The How to Start Living Show, hosted by Jeff Steinmann, features insights and interviews with people like you who have achieved more than just success in the traditional way; they've discovered how to live in a way that makes them feel good every day. (Formerly called the How to Quit Working Show)
332: Question Everything
08/04/2016 Duration: 32minWhen you are making huge, life altering change -- moving toward the best life you can possibly lead, everything has to be on the table. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses his experience with questioning everything you believe so you can set yourself up for a better life.
331: How to Start Living
05/04/2016 Duration: 26minThe external world often seems to get in the way of what we want out of life. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about a new way of interacting with the world that eliminates the stress and worry of the external world you cannot control.
330: What Happens When You Go Back
31/03/2016 Duration: 30minAnthony Chatfield started a successful business right out of college, but when his second child was on her way, he made a surprising decision -- he got a job. Anthony tells his story of becoming an entrepreneur, getting a job and returning to entrepreneurship on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
328: How to Stop Escaping and Start Living
28/03/2016 Duration: 19minWhen we're not satisfied with our life, we turn to vices and distractions to provide temporary escape. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to stop turning to vices for escape and create a life you don't want to escape from.
ENCORE: Starting a Business that WORKS
24/03/2016 Duration: 28minDan Norris is the founder of WP Curve and several other businesses. He’s figured out the secret to starting business — not businesses that just sound good, but businesses that actually make money. Dan shares his secrets on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
327: When Things Don't Go How You Expect
22/03/2016 Duration: 18minNews Flash: Things don't always go exactly how you expect them to. Here's how to deal with that inevitable possibility on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
326: Discover the Sharing Economy
17/03/2016 Duration: 24minBillee Howard is the author of "WE-Commerce" and creator of Branthropologie. Billee discusses branding, marketing and the sharing economy on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
325: How to Build Relationships
15/03/2016 Duration: 28minRelationships are important in life and in business, they actually drive your success. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff explains how to build relationships.
324: Starting a Vacation Rental Business
10/03/2016 Duration: 26minENCORE: Janet and Eric has successful, traditional careers. But when Janet's employment with a major Canadian bank ended, she decided it was time to do something that would give her and her husband Eric more control of their day-to-day life. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Janet and Eric tell how they became owners and operators of Niagra Holiday Rental.
323: How to Make Progress
07/03/2016 Duration: 23minWhen you are trying to accomplish something, you'll frequently find that making progress is frustrating and never happens as quickly as you'd like it to. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about how to make progress.
322: How to Make the SHIFT to Wealth
03/03/2016 Duration: 30minENCORE: Alison grew up around millionaires. But when she was 15, she discovered that everyone didn't live the life of affluence she did. Being intensely curious, she sought to figure out the difference between the affluent and everyone else. She explains it on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
321: How to Get Started
01/03/2016 Duration: 19minSometimes the hardest (and most important) part of getting something done is simply getting started. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to get started.
320: How to Start a Marketing Business
26/02/2016 Duration: 27minAngela Ford is an amazing member of the How to Quit Working community and client. She has qut her job and started a business doing marketing and websites. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Angela tells you what she learned from doing it.
319: What It Really Takes To Be Successful
23/02/2016 Duration: 26minMost people would not consider themselves successful, so if you want to be successful, you have to think and act differently than most. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about what it really takes to be successful.
317: What To Do When You're Feeling Down
16/02/2016 Duration: 24minIf you're working to become the best person you can be, one thing is certain: You'll hit hard times and will feel down at times. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses what to do when you are feeling down.
313: How to Trust Your Gut
02/02/2016 Duration: 22minMaking the most of your life means accessing and trusting more than just the intellectual part of your intelligence, you have to go deeper. the most successful people in the world know how to do this and on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff explains how you can do it too.