Spark Cast



The podcast of Spark.Church in Palo Alto, CA


  • Jesus | Who Do You Say He Is?

    26/05/2013 Duration: 42min

    In this message, Pastor Kevin charts through Jewish and Greco-Roman first century worlds, considering how Jesus has met and transformed the ancient peoples' expectations in real life. While many of us are challenged to consider the "truth" of Jesus, we discover that historically, the transformational power of Jesus is found in the "realness" of the life that He and His early followers exemplified. So too, this day, may we consider Jesus, His life, teachings, and movement in real, tangible, concrete, and visceral ways.

  • Jesus | How Much More?

    19/05/2013 Duration: 40min

    Pastor Danielle reminds us to ground ourselves in the Jewish context and culture to understand much of the teachings of Jesus. As we do, we discover how much more we understand what Jesus is teaching, and how much more powerful the teachings are when understood in context.

  • Jesus | Where Is The Kingdom?

    12/05/2013 Duration: 46min

    Special guest Betty Ann Boeving, founder and executive director of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition, shares the story of her journey into the work of justice, fighting human slavery. Betty Ann challenges us all, regardless of personality or spiritual gifts, to embrace Micah 6:8, to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. As we do, accepting Jesus' redemptive power, being prepared to live and act differently in this world, and considering our spheres of influence, we can readily say, "The Kingdom is here!" Let us together be "Kingdom bringers."

  • Jesus | Who's In Charge Here?

    05/05/2013 Duration: 33min

    "If you build the Kingdom, people will look for the King!" While the "Kingdom of Heaven" is often thought of as referring to life after death, Pastor Danielle illuminates the historical and textual context of this phrase to mean the fact of God's rule and reign right here, right now. In addition, God's Kingdom is upside-down. Instead of power and authority this Kingdom is about humility. Instead of oppression, there is freedom and transformation. And instead of the exclusivity of the special and privileged, there is an invitation to everyone! This is a Kingdom where God's unconditional love becomes visible for the world to see!

  • Jesus | Who Do You Follow?

    21/04/2013 Duration: 49min

    We all follow someone. The question is not whether we follow, but who and how do we follow? In this message, Pastor Danielle encourages us to follow Jesus, and truly follow Him. Through a brief first-century discipleship study, we are encouraged to trust Jesus, take a hand, and to never give up. And ultimately rest in the fact that Jesus chooses us, and believes in us in this discipleship journey.

  • Jesus | What Is Your Greatest Temptation?

    14/04/2013 Duration: 39min

    When we think of temptation, we often first think of sin -- things like money, sex, or indulgences. But the temptations of Jesus are about food, water, and relationship with God. In this message, Pastor Kevin suggests that this illuminates for us that perhaps our greatest temptation isn't about being bad, but rather about finding the core essence of our identity in things other than our Heavenly Father. In other words, we do "not live by bread alone." Finally, we consider a radical perspective on what a Biblical test can mean.

  • Jesus | Why Do You Look For The Living Among The Dead?

    31/03/2013 Duration: 26min

    Happy Easter! On this celebration Sunday, Pastor Kevin teaches through this perplexing and profound question asked by the angels of the women at the tomb. As with other questions found in our culture, and in the Bible, truth is often found in the asking of the question. By embracing this question, and the reply that "He is not here, He is risen!" we deny death the final word and enter a new creation, a new world, and a new life.

  • Jesus | How's The Water?

    24/03/2013 Duration: 49min

    Pastor Danielle surveys the image and meaning of water in the ancient Jewish world. Through understanding the diverse meanings of the waters, we see that Jesus' baptism is rich with significance, symbolizing God's descent into the chaos of the waters to bring order, renewal, redemption, and salvation. This baptism ushers in the new Kingdom rule and reign of God, such that even the wind and the waves obey. If you're experiencing chaos, God is hovering over it, and He will not let you go. He is with you.

  • Jesus | Who's Your Daddy?

    17/03/2013 Duration: 47min

    Pastor Danielle takes a historical look at the beginnings of Jesus' life, and asks a series of questions on our identity. These questions are core and central to our existence, and we discover profound answers through understanding Jesus' lineage and connection with the Heavenly Father. So, "Who am I?" I'm a child of God. "Who is your Daddy?" The Heavenly Father. "Who has your back?" He does. And, "Is there a plan or purpose for my life?" Absolutely. You are a son/daughter of the King! Understanding this identity, then inspires us to live that identity.

  • Jesus | Who Do You Say I Am?

    10/03/2013 Duration: 41min

    This is the first question we will be asking through our Jesus series. In this talk, Pastor Kevin encourages us to consider the influences our current culture has on our conceptions of Jesus being careful to not worship a Jesus that we have "created in our own image." And may we, through this quest, leverage, not just our minds and intellects, but our hearts and souls as Jesus is revealed to us by the Father in heaven. Let us move forward in discovering this question, Who do you say I am?, carefully, historically, spiritually, and humbly.

