Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy



Tools for Every Day Leaders and Managers is a podcast for people who lead and manage people. Your host, Kris Plachy, a seasoned leadership coach, has created this show for managers, leaders, human resources and learning professionals to offer ideas that challenge your mind as well as equip you with useful tools that you can use right away for dealing with difficult decisions and people. After every episode you will walk away feeling more empowered, more in control and another step closer to the best leader and manager you can be! If you want to learn more about Kris Plachy's work and how you can partner with her, visit


  • From Decision Fatigue to Leadership Clarity Navigating Growth Beyond Seven Figures | E145

    22/01/2024 Duration: 13min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy shares her insights on the unique challenges faced by female business owners whose companies have reached the three to five million dollar revenue mark and beyond. Drawing on her experience working with million-dollar female business owners, Kris discusses the complexities of team design and the vital role of leadership in scaling a business. Kris emphasizes the need for business owners to delegate and build a strong team to support the growth of the company. She talks about the signs of founder burnout and the importance of identifying vital tasks that only the founder should handle, while delegating other responsibilities. Kris provides a thought-provoking assignment for the listeners to help them identify their vital signs and understand the critical elements necessary for the success of their businesses. While addressing the challenges faced by business owners, Kris also offers a glimpse into her upcoming program, the "1 Hour Leader," designed ex

  • Intentional Leadership Sustaining Focus for Female Founder Success | E133

    15/01/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy dives into the power of intentionality in achieving our goals and becoming effective leaders. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional about our actions and decisions, especially when it comes to leadership and building successful teams. Kris discusses how many entrepreneurs excel at learning new skills and strategies to grow their businesses but often struggle when it comes to applying these same strategies for leading their teams. She encourages listeners to reassess their priorities and focus on the core reasons behind their goals, rather than simply making a list of tasks to complete. Throughout the episode, Kris shares personal insights into her new year’s goals, particularly in prioritizing self-care, and how she is enacting short sprints in order to achieve her desired outcomes. And that by focusing on just a few small tasks, it not only simplifies goal-setting, but also increases productivity and energy, enabling individuals to focus on

  • The One Hour Leader: Build a Self-Directed Million Dollar Team

    08/01/2024 Duration: 19min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy introduces the concept of the One Hour Leader, a new offering designed specifically for female founders running million-dollar businesses. She dives deep into the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs as they transition from hitting seven-figure thresholds and the necessity to evolve and lead their teams differently.  Kris encourages women to invest time and effort to address the people issues in their businesses and create a high-functioning work environment. She also emphasizes the need for a framework that allows for effective and efficient leadership without being consumed by the day-to-day people management struggles. Throughout the episode, Kris expresses a strong commitment to simplifying the leadership journey for female founders, highlighting the need for clarity, decisiveness, and building an aligned team that supports the vision of the business.  Kris provides an in-depth overview of the One Hour Leader program, discussing its structure and

  • Hello 2024! Start Your New Chapter with These Thoughtful Questions

    01/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this New Year episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy takes us on a journey of self-reflection and goal setting. With the turn of the year, Kris encourages listeners to treat this podcast as their own mini retreat, prompting them to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the year ahead. Kris emphasizes the importance of journaling and introspection, guiding listeners through a series of thought-provoking questions to help them evaluate their experiences from the past year and envision their aspirations for the coming year. She invites her audience to consider who they've become in the previous year and how this growth influences the individual they aim to be in the new year. The episode delves into the concept of "game film review," likening life to a series of moments and decisions that require analysis and introspection without personal judgment—more of an examination and learning experience. Kris shares her perspective on setting short-term goals or "sprints," as a strategy for increased

  • Gen X Women Founders: Our Collective Emotional Load

    25/12/2023 Duration: 11min

    In this final installment of this Gen-X Women Founders mini series, host Kris Plachy dives into the emotional load and labor that comes with being a Gen-X woman leading her own business. She delves into the societal pressures and expectations placed on women, especially those who are ambitious and successful in their careers. From the guilt associated with balancing work and family to the challenges of self-advocacy and trusting one's own instincts, Kris explores the emotional burden carried by many Gen-X women. Throughout the episode, Kris encourages listeners to shed the guilt and embrace their worth and success. She emphasizes the importance of trusting oneself, and feeling pride in one's accomplishments. The conversation also highlights the need for empowerment and support among Gen-X women, addressing the impact of generational roles on personal and professional life. This episode discusses how Gen-X women also fully embrace their drive to continue to show up in the work place and lead. Kris also shares

