Vickie Emanuele - The Energy Goddess

Chakra Aligment - YOUR LIFE FORCE



Tune in with me and Jessica my co - host to find out all about your chakras and how they effect your life force! The chakra system is so overlooked but it is the most vital energy source to your life in all ways! Your chakras are your life energy source, by balancing them you can  change your life and heal in all ways. Your chakras could be making you ill, week, poor, sad, depressed, crazy and causing you pain and lack of abundance. It really can be as simple as getting your chakras into aligment to heal all areas of your life. Your chakras effect your health, abundance, thoughts, sleep, mood, stress, disease, love life, pretty much everything in life. When your chakras get balanced your life will shift into healing and abundance. We will be taking callers questions " Live" 917-889-2843.