Liberty Assembly



Liberty Assembly


  • The Biblical Woman Part 4 - Audio

    10/11/2019 Duration: 46min

    Sunday I will continue the Series "The Biblical Woman." We continue to look at the female heroes of the Four Gospels. Jesus transformed the cultural views about women by doing great things through them. Don't miss Sunday as we continue to learn "lessons from the ladies."

  • The Biblical Woman Part 3 - Audio

    03/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    We’re back. Last week Vivian and I were on vacation visiting relatives in Arkansas. We’re excited to be back home and looking forward to worshiping with you Sunday. I will continue the series on the biblical woman. This Sunday we examine how Jesus defeated oppression against women.

  • Why Are You So Afraid - Audio

    27/10/2019 Duration: 55min

    “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Jesus asked His disciples these questions after rebuking the wind and calming the sea. After performing many miracles and investing hours of teachings, Jesus seemed to expect more faith and less fear. Fear is the great enemy of faith, but our faith can overcome fear. Sunday morning, we will look to God’s Word for the solution.

  • The Biblical Woman Part 2 - Audio

    20/10/2019 Duration: 49min

    Lessons from Ladies.

  • The Biblical Woman Part 1 - Audio

    13/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    In a culture filled with confusion about gender roles, the Bible has a plan for men and women. This Sunday we will begin to examine what it means to be a Biblical Woman.

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 6 - Audio

    06/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    Liberty Assembly

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 5 - Audio

    29/09/2019 Duration: 44min

    The spiritual concepts I will present in this message apply to all Believers, but Paul thought it important to emphasize them when describing the man of God. All of us need to understand that we stand corruptible and corrupt. For us to be anything but corrupt, we need a miracle of transformation from God Himself. Jesus said that in the last days the very elect would be deceived (Matthew 24:24). Our goal is to make sure deception is not possible. Likewise, men, we must make sure that we are spiritually incorruptible. Join me Sunday for more on this.

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 4 - Audio

    22/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    God has given His men the ability to make a difference in the world, the church and the family. A husband and father has been called by God to be the voice of wisdom and spiritual insight to those he influences. This Sunday I will continue the series on "Non-Toxic Masculinity" by taking a look at how to be "A Man of Wisdom."

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 3 - Audio

    15/09/2019 Duration: 52min

    Does the Bible really designate the husband as the leader of the home? What if he isn't a good leader? Here's the good news-- God can turn any man into a non-toxic leader. This Sunday my new series on masculinity will reveal the seven things that make a man a biblical leader.

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 2 - Audio

    08/09/2019 Duration: 45min

    Cultural myths about submission.

  • Non Toxic Masculinity Part 1 - Audio

    01/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    Lately the term "Toxic Masculinity" has become part of the political vocabulary. The definition changes drastically depending on who is using it, but generally it is used to condemn the traditional idea of the "macho man." Beginning this Sunday, I will be borrowing the term to take a biblical look at what it means to be a man. The modern American man lives in a day of great confusion as to what it means to be a man. In this series we will leave the cultural and political opinions behind and learn what the biblical man is. There is definitely a form of toxic masculinity that is devastating to spiritual life. We will confront this with God's Word and find our way to "non-toxic masculinity."

  • The Dynamics of God's Will for Your Life Part 4 - Audio

    25/08/2019 Duration: 42min

    Ever take the wrong exit and get caught up in traffic heading the wrong way? Sometimes life can be this way. We exit when we should have stayed on the freeway. Sunday we will conclude the current series on God's will by looking at "exits" we must avoid at all cost.

  • The Dynamics of God's Will for Your Life Part 3 - Audio

    18/08/2019 Duration: 50min

    God's will can survive our failures. God is in the restoration process-- grace is still amazing. This Sunday we will continue the series on "The Dynamics of God's Will" by learning how to come back from our failures.

  • The Dynamics of God's Will for Your Life Part 2 - Audio

    11/08/2019 Duration: 43min

    If God had His way, everyone would obey Him and together we would live out His plan, but this isn't the real world. In the real world, where freewill and sin exists, the actions of other people interfere with God's plans for our lives. I call this, "The Detoured Perfect Will of God." When we are on this road, the sins of other people place us in situations that God never wanted for us, but He is faithful and will turn this detour into something wonderful. This Sunday I will preach on how to navigate the detoured will of God.

  • The Dynamics of God's Will for Your Life Part 1 - Audio

    04/08/2019 Duration: 44min

    In the vast expanse of God's wisdom, there is a specific plan for your life. It is specific down to the very details of your daily life. The One who knit you together in your mother’s womb has not ignored the rest of your life. Yet for all of this, God will only invite you to accept it. You and I will only know God's plan, if we willfully accept it and cooperate with God as He implements it in our lives. As we press toward a better understanding of God's will, we need to understand the four potential “paths” in life. Join me Sunday for more on the first path.

  • The Problem in Your Life - Audio

    28/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    Do you feel that the description of your life has a "but" that seems to negate everything else? You are a person of great potential, "BUT" there is a problem that gets all the attention and diminishes your impact. Sunday we will travel back to 2 Kings and examine the miracle in Naaman's life. He was a great warrior, but he had leprosy. The "great warrior" part seemed to get lost in the "leprosy" problem. We are going to gain some great insights on how to deal with the biggest problem in our lives.

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is Near Part 14 - Audio

    21/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    God requires that we separate from the darkness before He can unite with us. The church world seldom finds the biblical balance here. We either become part of the world or isolate completely from the world—neither is biblical. Sunday we will discuss how to choose your path—and still be following God’s plan.

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is Near Part 13 - Audio

    14/07/2019 Duration: 50min

    The Bible says that Believers provoke each other toward love and good deeds. The truth is that when we live out our faith, we are inspiring to others. This is one of the great aspects of the Kingdom Community. Inspired people are happier and more fruitful than others. Sunday's message will focus on how we can live lives that inspire.

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is Near Part 12 - Audio

    07/07/2019 Duration: 50min

    We are not alone. God is with us and we have each other. This is the message of the Bible. God places us into His Community, the Kingdom Community. One of the basic functions of His Community is to bring relief to those who are suffering or in need. Don't miss the study of how fellowship works in the Body of Christ. It's a holiday weekend, so if you are in town, please make sure you are in church.

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is Near Part 11 - Audio

    30/06/2019 Duration: 36min

    Are you trying to fit in? Do you wonder why you can't seem to find your purpose in life? Have you realized that God's perfect will for your life is connected to His will for others? This Sunday I will continue our study of "Kingdom Community" examining how the connection we have with one another is part of the connection we have with God's purpose for our lives.

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