Mini-Busts. XM Studios quarter-scale statues. These high-end items have been hitting hard and fast for Marvel collectors making fans think hard about where to spend their money. Join them as they determine who made the best expensive toys of the year! Then they look forward to 2015. With Toy Fair just over a month away they say what they want to see, and what they expect to see, going forward! All that and more in this episode of Marvelicious Toys! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video editors, audio editors, and photo editors! Find out all the details in our forums!
Issue 132: Guardians of the Podcast Part 1
24/12/2014 Duration: 01h03minIt all started with Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Then quickly came The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past before peaking with Guardians of the Galaxy. Then the year ended quietly with the barely-Marvel based Big Hero 6. Yes, it was a big year for Marvel comics in movies. Now Arnie, Marjorie, and Justin are joined by several special guests to look back at all these movies and what it meant to collectors! From Gentle Giant to Sideshow, Hot Toys to Play Imaginative, and so much more, there were tons of movie based products to buy. The panel discusses their favorites and what movie was their favorite of the year! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video editors, audio editors, and photo editors! Find out all the details in our forums!
Issue 131: So Right It's Thong
12/12/2014 Duration: 01h15minWith the Holidays coming the stores are full of toys, and bargains! From a Toys R Us exclusive, free Rocket Racoon LEGO mini-figure to discounts on Disney's Marvel Infinity figures and even some hard to find Marvel Infinite Series figures hitting shelves! On this issue of Marvelicious Toys Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie tell you where to shop to get the most toys for your buck! Also on this week's show is a review of Gentle Giant's new quarter-scale Black Widow, from their line of statues based on Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This statue is made from a 3-D scan of Scarlett Johansson. Watch and see how this Widow stacks up against Sideshow's Premium Format figures. With an in-depth look at 3-D Plus Me's statues, the Super Awesome Me figures, Sideshow's new art print line, and much more, it's an episode stuffed more full than a Christmas stocking! So watch now! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video editors, audio editors, and photo editors! Find ou
Issue 130: Black Friday and Sweet Christmas Gift Guide 2014
27/11/2014 Duration: 01h30minIt's Thanksgiving and time for Marvelicious Toys' 5th Annual Black Friday Shopping and Holiday Gift Guide! First, Justin, Arnie, and Marjorie run down all the Marvel toys and collectibles on sale Thursday through Sunday this weekend. From Disney Infinity toys to Hasbro figures, listen to find out where the deep discounts are in stores and online! Also this show, shopping for collectors can be challenging. Whether you're buying for your friend, spouse, or perhaps a holiday treat for yourself, the choices are daunting. Join the Marvelicious hosts as they detail the hot Marvel gifts this year. From action figures to high end collectibles to housewares, shirts, and even a few WTF items, it's all in this issue! Plus there's still a few days left to sign up for the Marvelicious Toys Holiday Gift X-Change! Registration closes December 2nd so sign up now to give and get some Marvel goodies this holiday season! It's an episode more full than your plate at Thanksgiving dinner, so watch now! We want
Issue 129: Holding Out for a Big Hero 6
07/11/2014 Duration: 01h20minIt's been a great year for Marvel movies and that looks to continue today with the release of Big Hero 6. This film is the first movie from Disney Animation to be based on Marvel Comics characters, and the ones chosen are even more obscure than the Guardians of the Galaxy! But with this new movie comes new licensing deals, and the toys are not from Hasbro but Ban Dai. In this issue of Marvelicious Toys, join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin as they look at the 4-inch figure line as well as the SDCC exclusive Baymax figure! But also on this show is something for fans of more classic Marvel characters. Hitting Targets is an exclusive three pack of Marvel Legends figures: Ms. Marvel, Radioactive Man, and Captain America. Is this set worth hunting down? Watch this show for a full review! With more news on Marvel films, some stocking stuffers in the toy aisle, and more, it's all in this new Marvelicious Toys podcast! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video editor
Issue 128: No Full Cream Hulk at NYCC
01/11/2014 Duration: 01h03minMarvel movies are where it's at! This past week saw the announcement of nine new, upcoming movies based on the characters of Marvel Comics, and it couldn't come at a better time as the community is giddy over the two trailers shown for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Arnie first saw these trailers at New York Comic-Con, as well as footage from Ant-Man and more upcoming Marvel projects. On this issue of Marvelicious Toys the hosts all give their impression of the next big superhero film to hit theaters! Also on this week's show Marjorie and Arnie report from New York Comic-Con 2014. From new Avengers and Infinite Series figures shown by Hasbro to an X-trordinary new Art-FX+ collection by Kotobukiya and so much more, it's all covered in this show! With a review of the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. at the Discovery Center in Times Square, a discussion of NYCC attendance, and so much more, it's all in this bonus issue of Marvelicious Toys! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video edito
Issue 127: Man of Steelbooks
22/10/2014 Duration: 01h02minWith Captain America: The Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past Marvel movie collectors have seen their share of variant covers and exclusive gimmicks. But for the hard core movie collectors the best versions aren't available in the states. The collectible rage overseas is steelbooks! Exclusive, limited edition cases only available in Europe and Asia can cost a pretty penny for American fans, but it's a price many are willing to pay. What makes these so sought after? From the UK, Star Wars Action News reporter and Marvel movie collector Steve "The Gingerprince", reports in with a review of several of the best Steelbooks! Also on this week's episode Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin have been scanned--by 3D Plus Me! At San Diego Comic-Con the hosts had their heads imaged for custom statues putting their heads on Marvel characters from Black Widow to Iron Man to M.O.D.O.K. Now the company has partnered with Hasbro for Super Awesome Me--custom face scans put atop an articulated Hasbro Titan figure of
Issue 126: If You Squint...
