Spark Cast



The podcast of Spark.Church in Palo Alto, CA


  • Genesis | Hang It Up

    27/10/2013 Duration: 29min

    A continuation of our Genesis series taking a new look at the rainbow and flood of Noah from Genesis 7-9. Here we discover that this term "rainbow," is actually a munitions term. What is God "hanging" in the sky? His weapon? Yes. Thus we get a different kind of justice instituted into this world.

  • Guest, Chris Lockett | A Sea/See Story

    13/10/2013 Duration: 27min

    Our special guest and member of Spark, Chris Lockett, shares a story from his time in the Navy, illuminating lessons of spiritual perspective and perception. In it, Chris exhorts us to ask good questions of what we truly understand about ourselves, and the world around us.

  • Genesis | Naked Desire

    06/10/2013 Duration: 33min

    The word for "naked," used for Adam and Eve, and the word for "crafty," used for the serpent is, in the Hebrew, the same word! What could this linguistic tie tell us about our world and our humanity? As Adam and Eve's eyes were opened, perhaps our eyes will be opened as well as we study, realizing that we too are crafty and cunning. This message includes a live Q&A section at the end.

  • Genesis | Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad

    29/09/2013 Duration: 41min

    What in the world is that darn tree doing there? In this teaching from our Genesis series, we learn that perhaps it is teaching us that there are some things in this world that we should never know. This message includes a live Q&A section at the end.

  • Genesis | Ezer Knegdo

    22/09/2013 Duration: 55min

    The term "suitable helper" has had multiple interpretations throughout Christian history. In this talk, the next in our Genesis series, Pastors Danielle and Kevin attempt to illumine the linguistic context of this phrase from Genesis 2. May we recognize the beauty and mystery of both male and female as created in God's image. This message includes a live Q&A section at the end.

  • Genesis | Keeping & Bearing

    15/09/2013 Duration: 23min

    Our intern, Josh, gave a message on Cain and Abel, and drew comparisons and parallels to the parable of the Two Lost Sons in the Gospel of Luke. In it, we are reminded of our commission and responsibility to keep and bear with our brothers and sisters.

  • Genesis | Stop. Watch.

    08/09/2013 Duration: 28min

    From our Genesis series, this is a talk on the idea and concept of "Sabbath," a day of rest. Not only is it about managing our time, but it is also about understanding our true, central, and most secure sense of identity. May we embrace this discipline, this truth, and be liberated from the tyranny of work as the primary way in which we see ourselves.

  • Genesis | In Our Image

    01/09/2013 Duration: 26min

    A continuation of our Genesis series, understanding what it means to be humans, created in God's image and likeness.

  • Dave Peterson on Nicodemus

    25/08/2013 Duration: 32min

    Our friend and special guest pastor, Dave Peterson, shares on the person of Nicodemus from the Gospel of John.

  • Genesis | Let's Get Our Hands Dirty

    18/08/2013 Duration: 34min

    Our fourth teaching in our Genesis series exhorts us to understand what it means to take care for and serve this beautiful creation. In the commission to tend this garden well, we discover that this is still a commission for us today. This caring is what we were made for.

  • Genesis | Over the Chaos

    11/08/2013 Duration: 26min

    The third teaching in our Genesis series on the Spirit/Wind/Breath of God hovering over the waters. Whatever chaos you may be experiencing, be comforted to know that God is hovering over your chaos, incubating out of it a brand new life.

  • Genesis | Let There Be

    04/08/2013 Duration: 22min

    The second teaching in our Genesis series on the power of God, creating this entire world by speaking it into existence. Through this lesson, we discover the power of our own words, as created in the image of the Creator.

  • Genesis | What Story Are You Living

    28/07/2013 Duration: 38min

    Welcome to our series of teachings from the book of Genesis. We begin by comparing the creation narrative found in chapter 1 with Enuma Elish, an ancient Babylonian creation myth. Through our study, we discover why the Genesis story has been so powerful and influential throughout history and how it can transform our lives today.

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Christian" & "Church"

    14/07/2013 Duration: 53min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Spirit"

    07/07/2013 Duration: 35min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Saved"

    30/06/2013 Duration: 43min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Gospel"

    23/06/2013 Duration: 51min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Religion"

    16/06/2013 Duration: 37min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Faith"

    09/06/2013 Duration: 43min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

  • You Keep Using That Word, "Bible"

    02/06/2013 Duration: 33min

    This famous quote from the iconic film, The Princess Bride, is quite appropriate to our current cultural context. Much of the conversation around faith, religion, church, the Bible, and current events often involves a myriad of definitions which makes it difficult to understand one another. Some utilize these words in coarse rhetoric causing even further barriers to faith. This has left many people confused and hindered from further conversation. For those of us who believe in the goodness of life that comes from following Jesus, this makes spiritual conversations with friends, family, and co-workers difficult. In this series we will explore the richness and significance of these words and their meanings, and discover fresh ways of talking about them in our world. It is our hope and prayer that over these next seven weeks, we will have a greater understanding of what we're talking about when we talk about these words, and as always, we are hoping this series sparks conversation. We also hope that these talk

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