Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio



The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


  • Past Lives and Karma with Bonnie Bogner


    A conversation of lifetimes with Bonnie Bogner. Many people are fascinated by the whole topic of past or alternative lives. There is much understanding that can be gained by delving into these other lives and how they may be currently affecting our life.

  • Business by Heart-Design with Bonnie Wirth


    This is the age of doing work that matters and being heart-centered in what you do means that you’re adding light to the world. It’s totally possible to do business in a positive, thoughtful way. In order to truly make the impact that your heart desires you must become your most revered customer. Sharing some heart-based essentials for getting your business over the hurdle from good to great.

  • Empaths Be Like with Bonnie Wirth


    Empaths often struggle with low self-esteem, have a belief system that is heavily focused upon helping others at their own expense and will often feel embedded by sadness without actually knowing it is has nothing to do with them. There are no clear rules about when something is or isn’t your energy, it’s all about practicing techniques that will allow you to figure this out in the moment. tips and tricks to help you navigate your gift healthfully.

  • Grace Under Fire with Pamela Cushman


    Many people have experienced "grace moments" but how does a parent cope when their child has gone missing? Surges of hope to the depth of despair; life becomes an emotional roller coaster. My guest Pamela Cushman believes that grace allows us to realize that without hate, there is no love, without darkness, there is no light, without loss there is no gain, without death, there is no life, and without absence, there is no presence.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    Heart-felt guidance for your Soul! Personal conversations to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world. It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight and perspective.

  • For the Love of Fear with Bonnie Wirth


    Fear is a reality of life and everyone experiences fear. It is so easy for fear to slip in with no warning especially when we are being confronted with a major change in life. If we are afraid of something and desire to be free, the time will eventually come when we will have to face our fears and not run away from them. Discover how to fall in love with your fears and empower your human spirit with the ability to transcend above them.

  • Perfectly Imperfect with Bonnie Wirth


    The biggest struggle in life is the struggle to know, embrace, and accept ourselves, with all of our faults and imperfections. We all really want to be loved and accepted and it is all to easy to think we have to change who we are in order for that to happen. Discover how despite our human failings, once we embrace this belief and allow our imperfections to emerge and be loved, we become our most authentic self. It is in our differences that we uncover our greatness.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    Heart-felt guidance for your Soul! Personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world. It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight and perspective.

  • Life is Supposed to be Good with Jodie Rollins


    It is so easy to get sucked into the business of life and the stresses that surround us. We slip into the mode of enduring each day and hoping that some day it will all get easier and better. Our lives feel overwhelming and stressful and sad. It is not our circumstances that are the problem, it is our own perspective and outlook that has become distorted. We genuinely forget that the purpose of life is to enjoy it! Jodie Rollins joins Bonnie Wirth this week on Lighten Up for a conversation in remembering that life is supposed to be good!

  • Letting Go to Begin Again with Bonnie Wirth


    It happens as we grow; we discover more about who we are and we what we want out of life. We are changing. The Universe around us is changing and just because something (a relationship, career, home, or habit) fit in the past, it does not necessarily mean it still does. Suddenly we find ourselves having to let go and move on. Not only can this feel difficult, it can be down-right painful. Ease into letting go of the old and make way for the new today on Lighten Up!

  • New Year Manifesto with Bonnie Wirth


    We all have good intentions especially when the the New Year rolls around. We make little agreements with our ego; promises of self-care, improvement and being slightly nicer to ourselves. What if making resolutions was actually declaring war on ourselves? Discover how to take on a gentler approach to working with the Universe; aim, propose, aspire and expect with love.

  • The IN on Intuition with Candace McKim


    What is intuition? What does an intuitive hit feel like in your body? Sometimes we listen to our intuition and sometimes we don’t. Once we accept that we get an Intuitive Hit and move towards following it, we go into the reasoning of our intuition and often second guess ourselves. Our intuition is our Soul speaking to us. Join Bonnie Wirth and her special guest Candace McKim this week on Lighten Up! When we can trust, work through the reasoning and courageously keep following our intuition we will live a life on purpose with more joy and happiness.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    The phone lines are open! Love these days! A show "All About You" personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world.

  • The Other Side of the Holidays


    Love does not end with death. Grief is a tough journey and the holidays can be extremely difficult. Your loved one is and always will be a very important person in your life and you may wonder how you will ever make it through. No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, this time of year is the season of compassion and caring. Join Bonnie Wirth this week on Lighten Up as she shares a few suggestions to bring some ease to your days and shine a little light from Spirit to support you through.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    2016 is just around the corner and the last few weeks of the year are really important ones for us all. What's the action plan for your soul? personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world.

  • Complain Away with Bonnie Wirth


    Habitual complaining can bring us down. Conscious complaining can lift us up by clearing away cobwebs and frustrations. Venting with a purpose on purpose helps us face problems, fears, and life's obstacles by letting off emotional steam. complain away worry, anxiety, depression, and anger in order to Lighten Up!

  • The Love Never Ends with Sunny Dawn Johnston


    We have an Awesome guest on today's show! Sunny Dawn Johnston "The Love Never Ends" When someone close to us dies it can feel like they are gone forever and yet, the truth is the spirit world does exist; the Soul is eternal and love never ends. A conversation about love, death, intuition and the afterlife.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    Personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world. It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight, perspective, and heart-felt guidance for your Soul.

  • Unhappy to Happy with Bonnie Wirth


    You can choose to be happy, they say. When reality has us feeling sad and broken inside from a million hard knocks and a million more unhappy choices it can be tough to catch the wave of happiness. Happiness is something that we all strive for, yet many of us find it challenging to grasp and even harder to maintain. Enjoy a wonderfully expanded sense of awareness; a new vibrational match for that which you seek - unhappiness to happiness!

  • Spiritual Body Being with Debra Beck


    We are a perfect Spiritual Being having a human experience, encountering life in the world of form. We all experience the imperfections that come with the territory of being human. A conversation of evolution and self-development to guide you in being in a physical body as a spiritual being and reawakening you to the person you were meant to be.

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