  • Gen X Women Founders: How Can WE of All Women on the Planet, Be Afraid of Change? | E140

    18/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    In this latest episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy dives into the unique world of Gen-X women and the impact they have on leadership and change. This episode candidly addresses the impact of the pandemic on different generations and how it has influenced the struggles of the younger population. She discusses the need for leaders to understand and embrace the needs of the younger workforce and the importance of being open-minded and embracing change. The conversation also centers around the emotional load carried by Gen-X women, exploring how their leadership styles and personal well-being are shaped by the responsibilities they carry. Kris emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and seeking curiosity, rather than giving in to fear and judgment. Listeners can expect a thought-provoking exploration of how generational shifts influence leadership, personal growth, and professional challenges for Gen-X women. Tune in to the full episode to gain powerful insights into the world of Gen X women and

  • GenX Women Founders: Confronting Imposter Syndrome in Gen X Women's Leadership

    11/12/2023 Duration: 13min

    In our 3rd installment of Kris Plachy’s GenX Female Founder Series of "Leadership is Feminine," host Kris addresses the unique challenges and experiences of Gen X female entrepreneurs, with a special emphasis on imposter syndrome.  Specifically why so many of us experience it and how developing our understanding of it can help us overcome it… For good.  Kris shares her journey and insights, tracing the evolution of women's roles in leadership from the early '90s to the present day. She discusses the initial need for women to emulate masculine traits in the workplace and the shift towards more empathetic and emotionally intelligent leadership. Through personal anecdotes and reflective questions, Kris explores the deep-seated issue of imposter syndrome, particularly prevalent among women leaders aged 45 to 60. She urges listeners to rethink their approach to leadership, advocating for a balanced integration of both masculine and feminine energies. Why Gen X Female Founders Must Listen: This episode is a must-li

  • GenX Women Founders: What Makes Us Unique | E138

    04/12/2023 Duration: 12min

    How GenX women show up as leaders and in our relationships has a definite flavor all its own. Unlike our parents, we’re more collaborative, for one thing, especially as parents now ourselves. But how does that influence the impact we have as leaders? Let’s talk about it… But before we get started, let me say… I’m absolutely loving diving into all this with you. And if you haven’t heard it already, I recommend listening to the 1st episode in this series before this 2nd one. The statistics and insights I share in it bring even more context to why GenX women founders are unique. “We were raised with this freedom, only to be confronted with the fear that comes with that.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn What we’re fighting through Increased awareness Collaborative relationships Freedom with fear Contact Info and Recommended Resources Connect with Kris Plachy LEAD FOR WOMEN: LEAD FOR WOMEN is THE curated Leadership Development, Training AND Advisement program for Elite Visionary Women, including C-Suite Women

  • GenX Women Founders - A Generation of Leaders that is Changing the World | E137

    27/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    GenX women entrepreneurs are our own special cocktail of secret sauce and superpowers. We’re a generation of women who knew we did not have to accept the status quo; that we could push the limits of what were the norms before our time. And we did. We had a hand in massively changing the world, and we continue to do so. This episode is the 1st in a 5-part series about a generation of leaders that is changing the world. I’ve been working on this series for quite a while and even wrote an entire email for it using all 1980s song titles. Why? Because I truly believe we are in a time of recognition for the contributions of our unique generation, as well as to ask other women to join us. “A lot of us were parented to be independent, problem-solving… we just had to get it done… But we don’t lead that way.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Some framework stats Cutting through what came before us Why is it… How we were challenged How we were raised Contact Info and Recommended Resources Connect with Kris Plachy LE

  • Lead Better with These 3 Essentials | E136

    20/11/2023 Duration: 20min

    Despite what it may seem like in the business world, there are alternative ways to address the normal processes of running a business. And, as women, we ought to embrace these ways. We don’t need to approach our businesses and the necessary aspects of them in the traditional masculine way. This has been my life mission and passion: To come alongside women entrepreneurs to show them that leadership is, indeed, feminine. We only need to approach things using our feminine intuition and natural abilities, rather than suppressing or changing them. And a great place to start is with these 3 essentials to lead better. “It’s a little bit about you, and a little bit about them, and a little bit about why the both of you are ever together, which is to make money.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn  3 Essentials to Lead Better How to Pay People Process and practice Tailored Performance Fundamentals and Accountability (including Firing) Expectations and agreements Kindness opportunity Team Meetings and Performance