  • The Stories of Values

    03/03/2013 Duration: 48min

    Since our opening 19 weeks ago, we have striven to communicate the importance of our core values. In concluding this teaching series, Pastor Kevin shares the stories that encapsulate these values, and illustrate the importance of values alongside beliefs. Through "4 acts" (similar to "This American Life"), we are inspired and challenged by these stories to put the way of Jesus into action.

  • Core Values | Resurrection: History & Faith

    24/02/2013 Duration: 47min

    Faith is deeply emotional and spiritual. But faith is also intellectual, and historical. The claim that Jesus was raised from the dead brings the two together in which the richness of our faith meets the historical work of evidence and verification. In this teaching, Pastor Kevin shares the central claim of the Christian faith, and then provides four main evidences that support the historical, physical, real resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Online is the follow up document that addresses the questions asked in service.

  • Core Values | Resurrection: Resurrection in Second Temple Judaism

    17/02/2013 Duration: 41min

    The concept and idea around resurrection did not have its beginning in Christianity. Through a historical survey, Pastor Danielle shares insights into the Jewish concept and expectation of resurrection and how it impacts the understanding of Jesus' resurrection in the first-century. This context helps us understand both how the resurrection of Jesus could have been understood, and why it was so radical and unexpected at the same time.

  • Core Values | Resurrection: Resurrection Says...

    10/02/2013 Duration: 34min

    Sharing a bit of the recent adoption story in the Parish-Neuner household, Pastor Kevin begins the core value of Resurrection by talking about the temptations that emerge in each of us when deception, evil, disappointment, etc., happen as a result of "living between the trees." Yet, resurrection says that we are saved and forgiven as we forgive. Resurrection says we do not have to acquiesce to the "slices of hell" we sometimes experience. Resurrection says that there is hope, love, redemption, and restoration, and it can transform any death into new life. Resurrection says we have the power, opportunity, and commission to reverse the pain and suffering in this world.

  • Core Values | Rescue: Instruments of Rescue

    03/02/2013 Duration: 30min

    Guest speaker, Pastor Sarai Crain shares on how we are all privileged to be used of God to bring rescue to the world. However, we must be guarded from misusing or abusing that privilege. Sarai shares practical ways to help us become fully the instruments of rescue God desires.

  • Core Values | Rescue: Let God Rescue You

    27/01/2013 Duration: 31min

    Guest speaker, Pastor Dave Peterson from MPPC continues our series on Spark's core value of "Rescue." Sharing from his heart and experience, Dave exhorts us all to receive God's personal, physical, spiritual, and emotional rescue.

  • Core Values | Rescue: Share Your Rope

    20/01/2013 Duration: 19min

    Guest speaker Pastor Mark Arevalo, speaks on God's work of rescue through the Biblical stories, and in our lives. In this teaching we discover that God has begun the work of rescue in our lives, and that work is an ongoing process, and it's progressive. That hope is a privilege and to share with the world around us as we are both agents and recipients of this rescue in the world. So, let's all "share our rope," giving to others hope that God has given to us.

  • Core Values | Reconciliation : Reaching for the Trees

    13/01/2013 Duration: 38min

    All of us recognize that life is not the way it is suppose to be. That's why we work for justice and compassion; that's why we strive for patience, and kindness; that's why we yearn for freedom and peace; and in many ways, that's why we follow a calling and vocation. The challenge is that we live between Genesis and Revelation. Put other way, we live "between the trees." And as we reach out to grab hold of the life that God has for us, there is a third tree -- the cross -- that life and death of Jesus that empowers us to live life to its fullest. It is our prayer that we would not only reach out for that tree, but that we would embrace it, and allow the tree of the life of Jesus to transform us.

  • Spark Vision Night

    06/01/2013 Duration: 56min

    Pastors Danielle & Kevin share a bit on the vision for Spark. Our core values are ultimately centered around living as Jesus lived, and walking as he walked. In concordance with slowing down and avoiding the seductions of "bigness," Spark is about caring for the people of the church more than about the size of the church. We also want to recognize our place in Silicon Valley as a "land between" cultures, and to dream about physical space in downtown Palo Alto that leverages our resources 6 days a week. We will continue to be a place that welcomes all people and all questions, and pursues education, learning, and discussion. Spark will also be shaped by the gifts, talents, and passions of those who join with us on this journey. We will continue to seek God, his guidance and wisdom, and pray that more people will come and be a part of this vision.

  • The Reason For The Season

    16/12/2012 Duration: 16min

    Pastor Kevin teaches that while it is popularly said that "Jesus is the reason for the season," there is a deeper truth to this statement than we perhaps realize. Matthew clearly states, "for he will save his people from their sins." Embracing this reality helps us accept the complexities of this season, the joy and the sorrow, the celebrations and the sadness. And, living the way of Jesus empowers us to respond redemptively to those dark and dysfunctional areas of our lives. May this Christmas season be celebrated truly in the way of Jesus, in ways that save us, and the world around us, from our sins.

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