Nerds Without Pants



Welcome to the Nerds Without Pants podcast! We're here to talk to you about games, comics, movies, and Jason Statham. Listen to our organized chaos, and join in the discussion with your letters. Keep it pantsless, internet!


  • Episode 36: Black and Blue Friday

    13/12/2013 Duration: 02h12min

    After not one, but two special format shows with guests, it's high time for the main NWP crew to get together and talk some games. Like, a lot of games. Like, too many games. Since we haven't done Consumption Junction in over six weeks, we all have a lot to talk about. Of course, we can't help but kick things off with PS4 talk, as both Patrick and Julian have been playing the new Sony box since launch day. They highlight some of their favorite interface features and talk about FIFA, Assassin's Creed IV, Knack, and Killzone: Shadowfall. Angelo has been enjoying his PS3, Julian misses his Pooh bear, and Final Fantasy IX looks like garbage on an HD display. Julian has some choice words for Batman: Arkham Origins, and Patrick is neck deep in comic books.We all spent money we didn't need to at Black Friday. Beyond that, we have a lot of general geekery for you this week. Let your mouth water as we talk sushi, be amazed at Angelo's train adventures, and weigh in on which Paranormal Activity movie is your favorite.

  • Episode 35: Comic Book Men

    17/11/2013 Duration: 02h01min

    Well, we're a bit late thanks to technical difficulties and busy schedules, but the Nerds Without Pants are back with another special format. Once again there is no time for the media we've been consuming, as we are joined by fan favorite John Gholson to talk all things comic books. We begin by talking about the actual printed editions themselves. Everyone has their tale to tell about how they caught the comic book bug, with the exception of Angelo who explains how comics were just never his bag. We talk about first issues, traumatic content, the healing powers of comic books, and more before giving Angelo (and you listeners) a few recommendations. In the second half of the show, we talk about some of the best and worst games that are based on comic books. We take things by time periods: The Golden Age (1977-1994), The Silver Age (1995-2004) and The Modern Age (2005-2013). John has a triumphant story about The Silver Surver for NES, Julian waxes nostalgic for the arcade brawlers, Angelo has a little bit of tr

  • Episode 34: NWP: The Next Generation

    01/11/2013 Duration: 02h11min

    Let's get right to it, people. There's no time to talk about current media we've been consuming, because this episode of NWP is an epic look back at the seventh console generation and a bit of a look forward at the eighth generation. So sit back, strap in, and get comfy, folks! We kick things off by looking way back into 2005 and explaining who we were and what we were doing. It's been almost a decade since this console cycle began, and we tell some interesting stories about ourselves and the launches of the big three machines. Then we bring up how these launch things typically go, and what people should expect in case they've forgotten or just plain have never had to upgrade their consoles before. Angelo returns to the Sony fold after a twelve year absence and is itching to experience an entirely new backlog (which, if you follow Angelo on PixlBit you know is a very good thing). We close things out by musing over what we believe to be some of the most important games of this generation, either on a personal

  • Episode 33: Halloween Havoc II: The Startling

    18/10/2013 Duration: 02h33min

    Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to listen to. Something like this extra-large edition of Nerds Without Pants, Halloween-style! We kick things off with Consumption Junction. In this episode, Julian spends some quality time with his 3DS and tries to overcome his PTSD (Pokemon Traumatic Stress Disorder). Patrick joins the PC master race and attempts to enjoy Tolkien. Angelo gushes over Aliens and gets yet another awesome gift from his wife. In the main topic, the Pantsless Ones discuss their first experiences with horror, try to understand why certain types of scary work on some people while failing with others, and answer a question from NWP superfan Michael117. Then they sign off by brainstorming some cool new horror video game ideas. FEATURED MUSIC: Killer Instinct- Tooth & Claw Danny Elfman- Theme from Tales From the Crypt Michael Jackson- Thriller Aqua- Halloween

  • Episode 32: The Pantsless and the Damned

    04/10/2013 Duration: 01h15min

    It's a shorter episode of Nerds Without Pants this week. That's either a blessing or a curse depending on your feelings on the Pantsless Ones. Life got in the way of our normal show format, but that's probably a good thing since you're all playing Grand Theft Auto V right now anyway. We go all over the place, with talk of classic GameBoy games, the boycotting of Waluigi, cloning Angelo's awesome wife, and other things. This leads into Julian talking for far too long about his abject hatred of GTA V. Patrick tries to sway Julian's opinion, but Julian cannot be swayed. If you find it boring and heavy handed, congratulations! You know how Julian felt playing GTA V. We close things out with some comics, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Angelo's failure with the Marvel Studios movies, and some love for Mel Brooks. See you in two weeks for our spooky Halloween extravaganza! FEATURED MUSIC: Mel Brooks- The Inquisition Ranetki- O Tebe The Pillows- Ride on Shooting Star

  • Episode 31: Soapbox Derby

    21/09/2013 Duration: 02h10min

    This week, the Pantsless Ones are joined by video games writer and rising YouTube star Erika Szabo. We each brought a topic to talk/preach/rant about from our soapboxes, but before that we of course have Consumption Junction. Erika catches us up on the huge changes in her career since her first appearance on NWP. Then there's Tales of Xillia, the Biggest Sneeze Ever, Angelo's fear of extraterrestrials, and Patrick's love of evil. Julian shakes his head at Wal Mart's poor purchasing skills and rallies back from a week of little to no sleep. Then the group takes to the soapbox. Julian has a lot to say about what a review should be, and urges readers to do their part to understand that reviews are a two way street. Patrick is fearful that bloated triple-A game budgets are stifling developer creativity. Angelo wants to be able to talk to people on the internet in a level headed and mature manner. Lastly, Erika tackles the dreaded "M" word (that's "misogyny" if you haven't been paying attention), and being a femin

