Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio



The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


  • Not Broken Just Bent with Bonnie Wirth


    Discover how true empowerment comes from no longer looking for the imperfect and broken, or for the cause or what needs to be healed or fixed within.

  • Business Chi with Bridget Saraka


    The science of Feng Shui provides the tools to create balance and harmony; helping us to move forward with ease, inspiration and to experience more joy in our lives. This week on Lighten Up, Bridget Saraka joins Bonnie Wirth for an enlightening conversation to discuss how Feng Shui and the circulation of life-force energy can influence and enhance your business, feed your purpose and support you in creating a lifestyle that honors your Soul.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight, perspective, and heart-felt guidance for your Soul. Personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world.

  • The Gift of Your Gift with Bonnie Wirth


    Your spiritual gifts are a calling; inviting you to serve in a unique and empowering way. Discover how to view your intuitive abilities and experiences as a gift of love; a way to enhance your universal connect to people, spirit and even with yourself.

  • A little Guidance Please with Bonnie Wirth


    From time to time, we all experience a feeling of being lost or confused about various aspects of life. Our first instinct is to search for direction and there is nothing wrong with seeking Divine knowledge and insight from others. It is what we do with the guidance that matters most. Sharing some wisdom from Spirit to help you enhance your life experience.

  • Emotional Sense with Bonnie Wirth


    We are taught that negative emotions are sociably unacceptable. Most of us suppress, dismiss, judge or ignore our negative feelings. The sole purpose of emotions is to prompt us into action, to choose a new direction in finding fulfillment and guide us away from pain. Discover how your negative emotions are a blessing and learn how to respond to them in a conscious way.

  • ReThink Prayer and Begin Again with Angela Montano


    Do you think you have to believe in God to pray? Do you think that prayer is exclusively for the religious? Do you think you know what prayer is, have already tried it and it doesn't work? If any of these questions capture your imagination and you are open to rethinking prayer, join Bonnie Wirth this week on Lighten Up and her special guest Angela Montano, prayer intuitive and spiritual practitioner. As someone who has facilitated close to 15 thousand prayer sessions over the past 22 years, Angela is on a mission to connect us all to the power of prayer within us. She says prayer is a power that need not lie dormant within us. With her guiding us, we will activate our spiritual power and hook up to the supportive nature of Life.

  • You Make the Choice with Bonnie Wirth


    We can change our life by making new choices, different choices, better choices at any time to improve our life in many positive and good ways. There is an infinite number of choices, how do we know which is the right one? Discover how to initiate your power of choice, take steps develop it and learn to choose wisely!

  • Walking the Line with Bonnie Wirth


    At one time or another we all find ourselves in the midst of circumstances or facing people that, if given the chance, would walk right over us. Does our commitment to being kind and loving mean that we should let them? Sharing tips for creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in order to say "yes" to more happiness, create even more meaningful relationships and improve your life.

  • If Only I Had the Money with Bonnie Wirth


    Wealth and abundance are important elements supporting our soul purpose in service to others. uncover some of the reasons that are keeping you from attracting money into your life, and learn 4 empowering steps so you can begin to flow abundantly with your finances.

  • Inspire Rise Sisterhood with Sherrice Kirby


    It is time more than ever for women to collectively rock who they are in the world. Differences, judgement, competition and jealousy no longer need separate us. We have the power to change the conversations and how we react to each others Light; a divine feminine duty to uphold each other for no other reason than to see each other shine.

  • Love, Joy and Compassion with Bonnie Wirth


    There is so much love, joy and compassion in the Spiritual realm. Those we love live on in Spirit, are full of personality and thriving with happiness and they want nothing more than to let us know that they are okay. Sharing three key messages that your loved ones in Spirit want you to know.

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    "All About You". Free personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world. It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight, perspective, and heart-felt guidance for your Soul.

  • May I Weight with Bonnie Wirth


    Even with healthy eating and nutrition knowledge we can sometimes struggle with body image and weight throughout a spiritual growth journey. Food and weight may be calling you to wholeness and unity. A look at weight and body image from a deeper level and discuss how we can shift our thinking into a more holistic and enlightened point of view. New web-site,

  • May I Awaken with Bonnie Wirth


    As you go through your journey of awakening, many things about you and your life start to change. discover a deeper meaning of being awakened mind, body, and soul!

  • May I Celebrate with Bonnie Wirth


    While it may seem counter-intuitive, celebrating for "no reason" and counting our blessings when things are hard can literally transform our experience of being alive. Uncover how to dynamically shift your life experience by celebrating all the things (big and small).

  • All About You with Bonnie Wirth


    All About You" free personal readings to coach, inspire, and encourage you through whatever you have going on in your world. It's an interactive hour where Bonnie offers you her intuitive insight, perspective, and heart-felt guidance for your Soul.

  • A New Normal with Dianne Quartly


    Losing someone or something you love or care deeply about is very painful. Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and the nature of the loss. a conversation to support you in finding your new normal after loss so you can gradually heal.

  • A Series of Fortunate Unfortunate Events with Bonnie Wirth


    We often get angry or feel victimized when things don't seem to be going our way. Sometimes every effort we make seems be met with resistance from the world around us. When we consider life as a conscious, benevolent experience rather than an unconscious series of events, we are able to look at challenges in a more productive way. Discover how to approach obstacles with a positive spiritual viewpoint that provide an array of lessons for your soul.

  • Shift Happens with Bonnie Wirth


    There are many existing spiritual practices that work and there are many that no longer have the same effect as they did before. Instead of being helpful, some of these practices and techniques may actually be blocking transformation instead of supporting it. From a shifting consciousness emerges new spiritual practices.

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