  • How to Lead My Business and Team When Revenue is Down

    13/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    It’s time for real talk. Revenue is down for many businesses. That’s the reality but that doesn’t mean there aren’t solutions. But we have to face the facts of what’s happening and go through the process of running through potential solutions to get the results that we want. As we go through ups and downs in our businesses, having doom and gloom about it isn’t helpful. But neither is the (sometimes fake) “Everything is great” persona that can often permeate entrepreneurial circles. I’d rather be real with each other and focus on what we can do to fix things. So let’s talk about how to lead when revenue trends are dipping. “We don’t always get the solutions we want but we do get solutions that we are willing to consider.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Pandemic bubble burst Smart numbers evaluation Talking to your team Reasonable goals Doing what you haven’t done before Where are you headed Look at the world Contact Info and Recommended Resources Connect with Kris Plachy LEAD FOR WOMEN: LEAD FOR WOMEN is

  • Pickle Ball, Leadership and How to Get Better

    06/11/2023 Duration: 22min

    At a certain level, you can feel very comfortable as well as powerful in your ability to handle whatever comes your way in that expertise. It’s an awesome feeling and well-earned. But there is also a power in allowing yourself to become a novice and start from scratch in something else. In this episode, I talk about the value (and fun) of bringing new learning and new areas into your life. Going back through that process of starting fresh, not knowing what to do, and being humble enough to learn is very illuminating. It’s also invigorating and can improve all the parts of you… physical, mental and emotional. Let’s talk about it. “Everything we attempt to learn and get better at will eventually become hard. And it is what you do in that moment that matters most.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Working with an expert Doing uncomfortable things Are you qualified? Everything we attempt will get hard Process of becoming Contact Info and Recommended Resources Book: The Practicing Mind by Thomas M. Sterner  Con

  • Chat GPT- Your New Favorite Team Member | E133

    30/10/2023 Duration: 16min

    AI through Chat GPT is a resource you can leverage to complete tasks you don’t want to do. It can be set up to automatically document and organize various administrative elements you’ve probably been put off doing. Chat GPT isn’t the only one out there but it’s the one I like best. It makes things like research, content creation, policies and procedures, and so many more things much easier, especially if you find yourself mired down in detailed tasks. So let’s talk Chat GPT, you new favorite team member. “The trick is just knowing how to ask it for what you want… Just like delegating and transferring ownership to someone on the team to get results done, you have to still get good at how you posit the request.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Complete tasks you hate Create content easier Assemble policies and procedures Properly positing requests Not about replacing people Contact Info and Recommended Resources Live Class on How to Use Chat GPT: Tune in November 3 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Register and

  • Solving for the Higher Level Problem | E132

    23/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    When we’re constantly distracted and drained by lower level problems, the higher level ones never get solved. This reality is plain and simple and we may realize it intellectually but aren’t always sure how to fix it practically. The issue with solving the higher level problem in a practical manner is that you must first take a step back so you can look above the lower level problem. And looking above the lower level problem involves ancient wisdom you have but have forgotten. Let’s talk about it. “I believe we have an old soul and are seeking that reconnection to mastery.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Asking the right questions Revealing wisdom you forgot Not playing for the circumstance Discovering territory with higher level wisdom An exercise to identify the pattern Contact Info and Recommended Resources Previous podcast episode Kris mentioned: Ownership vs. Victim Thinking Connect with Kris Plachy LEAD FOR WOMEN: LEAD FOR WOMEN is THE curated Leadership Development, Training AND Advisement prog

  • Healthy Success | E131

    16/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    When you’ve achieved the same success over and over, the initial euphoria of feeling extremely accomplished and excited can wane. It just feels different. And you may find yourself feeling lost, looking for what sparks your magic again. You may even feel a bit guilty. But what if it’s really okay? What if it’s not a problem when you derive happiness from something other than your business anymore? What if the goal actually is to build your business to the point where you can simply savor things outside of it? Let’s talk about the joy of healthy success. “Isn’t that all of our goal: To get to the point where we have achieved a level of success, that our business is doing well, we have lovely lives that we live, and there kinda isn’t drama?” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Defining our emotional health Get the right get How healthy success feels Holding space to relish It’s a relationship Feeling your own joy Contact Info and Recommended Resources Want to take LEAD for a trial run? Get 6 FREE days NOW! Don’

