Vickie Emanuele - The Energy Goddess

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 104:42:00
  • More information



International Author, Medium, Energy reader and Healer for people and pets helps listeners manifest a magical life of healing and abundance.


  • The Creators - Channeling with Daniel Scranton

    08/05/2015 Duration: 01h31min

    I am excited to have an international channeler and sound healer Daniel Scranton on my show. We will be blessed with a vibrational tunning he will be doing 'LIVE' and I am excited to see what 'The Creators" have to say. Along with the vibrational healing he will be channeling the Creators for us. Daniel  channels entities called " The Creators." From what I have seen and heard they have lots of great information for us and can help us in so many ways. Tune in for a healing and to be amazed by his channeling abilities. Daniel will be taking callers questions during the show.        

  • Beyond The Veil of Death

    06/05/2015 Duration: 01h06min

      Tune in with my  co host Jessica Spaid and I  to journey into what happens when we die? I communicated to spirits as young as 5. Being a medium I work with DEATH everyday!  Death is something that we do not like to talk about and may fear but it will happen to us all. I like to think of death as resting our physical body that we are borrowing on earth. Many of my clients ask me the following questions about death. Where do we go? Is there heaven and hell? Do we see are loved ones in spirit? Is death painful? What really happens when we die? Are our pets waiting for us? Will we be with our family again? Is our loved ones in spirit watching us have sex? lol. Get clarity on what death is and what is coming for us all. Not as scary as you think! I am blessed to be able to feel and see through the exoerince of death from going to one demension to another and even see who helps one througn to the other side. Call in with questions or to chat to a loved one in spirit.      

  • Chakra Aligment - YOUR LIFE FORCE

    15/04/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Tune in with me and Jessica my co - host to find out all about your chakras and how they effect your life force! The chakra system is so overlooked but it is the most vital energy source to your life in all ways! Your chakras are your life energy source, by balancing them you can  change your life and heal in all ways. Your chakras could be making you ill, week, poor, sad, depressed, crazy and causing you pain and lack of abundance. It really can be as simple as getting your chakras into aligment to heal all areas of your life. Your chakras effect your health, abundance, thoughts, sleep, mood, stress, disease, love life, pretty much everything in life. When your chakras get balanced your life will shift into healing and abundance. We will be taking callers questions " Live" 917-889-2843.      

  • Spirit Talk - Spirit Totems & Animal Totems

    08/04/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    Jessica and I will be chatting about Spirit world of spirit guides and animal totems. We all have spirit guides and animal totems helping us at all times. Have you seen the same animal over and over again? Hmmm, may be a sign. Both spirit guides and animal totems can help your love life, career, money, relationshops, health and pretty much everything! Take time to tune in and LISTEN to them and your whole life will become easier! Call in "LIVE" 917-889-2843 to ask your questions or have me tune into your spirit guide or animal totem to give you a message.  

  • Spring into your future!

    01/04/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    I will be chatting with Jessica my co host on what is coming up for our future. We have been having intense energy and still have a powerful full moon eclipse coming up. What do you need to know to prepare to be able to let go of blocks so you can have an awesome future! Find out what is coming up this spring/summer for individuals and what to expect nation wide. I will be taking YOUR call answering your  questions " Live." 917-889-2843  

  • The AWAKENING - New psychic powers coming.

    25/03/2015 Duration: 56min

    The Awakening - New psychic powers coming. Tune in to chat with Jessica and I all about the new pscychic powers we are ALL going to be experincing. Want it or not you, your family, children and friends are going to  become more psychic! This is awesome but now it will be eaiser for you and your children to pick up others crap making you feel BLAH! This is a very important time to "tune in" to your intuiton and "do" what it says! I will take callers questions "live" on this show.      

  • What is your Aura saying about you?

    18/03/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    What is your Aura saying about you? Tune in to this show with my co - host Jessica Spaid and I chatting all about Aura's and color healing therapy. I bet you didnt know that every living thing has an aura? That means not just humans but pet, plants, trees and so on. I can tell a lot about a persons health, personality, emotional and mental well being by looking at their aura. The same goes with a tree, flower, plants and so on. I will also go over color healing therapy. You already use color therapy and don't even relize it. Colors can help heal on all levels. Each color has its own healing vibration. Tune in 'LIVE" if you want a question answered.                  

  • Cut the Cord!

    11/03/2015 Duration: 01h11min

    Jessica and I will be chatting all about Cutting the cord! Energy cords are attached to all of us and can drain your whole life force! Some people have many cords attached to them I don't know how they are functioning.They can effect your health, money, confidence, physical appearance and even cause pain. Find out how to cut those toxic energy cords off your body and do it NOW! Cord cuttings are a MUST if you want to live a happy, healthy, vital and abundant life. I will be answering your questions " LIVE ' during the show.

  • Become a money magnet FAST!

    04/03/2015 Duration: 01h12min

    Do you want more money? Then this show is a MUST! This show will be loaded with information on how to activate your energy to become the money magnet you are meant to be! Break down your blocks and open up to abundance. Everyone can have prosperity but it is up to YOU to activate the energy in your life to bring it to you. There is plenty of money for everyone it is time that you tap into some PROSPERITY! Learn  energy secrets and symbols to work with bringing in money FAST! I will be taking your questions  "LIVE"  on Wednesday at 9:30AM PST. Tune in and tune up your bank account. My book "Manifest ANYTHING you want in 30 days " will help you manifest abundance.        

