The How to Start Living Show, hosted by Jeff Steinmann, features insights and interviews with people like you who have achieved more than just success in the traditional way; they've discovered how to live in a way that makes them feel good every day. (Formerly called the How to Quit Working Show)
352: Wet Shave Club Co-Founder on Starting a Business
16/06/2016 Duration: 27minENCORE PRESENTATION: Kevin Pereira is a co-founder of Wet Shave Club. Kevin and his partner acquired and grew Wet Shave Club from only 50 subscribers to $350,000 in revenue today. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Kevin talks about his journey and what he has learned along the way.
350: When Things Don't Go How You Expect
09/06/2016 Duration: 20minENCORE PRESENTATION: News Flash: Things don't always go exactly how you expect them to. Here's how to deal with that inevitable possibility on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
349: How to Make Progress
06/06/2016 Duration: 25minENCORE PRESENTATION: When you are trying to accomplish something, you'll frequently find that making progress is frustrating and never happens as quickly as you'd like it to. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about how to make progress.
348: How to Handle Risk in Business
02/06/2016 Duration: 21minENCORE PRESENTATION: Starting a business necessarily requires risk. But there are ways you can handle it, so that yours in one of the businesses that succeeds instead of failing, as a majority of businesses do. Jeff discusses how to handle risk in business on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
347: How to Know If Your Business Idea Is Stupid
30/05/2016 Duration: 24minENCORE PRESENTATION: We've all seen stupid products that nobody buys. Aspiring also wonder if their business idea is going to work or if it will be one of the stupid ones that doesn't fly. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff explains how to know if your business idea is stupid.
345: Quitting Google
23/05/2016 Duration: 25minENCORE PRESENTATION: Michael Peggs had what is widely considered the best job you could have. He worked at Google. At the top of his career, he knew there was more. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Michael tells his story of leaving Google to start his own business.
344: Getting Over the Fear
19/05/2016 Duration: 21minENCORE PRESENTATION: We recently surveyed our listeners to find out the biggest roadblocks that are stopping you from quitting your job and starting a business. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff answers the first roadblock you identified: FEAR.
342: How to Stay Motivated if You Haven't Found Your Passion
12/05/2016 Duration: 32minENCORE PRESENTATION: Some entrepreneurs know exactly what their passion is and what they want to get up every day and do. That's great for them, but most of us have to work hard to figure this out. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to stay motivated even if you haven't "found your passion."
340: How to Deal with Unsupportive Friends and Family
05/05/2016 Duration: 24minENCORE PRESENTATION: Your family and friends often have good intentions, but ultimately it seems like they are not supportive of your endeavors. How you deal with them will be a critical factor to your success. Learn how to deal with unsupportive friends and family on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
339: How to Create Change
02/05/2016 Duration: 15minUnless you want your life to be exactly the way it is now forever,change will be necessary. Here's how to create the space in yourlife that's necessary for new and exciting things toenter.
338: How to Trust Other People
28/04/2016 Duration: 16minNobody does anything alone, so ot accomplish things, you must surround yourself with people you trust, but you can't do that if you can't trust. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to trust other people.
337: How to Do More of What You Want
25/04/2016 Duration: 17minIs there really any other point to life than being able to do what you want? On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to do more of the thing you most want to do.
336: How to Integrate Growth
22/04/2016 Duration: 17minLots of people study how to be happy and successfully, but few actually practice and integrate the concepts into their daily life, which is where the real change happens. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses what happens when you integrate the concepts you learn into your daily life.
335: How to Trust
20/04/2016 Duration: 21minWhen you're doing something big; making big changes in your life and doing it YOUR way, you can't listen to other people. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses how to trust that your way is the right way.
334: How to Live According to Your Values
14/04/2016 Duration: 19minYou're probably living in integrity to others. You don't lie, cheat, steal or do harm to others. But are you lying, cheating and stealing from YOURSELF? Jeff discusses how to live in alignment with your own values for yourself on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
333: How to Find Peace
11/04/2016 Duration: 34minWe all want to be at peace in our life, but what we're not taught is that it's actually a pre-requisite to any achievement you might desire. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff discusses what happens when you find complete, total unconditional peace.