Marvelicious Toys - The Marvel Universe Toy & Collectibles Podcast - Audio Podcast Feed

Issue 133: Guardians of the Podcast Part 2



With 2014 behind us and 2015 ahead, the crew at Marvelicious Toys deliver their second roundtable discussion looking back at 2014 and forward to 2015. First, Arnie, Marjorie, Justin, and their guest hosts, look back at the high end collectibles in 2014. Kotobukiya. Hot Toys. Sideshow Premium Format Figures. Bowen Designs Statues. Gentle Giant Mini-Busts. XM Studios quarter-scale statues. These high-end items have been hitting hard and fast for Marvel collectors making fans think hard about where to spend their money. Join them as they determine who made the best expensive toys of the year! Then they look forward to 2015. With Toy Fair just over a month away they say what they want to see, and what they expect to see, going forward! All that and more in this episode of Marvelicious Toys! We want you to join our team! We have openings currently for video editors, audio editors, and photo editors! Find out all the details in our forums!