Insights and motivations episodes that showcase business and personal development mindsets from ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
118 Preparing Women And Girls To Run A Business
01/09/2015 Duration: 13minIf you are female and wondered if you could run a business, Bonnie Frank thinks you can and tells you why.
117 Real Time Event Collaboration - The Next New Thing
28/08/2015 Duration: 05minTired of being talked at and enjoying it even less. Live event collaboration could be a game changer in how you interact with friends or make business connections.
116 Sales Whisperer: Social Media Only The Start
20/08/2015 Duration: 21minThe Sales Whisperer tells you why there has to be a system to your sales activity and Social Media has not changed that.
115 Two Foodies Tell Why Blogging Is Not Easy
13/08/2015 Duration: 20minThinking of starting a food blog? The Foodie Entrepreneur returns with a posse to explain how building a brand is not that easy.
114 Stop Letting Self-Sabotage Be Your Best Friend
06/08/2015 Duration: 10minDespite your best intentions you find yourself working against yourself. This episode shows you how to break the patterns that have made self-sabotage your best friend.
113 4 Powerful Psychological Strategies to Use When Negotiating
30/07/2015 Duration: 08minLooking to create a powerful psychological mindset for negotiating without manipulation or tricks. This episode tells you how.
112 Farloft Author Does A Writer's Master Class
21/07/2015 Duration: 20minFarloft author Theresa Snyder talks writing and gives the business side of the profession.
111 We Need Mandela Day for 365 Days
18/07/2015 Duration: 03minAs South Africa celebrates National Mandela Day, a few thoughts on how we can celebrate all year long.
110 What Leaders Can Learn From Agile Project Managers
17/07/2015 Duration: 14minHave you ever thought: If only my boss would let me work on my project and just help me when I needed it? Agile Management wants to do just that. What leaders can learn from it.
109 Wimbledon and Emotionally Resetting Under Pressure
13/07/2015 Duration: 06minWant to know how the pros perform under pressure? What I saw during a Wimbledon final.
108 Dr. Morten Analytics and why You Don't Need to Fear Artificial Intelligence
09/07/2015 Duration: 23minAnalytics Guru Dr Morten explains why you trust the likes of Netflix and Facebook yet don't realize them as analytics, in addition to other benefits of this growing science.
107 The Foodie Entrepreneur Talks Starting A Food Blog
02/07/2015 Duration: 16minThe Foodie Entrepreneur allows you on the journey as she shares her experiences and tells everything she learned starting an Asian food blog.
106 Motivation - If not NOW Then When
26/06/2015 Duration: 05minYou want to make a change but somehow it does not seem to be happening. This is the episode you need to hear.
105 Leadership is Lonely - What To do About it
18/06/2015 Duration: 07minOwners and managers face challenges their subordinates never think about, one of which is who do they talk to about their concerns or lack of confidence. This episodes provides advice on how to tackle it.
104 Are You Closing Sales or Wasting Your Time ?
11/06/2015 Duration: 07minSelling is more than this is what my product does. This episode tells you how to close like a pro.
103 Leadership Less about Actions and More about Belief
04/06/2015 Duration: 17minGreat leadership is less about how the leader acts and a great deal about instilling belief. This episode explains why that matters.
102 Adding 99 To Your Price Maybe Wrong
03/06/2015 Duration: 07minNew research explains how the brain sees pricing and how you can drive more sales by using it.
101 You May Not Believe It But Roadblocks Are Your Friend
27/05/2015 Duration: 06minNo one likes failure or when you encounter a roadblock but they are one of the best methods to help you grow. This episode tells you how to use them to your advantage.
100 One Hundred Podcast Episodes and What I learned
21/05/2015 Duration: 06minOver a year ago the thought of completing 100 podcast episodes seemed impossible and yet here it is. What was learned along the way.
099 Are Women Approaching The Workplace All Wrong
14/05/2015 Duration: 22minWomen have always been told to adapt in the work place, when maybe a new approach is in order. This episode explores how women can strive and still be authentic.