08/10/2014 Duration: 01h17minIt's no secret that Marvel downplays any X-Men merchandise preferring to promote toys, statues, and comics featuring characters owned by their Marvel Studios movie branch. Yet, with the major release of X-Men: Days of Future Past, Hasbro was able to release a wave of Marvel Legends figures based on the comic incarnations for many of Marvel's mighty mutants. Magneto and Wolverine, Stryfe and Storm, plus Cyclops all are in this Toys R Us exclusive wave, and with all the figures you can also build Jubilee. On this issue of Marvelicious Toys Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin review these six new releases and discuss where you can order a set now! Also on this week's show, the Guardians of the Galaxy merchandise is starting to hit hard. The hosts review Kotobukiya's new Art-FX+ Rocket Raccoon and Groot statue, as well as the Rocket Raccoon Labbit from Kidrobot! With Justin's final decision on Sideshow's 12-inch Deadpool, major sales at Walgreens stores, and more, it's all in this issue of Marvelicious Toys!
Issue 125: Slot Machine
24/09/2014 Duration: 01h10minMarvelicious Toys is back! Arnie and Marjorie have returned from Vegas, but on their trip they found plenty of Marvel goodies! From Iron Man slot machines to a Kidrobot retail outlet, and more, listen to find out that what toys are found in Vegas don't necessarily stay in Vegas! Also this week, Sideshow Collectibles new 12-inch Marvel figure line has debuted with their first offering--Deadpool! Justin runs down this new figure, as well as the upcoming Deadpool movie! With a rundown of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier and X-Men: Days of Future Past exclusive Blu-ray releases, Sideshow's new Thor - The Dark World Premium Format figure, Agent Venom at discount, and so much more in this issue of Marvelicious Toys!
Issue 124: I Am Electro Head
27/08/2014 Duration: 01h11minMarvel movies have had one of their best years ever in 2014. The X-Men were back with a vengeance in Days of Future Past. Captain America's second film proved better than his first as he fought HYDRA and The Winter Soldier. A new franchise was launched, and now Guardians of the Galaxy is poised to become the year's top-grossing film. Even The Amazing Spider-Man 2 brought in fans with its high action and final twist. On this issue of the Marvelicious Toys podcast Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie give their thoughts on Guardians, from a dancing baby Groot to a mechanical arm! Plus they run down all the Amazing Spider-Man 2 exclusive releases, and the upcoming exclusives for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Also on this show, Marjorie and Arnie went to Wizard World Chicago where Marjorie met Winter Soldier stars Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, plus Stan Lee, Dave Bautista, and others. Watch to find out about the artists, celebrities, and toys found at the con! With a look at new Marvel Legends
Issue 123: San Diego Comic-Con 2014 Coverage
05/08/2014 Duration: 118h13minExclusives. New Product Reveals. M.O.D.O.K. Me! All of this and more were hot topics of conversation at the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con International! Now on this episode of Marvelicious Toys join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin live on the convention floor as they discuss the exclusives and new Marvel toys and collectibles revealed at this year's Comic-Con. Plus watch for exclusive interviews with Hasbro, Gentle Giant, Kotobukiya, 3-D Plus Me, and Diamond Select Toys for even more news! Discover the fate of Diamond Select's X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure. Hear Hasbro's answer as to when Bulldozer will see the light of day. Find out what Koto has planned after their Avengers Art-FX+ series ends, and so much more! It's just like having a press pass for SDCC, but without the aching back and sore feet! So kick back and enjoy this episode of Marvelicious Toys!