  • Are you an Answer Junkie | E130

    09/10/2023 Duration: 08min

    I’m an answer junkie. Are you one too? What exactly is an answer junkie? In short, it’s someone who wants answers and is not content in not knowing. In this episode, I explore the reality of navigating life as an answer junkie. Answers can make things make sense, can bring structure to things that feel chaotic… but not everything has an answer. So what, then, does the answer junkie do? Let’s talk about it. “Not everything has an answer. Some things are just questions.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Defining an answer junkie Some things are just questions What’s true right now Believe instead Detaching and re-choosing Contact Info and Recommended Resources Connect with Kris Plachy FREE! Get Kris’ Lead With Confidence Masterclass video and the downloadable PDF at LEAD FOR WOMEN: Registration is open (currently there is a waitlist). You must join the waitlist to get the Advanced Registration discount. LEAD FOR WOMEN is THE curated Leadership Development, Training AND

  • Where Leadership Really Comes From | E129

    02/10/2023 Duration: 21min

    Unconventionality produces unconventional leadership. But what, exactly, is unconventional leadership and why should we desire to be an unconventional leader? It all begins with first understanding yourself and where leadership really comes from. To address this, I wanted to share one of my personal Hawaii walk recordings. This time of thought and reflection was borne out of my angst of wanting to shift what I do in the world, and how I’ve once again found myself at odds with traditional methodology and expectations. As I journey through this, I thought my fellow visionaries might find my own experiences encouraging and enlightening. Sort of a glimpse into the work behind the work. So let’s go. “Leadership is developing the agency to trust your mind, to believe yourself first.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Quandary of conventional draws A “P” in a “J” world When convention says you’re wrong What leadership truly is You are the workbook Stop buying into systems Contact Info and Recommended Resources Con

  • An interview with Maui Business Owner, Keani Barnes | E128

    25/09/2023 Duration: 38min

    When a major tragedy strikes, businesses and personal lives are affected in countless ways. Some effects are easy to see, some are less obvious. But all are important. And all need and deserve to be lovingly and compassionately addressed. A personal friend and client of mine, Keani Barnes, is part of the Maui community recently devastated by fires. As a boutique business owner, I wanted to have her on the show to share what’s been happening there and what the aftermath journey has been like. “Somehow this decision was made by all different people to say, you know, ‘Get out of here’ and ‘Don’t come here’. And that was not at all, I mean what the vast majority of the Maui community was saying... We appreciate that people want to be sensitive… But it was so frustrating for us knowing, like, this is how people pay their bills… To have all of that go away ended up being this double whammy of grief that hit our island.” – Keani Barnes What You’ll Learn Widespread impact of the Maui fires Double whammy of grief N

  • Leading Like a Coach: How Sports-inspired Accountability Can Transform Your Team | E127

    18/09/2023 Duration: 18min

    In sports, the person who shows up, puts in the hard work, and listens to the coach gets the spot. Just being on the team isn’t enough. You don’t perform, you’re benched. Slack off enough, you’re gone. We not only accept this in athletics, we expect it. Why? Because it’s both logical and effective. So why don’t we treat our businesses the same way? I submit that we ought to. After all, this is why sports metaphors abound and are highly applicable. They’re logical and effective. Let’s talk about how you can transform your team by leading like a coach.  “What we do as leaders is we spend all our time asking, ‘What’s wrong with all these players? Why aren’t they doing their jobs?’... Well, why would they? They get to keep the job and not do the job.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn Continually earning your spot Lack of clarity Lack of coaching Dealing with what we’ve built Transferring blame and gaslighting Working through the discomfort Contact Info and Recommended Resources FREE! Get Kris’ Lead With Conf

  • Lead with Confidence | E126

    11/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    Sometimes you just need defined steps to tap into necessary certainty. That’s why I put together a masterclass in which I give you 10 steps to lead with confidence. These steps are specifically designed by women, for women. In this episode, I share this never-before-released masterclass. In it, I walk you through 10 things to consider and address to propel you into a new level of assurance that you can lead, and lead well. These are what I would discuss with you if we were to work together. They include problems such as team issues, decisions you’re struggling to make, accountability, and much more. “You are the one who has to step up. You have to learn how to lead and not manage. You have to learn how to be the visionary and not the operator.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn  10 Steps to Lead With Confidence Ensure You Have a Clear Heading Clarify Team Norms and Values Ensure Everyone has a Clear Role Description or Outline Ensure Everyone has Clear Measures of Success Conduct Honest Conversations Often a

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