  • STAY or GO? Is Your Relationship Contract Up?

    17/02/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Me and Jessica Spaid will be having a great discussion on relationships! In this show you will learn all about relationships. Did you bring your mom or dad to you agian? Is your contract experation date up? When to know if it is time to go. Relationships are one of the most rewarding and frustrating things in life! We have soul contracts to others and they do have an experation date. We bring people into our lives to learn and grow. Sometimes you grow together sometimes apart. Find out if you can patch up that relationship or is it a lesson to learn and move on? I will be answering your questions during the show.... Call in to chat "Live."      

  • Got Pets? Get them healthy and happy!!

    12/11/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    Join me and my co host Jessica Spaid on this segment chatting all about pets. I am a Pet Energy Reader/ Energy healer. I have worked with thousands of pets and animals for over 15 years professionaly. I will be sharing everything you need to know to get your pets happy and healthy! I also owned and operated a dog bakery " Dudley's Dog Bakery " for over 8 years learning all about the importance of food, health prodcts and so on. Bonus - Got an itchy pet? I hate when pets itch! Find out why and get them NOT itching!! I will be answering YOUR questions if you are listening in " LIVE" WAGS      

  • First class ticket to ASTRO TRAVEL

    24/10/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Ever wander what the HECK astro travel is? You can travel anywhere anytime by astro traveling. Check out a town or vacation place before you go by traveling astro style. You can see the whole world even the universe by astro taveling. BONUS it is FREE!!!! Jessica Spaid is back on my show as my co host asking you awesome questions as always.      

  • 9 Lives or more? Lets talk past lives.

    13/10/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    In this show Jessica Spaid will be back co hosting me. She always ask me awesome quesitons and I am sure she has plenty of questions about Past lives. I have done past lives for over 15 years and they still amaze me!!! Your past life does effect your life now. You know those fears you have?? Are they because of a past life? I will answer your questions at end of show.  

  • Astrology predictions for the rest of 2014

    09/10/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    I am so excited for this show!!! In this show I will have an astrologer friend of mine Eric Hughes as my guest sharing with us what the stars and planets predict for the rest of 2014. He will also go over mercury retrograde and the blood moon eclipse. To find out more about Eric or schedule a reading with him visit his website... .

  • Coming out of the psychic/medium closet.

    06/10/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    Tune in to find out what it is like to be a psychic/medium in this world. My beautiful friend Jessica Spaid will be my co host on this show asking me questions about being a psychic/ medium and spirituality. She always ask me interesting questions that other people wonder about.( I don't know what questions she will be asking in this show.) I was a closet psychic/medium until my mid thirty's to my family. I was 5 when I saw my first spirit, not good when your family is a die hard babtist! My mother still does not acknowledge what I do or the gifts I have. Lol Tune in to hear more......  I will be answering listners questions at the end of show.    

  • THIRD EYE ALERT! - like it or not your third eye is opening

    19/09/2014 Duration: 29min

    The veil between heaven and earth is thinning which is screwing up all of our bodys. Our physical and emotional bodys are changing becoming more psychic. Our third eye is opening big and bold! Learn all about your third eye, how to use it for your advangtage, and get feeling better. I bet you have been suffering from headaches, feel off or have been havving crazy dreams? Q and A at end of show.    

  • Baby Whisper - What you need to know about your baby!

    29/08/2014 Duration: 49min

    I have been channeling babies for over 15 years, inlcuding my own 5 kids. Before a baby is born they will share all kinds of information with me like: When they want to be born and why, how their health will be, if it likes their name , what they are going to be gifted at, If they have a sibling contract and so on. Truth is Your baby has choosen you and will come into earth when THEY want to. They are in more control than you think!! The new babies are VERY sensitve to energy and chemicals!!! In this show I will be going over MUST for the "new" color vibration babies and children to live a happy healthy life. Plus you willl understand your baby soooooo much more. I will cover the "new" color vibrations, food, health, sleeping, vaccinations, energy overwhelment, acadamics and more. Find out how YOU are effecting your baby. I will be taking listeners questions about your baby or child.        

  • Predictions for the rest of 2014

    18/08/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    I am exctied to have my previous co host Lori Shultz from the radio show "The Dirt" co hosting with me on this radio show about what I see coming up for the rest of 2014!! I will be chatting about the change of energy of the earth which is effefecting our world, money, love and so on. I will be answering your questions " Live." See whats coming up with the world and in your life.          

  • Messages from your angels and spirit guides.

    01/08/2014 Duration: 30min

    Your angels and guides are with you to help you in life. They want you to live a happy, healthy life and work behind the scenes at all times in your life. In this show find out what the difference is between angels and guides and how to work with them. I will channnel giving you messages from your angels and guides if you call in " Live"      

  • Energy Cords - What toxic energy cords do you have attached?

    11/07/2014 Duration: 31min

    What the heck are energy cords? We ALL have energy cords and some are TOXIC draining your life force! Energy cords can be creating all kinds of blocks and health problems in your life holding you back from moving forward. Find out all about energy cords and how to remove them to heal on this show.   Q & A I will be answering your questions " Live"      

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