Issue 122: It's Raining Gwen!
22/07/2014 Duration: 145h53minSideshow Collectibles has been hitting Marvel collectors fast and hard with tons of new pre-orders, product reveals, and more in the weeks leading up to San Diego Comic-Con. Not only are new items on the site, they're shipping too! Two of the most hotly anticipated statues from Sideshow are the J. Scott Campbell collection's Gwen Stacey maquette and the giant Premium Format Apocalypse figure. Join Marvelicious hosts Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie in this issue for detailed reviews of both! But if you prefer collecting items with articulation, this show has plenty of that as well! While not yet in most stores, Hasbro's new Marvel Infinite Series figures have been shipping from online resellers and Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie got Waves 2 and 3 from! Watch this episode and see the video reviews of these new toys including Death's Head, Ant-Man, Red She-Hulk, Ares, and more! With a complete run-down of exclusives going for sale tomorrow at San Diego Comic-Con International, a report of ne
Issue 121: Marv-ILL-icious Toys
09/07/2014 Duration: 01h05minIt's like the plot of a comic book--a mysterious illness has infected the Marvelicious Toys staff. Two of the podcast hosts have had to go to the Emergency Room in the past two weeks. But the show must go on! There is just too much happening in the world of Marvel toy collecting to take a week off! So join Marjorie, Arnie, and Justin this week in Marv-ILL-icious Toys and find out about the latest Hasbro Legends and Infinite Series figures hitting stores and online! In this podcast the hosts run down the latest exclusive information from San Diego Comic-Con including four variant statues from Kotobukiya and the new Hot Toys Iron Man Python Armor. Listen to find out how to get your hands on those! Plus, in addition to a cold, the Guardians of the Galaxy fever is rampaging through the Marvelicious staff! After the IMAX preview Monday night the hype is in full effect. Watch the videos to see the new 2-inch Guardians figures, the Toys R Us exclusive Rocket Raccoon and much more! And do you want the
Issue 120: Guardians of the Podcast
25/06/2014 Duration: 01h27minExcitement is building for the Guardians of the Galaxy -- Marvel Studios' next cinematic adaptation of Marvel Universe superheroes. Trailers have raised awareness of rogue space criminals Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon. Now the toys are starting to hit stores, including the collector-focused Marvel Legends figures! Join Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie on this issue of the Marvelicious Toys podcast to hear their in-depth reviews of these five movie-based figures, as well as the comic based Iron Man and Nova figures. Also on this show we look at Disney Infinity 2.0, the Marvel Universe installment. With characters like Captain America and Venom coming out as figures that unlock playable characters, it's sure to be a hit with kids. But will adult collectors be drawn into this Infinity and beyond? It's discussed on this show. With new, exclusive Diamond Select Toys figures, Sideshow's Iron Man Mk 42 Maquette, Black Widow sightings at retail, and more, it's all right now in the new Marv
Issue 119: Hot Toys, We Salute You
18/06/2014 Duration: 49minPre-orders seem to be like plane crashes, they always come in threes. So with tons of new items arriving on their doorsteps Marvelicious Toys hosts Justin, Arnie, and Marjorie are here with a bonus episode of the podcast!First they look at Iron Patriot, the first Die Cast Hot Toys Iron Man figure released. Standing 12-inches tall, coming with a bevvy of accessories and light-up features, listen to find out why the hosts think this is a figure worthy of a sharp salute!Then the next Avengers Art-FX+ statue has been released from Kotobukiya: Black Widow. Based upon art by Adi Granov and crafted with Kotobukiya's attention to detail, listen to find out if this femme fatale should find a prominent place in your collection.And finally for those who prefer their statues quite a bit larger Sideshow has released their quarter-scale 19-inch Black Widow Premium Format Figure. For this piece Sideshow gave the Russian spy a likeness more in line with her comic book incarnation, dressed in black leather with the tradem
Issue 118: Ducks of Future Past
