Insights and motivations episodes that showcase business and personal development mindsets from ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
078 Distractions Often Come Dressed as Opportunities
06/01/2015 Duration: 08minDeveloping a goal or niche often presents tempting opportunities that are really distractions in disguise. This episode shows you how to spot them.
077 2 Changes That Will Make Your Resolutions Stick
02/01/2015 Duration: 06minSuccessful resolutions are based on building a strong psychological foundation for the things you want. This episode shows you how to build it.
076 6 Reasons A Leader Or Marketer Needs To Be a Storyteller
18/12/2014 Duration: 10minThe key to effective leadership or marketing is built on being able to communicate through storytelling. This episode tells you how to do it well.
075 Behavioral Economics Can Make Your Resolutions Successful
12/12/2014 Duration: 09minBehavioral economics seeks to unite the principles of economics with the realities of human psychology. This episode tells you how that can help your resolutions.
074 What Facebooks Pay-To-Play Means for Small Business
03/12/2014 Duration: 08minOnce it became official that Facebook was becoming a pure pay-to-play platform the landscape for small businesses changed. Learn what you can do to still thrive.
073 The Writer As Publishing Entrepreneur
25/11/2014 Duration: 19minIt's difficult to think of writers as entrepreneurs and yet Annie Acorn demonstrates a career path of moving from being an accomplished writer to developing her own publishing company.
072 Want To blog... But Is Blogging For You?
19/11/2014 Duration: 10minSo you want to start a blog. A few tips that will pave the way and help you decide if blogging really is for you.
071 When 9 -5 Does Not Work For You
13/11/2014 Duration: 17minFor Alyssa Morrisy a regular job would not fit into life as it was developing. So now she helps women learn how to be entrepreneurs and what they can expect
070 Goal Accountability Without Punishment or The Guilt
11/11/2014 Duration: 11minMention goals with accountability and people immediately think punishment or guilt, when really it is neither. True accountability is about how you as a leader have decided to organize the process that will get things done.
069 Are You Building Enough Relationships To Grow Your Business?
04/11/2014 Duration: 18minSocial Media was supposed to help make connections but connections are not relationships which the Mr. Nice Guy guest Doug Sandler says are what will grow your business.
068 A Master Class In Supply Chain Business Planning
28/10/2014 Duration: 29minHave an idea and want to start a business? Now you need to listen to a master class with The Supply Chain Guy to plan how to make money and get your product effectively to your customers.
067 Small Morning Changes That Can Jump Start Your Day
24/10/2014 Duration: 06minA few simple changes in the morning can change the way you approach your day. Find out what they are.
066 Optimal Performance: A Sleep Researcher Tells You How
21/10/2014 Duration: 14minWho would have thought that sleep and dreams could help you create that next new product or even in athletics? A sleep researcher tells you how.
065 The Entrepreneural Esendemir Sisters Of The FlatBread Grill
16/10/2014 Duration: 23minThe Esendemir sisters started out to open a restaurant and ended as a story full of suspense, trials, and ultimately overcoming the odds of starting a business.
064 Help For The Dark Side of Being An Entrepreneur
14/10/2014 Duration: 13minMention entrepreneur and people think of the smart innovator, but there is a dark side to this image.This episode shows how to stay in the light.
063 You Can Shine On Twitter
09/10/2014 Duration: 08minThe 140 characters are the easy part of understanding Twitter. Learn how to shine on the platform.
062 Social Media Is Still A Sales Call
02/10/2014 Duration: 08minSocial Media is not about using a scatter gun approach but more building relationships that help people want to buy your product.
061 Introverts - How To Play To Your Strengths
30/09/2014 Duration: 19minBeing an introvert does not have to limit you, but you do have to play to your strengths.
060 After Much Resistance - Why I Love Google Plus
25/09/2014 Duration: 06minI resisted using Google Plus for the longest time, and then I tried the features...
059 Networking to Supercharge Your Relationships
23/09/2014 Duration: 11minNetworking is a basic part of business and social promotion. A pro shows how to make it effortless to supercharge your relationships.