Liberty Assembly



Liberty Assembly


  • The Gift of Rest Part 7 - Audio

    27/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    The Bible tells us that when we are under attack by "unclean spirits," they seek to gain control so they can inspire us toward self-destruction, emotional withering, mental torment, hindering God's work, and being an instrument for Satan's plans. I have identified four ways we can become vulnerable to these spirits of darkness. This Sunday, as we continue the "Gift of Rest" series, we will learn how to spot these vulnerabilities and defeat them.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 6 - Audio

    20/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    Doesn't it seem that our nation is being torn apart? It doesn't seem like one nation under God, does it? Unless you have turned off the news, you have a steady supply of reasons to be troubled and anxious, but Jesus said we should not be. How do we live in a degrading world and maintain our peace? This is the subject for Sunday's message.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 5 - Audio

    13/01/2019 Duration: 39min

    Have you ever been aware of an eternal moment? These moments take place when an instant of our time produces an eternal impact. One of these moments took place when a homeowner had thirteen unexpected guests for dinner. In the anxiety of this temporal event, Jesus did something eternal. The homeowner, whose name was Martha, almost missed the event because the stress of the moment distracted her. This Sunday let's talk about how to protect these eternal moments from the anxiety that threatens them.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 4 - Audio

    06/01/2019 Duration: 50min

    The first Sunday in 2019 is upon us and we can set the pace for a great year. I would like to tell you something about this new year-- it will have some major challenges. God's plan for your year will stretch you beyond anything you have experienced before. But here is the good news; you don't need to be anxious because the Spirit will compensate for your weaknesses. How He will do this is the subject for this Sunday's message. You can rest while accomplishing the impossible this year.

  • Are You Making The Most Of Every Spiritual Opportunity? - Audio

    30/12/2018 Duration: 41min

    In the Parable of the Talents, recorded in Matthew 25, Jesus reveals some very important information that is more relevant today than ever before. Looking into this parable along with other scripture, we will find out how to make the most of every spiritual opportunity.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 3 - Audio

    23/12/2018 Duration: 39min

    How's the water? Sometimes they are calm and sometimes they are troubled, and there isn't much you can do about that. What we can do is make sure the Master of the sea is onboard with us. This Sunday I will continue the "Gift of Rest" series by looking at the story of Jesus calming the storm. What does this have to do with Christmas? Well, Jesus came to earth to sure He could always be onboard when our storms churn the water around us.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 2 - Audio

    16/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you find comfort in the words, "Don't worry; I've got you"? It depends on who is saying it, right? If you have confident in the ability and resources of the person speaking, anxiety will fade away. Guess what? Jesus is saying this to you. "Don't worry--I've got you." In this Sunday's second message in the new series, I will be dealing with Jesus' promise to take care of your needs.

  • The Gift of Rest Part 1 - Audio

    09/12/2018 Duration: 44min

    I have a gift for you. A few weeks ago, I was praying about the next series. I asked the Lord to give me some gifts I could present to the church body this Christmas Season. Almost immediately I sensed the Spirit speak me about the priceless gift of rest. Away I went collecting the passages that provide rest (and there are many of them). So, this Sunday I will begin unwrapping those presents for you. This holiday season, with God's direction and insight, I will be giving out the gift of rest.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 8 - Audio

    02/12/2018 Duration: 51min

    As we enter the Christmas Season, it is time for me to hand you the keys to the car. I'll be wrapping up the Success Principles series this Sunday, so you'll have the keys to a successful life. I pray you will make good use of all we have studied. In this series finale, we will see how loving obedience opens the door for God's best for your life. Consider this, God's greatest desire is to simply walk closely with you. When this happens, your Creator becomes an intimate Friend and anything is possible.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 7 - Audio

    25/11/2018 Duration: 28min

    The principle of commitment says that you could set your heart upon something and follow through with it until it is completed.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 6 - Audio

    18/11/2018 Duration: 38min

    Our natural tendency in life is to become collectors. Over the course of time more and more "stuff" finds its way into our lives. Some of it we cut out, some of it we store and forget about and some of it, we deposit in the bank. The Bible addresses this collection and makes it one of the great keys to success and happiness in life. God expects His people to have a habit of generosity, to regularly give up some of our "collection" for the benefit of others. While this goes against our natural tendency to keep everything we can, generosity remains a foundational part of living the life Jesus created you to live. We take up the 7th Principles for Success this Sunday-- The Principle of Generosity.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 5 - Audio

    11/11/2018 Duration: 48min

    There is a virtue that opens your life up to almost limitless sources of wisdom and knowledge. This same virtue draws people to you and enriches your relationships. It is so powerful, that God Himself responds to this principle by releasing great and precious promises into your life. What is this principle that packs such a positive punch? Humility! With humility, we gain a teachable spirit, and this brings wisdom and knowledge into our minds. With humility, people are drawn to us and authentic relationships form and grow. And when God sees humility, He releases abundant promises into our lives. The Sixth Principle for Success in Life is Humility. Sunday's message will focus on why we need it and how we get it.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 4 - Audio

    04/11/2018 Duration: 38min

    Do you know the difference between something that is beneficial and something that is essential? The quality of our future can depend on making the correct distinction. Some say it is beneficial to be grateful; some know it is essential. Gratitude creates an attitude from which the most important parts of genuine success are made. This Sunday, just in time for the Thanksgiving Season, we will take up the fifth principle of success, gratitude.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 3 - Audio

    28/10/2018 Duration: 40min

    The World Series started this week. It's not nearly as exciting or stressful as it was three years ago when our Royals took the crown. As a non-partisan spectator this year, I notice things I usually overlook--distracted by the game I guess. Have you noticed that the head coach is not called a head coach? -- He's called a "Manager." His responsibility is to manage the team and the games. In a sense, you are a major league manager; you manage all the aspects of your life and that's a major responsibility. This Sunday I will be teaching on how to manage the seven kingdoms of your life. This is a critical part of creating a successful life.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 2 - Audio

    21/10/2018 Duration: 49min

    The first building block of genuine success is integrity. We covered this one last Sunday. This Sunday we move to the next step. I call this principle, "The Prerogative Principle." When this principle is in place, God's prerogative is unquestioned. Success, as the Bible defines it, takes place only after God is placed in control of our lives. With His leadership established over our lives, good things (God-things) start taking place.

  • 10 Biblical Principles to Success Part 1 - Audio

    14/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Many view success as a "life lottery." It is something that happens if you get lucky. I don't believe success is about luck. Real success is a result. It is the result of solid decisions made with the guidance of God. This Sunday I will begin a new series on the 10 Biblical Principles to Success (as God define success). You are not going to want to miss a single message in this series.

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