11/06/2014 Duration: 01h27minThe third film based on Marvel Comics has hit theaters -- X-Men: Days of Future Past. While toy tie-ins have been few, the movie itself has been a huge success becoming the top grossing X-Men film worldwide! On this issue of Marvelicious Toys Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie give their brief review of this film. So join them and then come to our forums to share your thoughts!But from the newest Marvel film to the oldest--Howard the Duck, the first Marvel Comics character to be featured in a live action feature. Recently some rare items from this film showed up on eBay, and Arnie went ducking nuts over them. Listen to find out about these one-of-a-kind collectibles!With new Infinite Series figures in stores and online, Guardians of the Galaxy Legends, a new wave of X-Men Marvel Legends figures and much, much more, it's all in the new issue of the Marvelicious Toys podcast!And join us next week for a bonus issue of Marvelicious Toys where we review the Hot Toys Iron Patriot MMS figure and three Black Widow stat
Issue 117: Flocking A Pop
21/05/2014 Duration: 01h13minLast year at San Diego Comic-Con Kotobukiya showed off the unpainted model for their Art-FX+ Hulk Statue. It has now been released and the Marvelicious Toys hosts have it in hand! Listen to find out why this is a smashing collectible you need to rush to own. Then head back to our San Diego Comic-Con podcast to hear our interview with Adi about the statue!Also on this week's show, Marjorie, Justin, and Arnie have seen The Amazing Spider-Man 2. With the Legends, 3.75-inch, and Hot Toys all ordered...was the movie any good? Listen to hear their thoughts on the latest Marvel superhero movie, and their anticipation for this weekend's X-Men: Days of Future Past!With a report from the Toy Man Toy Show in St. Louis, a new Diamond Select exclusive in Disney Stores, a Hot Toys release that's really a bust, and so much more, it's all in this Marvelicious Toys podcast!
Issue 116: C2-Tattoo
07/05/2014 Duration: 01h10minLast weekend was C2E2 in Chicago and Marjorie and Arnie were there to look at the new toys shown by Diamond Select Toys, show exclusives, toys on the floor, and more! Listen to this episode of Marvelicious Toys podcast to hear about Chicago's biggest comic and toy convention!And from the biggest convention to the smallest Funko Marvel Toys -- Mystery Minis have exploded into the marketplace. On this episode Marjorie reviews some Mini figures provided to us by show sponsor Dorkside Toys!With a Timely Review of Toy Biz X-Men teams, a chance to win a Marvel Infinite Series Wasp figure, some SDCC event news, and so much more, it's all in this Marvelicious Toys podcast! And hear Arnie's reviews of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier at
Issue 115: See the New Figures in Infinite!
23/04/2014 Duration: 01h23minHasbro's new MARVEL INFINITE SERIES of figures are here! A rebrand of the Marvel Universe figure line that ran from 2009 to 2013, these highly articulated, comic-inspired, collector-focused figures are back with new black cards. Three waves have already been put up for order, and the hosts of Marvelicious Toys have the first wave in hand. Grim Reaper! Hyperion! Marvel NOW Hulk! And the infinitely hard to find Wasp! Listen to find out if these is the same figure line 3.75-inch collectors have come to love! Plus you can win an Infinite Series Wasp figure! Details are on this show!Also in this episode, Marjorie and Arnie have just come from Wizard World St. Louis and are preparing to go to C2E2 this weekend. Listen to find out about the shopping, the sketch covers, and Arnie vs. The Hulk himself, Lou Ferrigno!With two new Sideshow Premium Format figures, a swinging new Hot Toys figure release, a review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, discount Marvel Legends figures and more, it's all in this jam-p
Issue 114: Captain America -- [BLEEP] Yeah!
09/04/2014 Duration: 01h38minDid you see Captain America: The Winter Soldier last weekend? Along with Cap, Black Widow, and Nick Fury, new screen hero The Falcon spread his wings and showed he has the right stuff to be an Avenger! But Marvel toy collectors who want their favorite flying Falcon in figure form won't find him in 6-inches, Hasbro has only made that figure in the smaller 3.75-inch Captain America movie line. On this week's show Marjore, Arnie, and special guest host Jerry look at the first two waves of Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie figures. From Cap to Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Red Skull, are these kids toys or great collector items? Listen to find out!Plus we're barely off Captain America when the hype hits hard for the next Marvel superhero hitting the big screen: The Amazing Spider-Man 2! On this show the hosts also review that movie's 3.75-inch figure line with a light-up Electro and a tangled web of Spider-Man costumes.With a look at Hot Toys' newest pre-orders, Sideshow's Hulking entries in the Prem