Norris Ferry Community Church Sermons



Norris Ferry Community Church sermons


  • Our Bodily Resurrection - 1 Cor 15:12-19 (Audio)


    Belief in the bodily resurrection is a foundational pillar of our christian beliefs. Without that, there are consequences that affect our eternity with Christ.

  • The Heart of the Gospel - 1 Cor 15: 1-11 (Audio)


    The gospel is the good news about Jesus' life, death and resurrection. The significance of that is without equal and should affect our every day lives.

  • Gathering for the Good (Audio)


    When we gather as a group, we are supposed to do so with peace, respect, and humility so that God may be able to use it for our good.

  • Always Build Up (Audio)


    Two main spiritual gifts prevailed in the Corinthian church, but Paul says that prophecy is much better than speaking in tongues. That is because prophecy is used for edification of the body rather than self.

  • Love: The Better Way (Audio)


    Love is the one thing that lasts above all else. Even after faith, hope, prophecies and knowledge have been fulfilled, love will remain.

  • Spiritual Gifts (Audio)


    Spiritual gifts are the manifestation of God through us and as such are not meant to be a means to divide the body of Christ but instead show us how each of us is special and needed.

  • The Lord's Supper (Audio)


    The Lord's supper is more than just something we do every couple months. It is a reminder of what Christ gave up for us and it is meant to be unifying time of our community.

  • How to Use Our Freedoms (Audio)


    We have traditions that are steeped in theology just as the old church did. Though some of them may seem strange or foreign, there is a deeper meaning behind why they are done. In keeping with those traditions, we are supposed to make sure that we...

  • The Responsibilty of Our Freedoms (Audio)


    We have incredible freedoms in Christ but we are not meant to selfishly fulfill any desire we have thanks to those freedoms. There are others that we have to take into account when we exercise those freedoms.

  • Our Community (Audio)


    Our community can impact our lives strongly and as such, we are called to belong to a community of believers. If we continue to live and long for a community of unbelievers, then we need a reevaluation of our heart.

  • Paul's Apostleship (Audio)


    Even great Apostles like Paul were discounted by some in their time. However, Paul refutes the claims of hi apostleship and outlines exactly why he is one.

  • 3 Aspects of Christmas Blessing (Audio)


    We know that Jesus is the light of the world and as that He brings more than just the light. He also brings with in Him hope, joy and peace.

  • Lottie Moon (Audio)


    Lottie Moon is more than just the name of an offering that is taken up once a year. She was a woman that is an inspiration for us to follow the great commission and take the good news of Jesus to the ends of the Earth.

  • Interacting with Each Other (Audio)


    Everyone is at a different time in their understanding of the truths and freedoms that are afforded to us by God. Because of that, we are to be loving and careful when explaining and living out those truths.

  • Marriage or Singleness (Audio)


    Paul wishes that everyone could stay singles and fully devote themselves to God like he does. Though that lifestyle is not for everyone, God does give that spiritual gift to some and Paul shows us the greatness that can come from that.

  • Our Calling (Audio)


    God knows where you are and where you were when He called you to Himself. He wants to stay in that place and be light to those around you where you can show His love to others.

  • Biblical Marriage (Audio)


    There are many different aspects of marriage that are talked about throughout the Bible but Paul focuses on the bonding side of marriage in this passage. Sex is an integral part of marriage and Paul describes the benefits of being healthy in that area.

  • Orphan Sunday (Audio)


    Greatness in God's eyes does not mean that we are supposed put ourselves in a position where we can be seen and praised. Instead it is that we treat the least of us, children as examples, with the utmost respect and care. For when we care for...

  • Combating Sexual Immorality (Audio)


    As uncomfortable it can be to talk about, sexual immorality is a major point brought out by Paul. We can use the knowledge that we have of our resurrection through Christ, our union with Christ and the fact that we were bought with a high price by...

  • Conflict Resolution Within the Church (Audio)


    Within the body, we are supposed to handle any grievances we have differently than those outside of God's will. Paul even goes so far as to say that we should be willing to take the wrongdoing without reprisal, as hard as that may seem.

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