Norris Ferry Community Church Sermons



Norris Ferry Community Church sermons


  • Jesus's Apostles -- Luke 6:12-26 (Audio)

    25/10/2020 Duration: 40min

    Now, today, as we continue our study of Luke we see Jesus establishing his church planting core team if you will. Out of his disciples he calls a leadership team of twelve men and he begins to equip them for their work. My prayer is that the Lord...

  • Set Free to Worship -- Luke 5:31-6:11 (Audio)

    18/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Today we are going to try to understand what Jesus means in these parables about cloths and wineskins....I think most of us have a negative opinion of the Pharisees because a lot of times when Jesus is speaking to them in the Bible He is correcting...

  • Jesus Calls Disciples -- Luke 5:1-32 (Audio)

    11/10/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    This week, we see two accounts of Jesus calling men to follow him - to be his disciples - with two miracles sandwiched in between. I believe Luke is telling us in these verses what it means to be a disciple of Jesus so that’s what we’ll look for in...

  • Jesus's Authority -- Luke 4:31-44 (Audio)

    04/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Today we are going to look at Luke 4:31-44 and in these verses Luke records several events in Jesus’s life that make it clear that Jesus carries in Himself the very authority of God Almighty. My prayer is that God will use these verses to humble us...

  • The Messiah Rejected -- Luke 4:14-30 (Audio)

    27/09/2020 Duration: 59min

    Jesus returns to his hometown of Nazareth to teach in the synagogue. In reading Isaiah 61, Jesus claims that he is the fulfillment of the old testament prophecy. In their pride, the people of Nazareth reject Jesus. In today's sermon, Kevin...

  • The Temptation of Jesus -- Luke 4:1-15 (Audio)

    20/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    We are going to look at three temptations and in each one we will look at the nature of the temptation, Jesus’ response to the temptation, and finally the lesson from the temptation.

  • John's Witness -- Luke 3:1-20 (Audio)

    13/09/2020 Duration: 37min

    In these verses we see three more testimonies that Jesus is the Son of God: John the Baptist, God (at the Baptism), and the Genealogy. I want to focus on John’s role to learn what we can about our role as witnesses.

  • Jesus, Holy, Son of God--Luke 2:21-52 (Audio)

    06/09/2020 Duration: 33min

    We are only two chapters in and Jesus is only twelve years old and already we are confronted with the evidence that Jesus is great. He is the Son of the Most High and God has given to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the...

  • God's Mercy--Luke 1:57-2:20 (Audio)

    30/08/2020 Duration: 35min

    How would you describe God? Different things shape our view of God...what we will see in our text today, in particular, is that God is rich in mercy.

  • The Joyful Song of Belief--Luke 1:5-56 (Audio)

    23/08/2020 Duration: 42min

    Zechariah and Mary have two very different responses to God's Good News.Through Zechariah's unbelief, he became mute, while Mary's belief in Gabriel's message led her to rejoice in song. Jared challenges us to examine our response...

  • Gospel Certainty--Luke 1:1-4 (Audio)

    16/08/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    How do you know what to believe? How do you know the Christian message is true? Do we believe the gospel just because we were born in America? Do we believe the Christian message just because our parents or grandparents did? How can we be certain?

  • Gospel Comfort (Audio)


    Today, Paul’s words will challenge us to consider how we respond to affliction. What do we do when we feel the burden is too much to bear? My prayer is that we are encouraged this morning to turn to the Lord, the God of all comfort.

  • Senior Commissioning Service (Audio)


    Welcome to our senior commissioning service. Congratulations Seniors!

  • Gospel Loyalty (Audio)


    Today we come to our final message in 1 Corinthians as we look at 16:13-24. If you remember, Paul started the church in Corinth then he headed out to Ephesus but while ministering in Ephesus he received what I would call a complaint letter detailing...

  • Gospel Community (Audio)

    19/04/2020 Duration: 55min

    In these verses we will see three ways the gospel moves believers to help each other. Three ways the gospel moves believers to love on another.

  • The Victory of the Resurrection (Audio)


    Happy Resurrection Sunday! We are so glad you have joined us for worship this joyful morning where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

  • The Nature of Our Resurrection (Audio)


    There are a lot of things that we don’t really understand but we accept it anyway. Then why do we oftentimes have a hard time accepting Spiritual realities that we don’t fully understand.

  • God Is Alive (Audio)


    Can you imagine how different your life would be if God were dead. If there is no resurrection of Jesus and there is no life after death for us, how different would life be?

  • The Firstfruits (Audio)


    Paul begins with the contrasting conjunction - the word “But” 1Cor. 15:20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. This “but” puts everything he says in the following verses in contrast to...

  • Faith Not Fear (Audio)


    Welcome to Church! Today we will look at how to live by "Faith and Not Fear". For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

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