  • Episode 30: Growing up Geek

    06/09/2013 Duration: 01h41min

    Wow, Nerds Without Pants turns 30! Funny, the show doesn't seem a day over 22. Aging is the topic of the day this time around, as Julian wonders what changes are in store for the modern geek. Before that, it's Consumption Junction time once again. Angelo is positively beaming after his conquering of Etrian Odyssey IV. Patrick has moved out of the parental domain, and he feels right. Julian Kickstarted a game he doesn't want, and he and Angelo have an almost civilized debate over the merits of Mighty No. 9.  In the main topic, Angelo and Patrick shake their heads in consternation at Julian's decent into self reflection. This is a weird one, folks. If you've ever been passionate about any aspect of geek culture (and you probably have if you're visiting this website) then getting older and still geeking out over things is something you should think about. Julian realizes that he's now in a situation where he has to keep his hobbies close to his vest, while Angelo has the luxury of geeking out with his kids.

  • Episode 29: Ethical Nerds

    23/08/2013 Duration: 02h09min

    It's Friday, which means it's time to take your pants off and listen to another wonderful episode of NWP! The guys run the gamut of geekdom this week, with talk about anime, art books, Shin Megami Tensei IV, and the greatest Jason Statham move ever made: Saints Row IV. After that, Patrick takes over to discuss ethics in the video game industry. How underhanded is it to lay off people right after a project is done? What about the unfortunately necessary evil that is the PR and game writer relationship? All of these topics and more are discussed at length in a rather thoughtful episode of Nerds Without Pants! FEATURED MUSIC: blur- Song 2 The Romantics- Talking in Your Sleep Paula Abdul- Opposites Attract Haddaway- What is Love                                                   "Oy! I've got a Statham Sighting

  • Episode 28: What's the Deal With JRPGs?

    09/08/2013 Duration: 02h15min

    It's time for another excellent episode of Nerds Without Pants! Oh, you lucky, lucky people. This week, it's all about JRPGs for the main topic, but as always we begin with Consumption Junction. Since Julian and Angelo bored the pants off of everyone last time, the lion's share of the opening segment is spent on Patrick's vacation to New York City. Museums were visited! Broadway shows were watched! Miis were Street Passed! After that, Patrick talks about how easily he breezed through the ending of Fire Emblem, much to Julian's chagrin. This leads nicely into the topic de jour: JRPGs. The crew talks briefly about their origins with the genre, and then try to put their fingers on where they each started to diverge from this type of game. Julian is the most negative, but that may come from the burnout of playing over a hundred RPGs before reaching the current generation. The guys debate the idea that voice acting may have ruined the genre, discuss Lightning's boob job, and more. It's a discussion that's sure to

  • Episode 27: Summer Jams

    26/07/2013 Duration: 01h59min

    Hello again! Patrick is on vacation in New York City this week, so it's up to Julian and new third chair Angelo to hold down the fort. Somehow, they manage to ramble on for two hours about this, that, and the other thing. What was supposed to be the shortest edition of Consumption Junction ever turns into a lengthy, meandering discussion. Angelo has a problem with huffing, and Julian has an aversion to the first person perspective. The guys talk about parental Final Fantasy bans, Treasure games, eradicating the word "shmup" from the gamer lexicon, and close out the section with Julian's best WWE Raw moment ever, Comic Con, and Pacific Rim. Whew! Then the topic moves into summertime. The guys talk about favorite childhood summer memories, their favorite games to play on summer vacation, and roadtrip shenanigans. They also tackle the subject of game publishers missing out on the possible sales goldmine by not releasing mid-tier games in the summer. They wrap things out by highlighting some of their favorite sum

  • Spoils The Last of Us

    17/07/2013 Duration: 02h13min

    Welcome to the first ever Nerds Without Pants spoilercast. We've picked a doozy of a game to cover, too! Julian, Patrick, and special guest JD come together to talk about all things The Last of Us. No stone is unturned, as the Pantsless Ones take you through the entire story. Join the NWP crew as they tackle The Last of Us, from summer to fall to winter to spring. The guys make no bones about their love for this game, although Julian takes some of the gameplay to task, and explains what he wishes the game's actual mechanics were. They discuss the strong female characters that buck video game norms, and praise the subtlety of the storytelling. Then, of course is that ending. We hope you enjoy this special edition of Nerds Without Pants. Let us know your thoughts on the game (and the podcast) in the comments below.

  • Episode 26: The Hard Goodbye

    12/07/2013 Duration: 01h52min

    It's a somber week for video games, as we have lost a titan. Ryan Davis, host of the Giant Bombcast has passed away, and Julian and Patrick start this episode of Nerds Without Pants by talking about how important Ryan was, and how much he's influenced NWP. After that, it's nearly an hour and a half of media consumption. Things go all over the place, as the guys talk about Dragon Age: Inquisition, Mondo Gecko, that Grand Theft Auto V trailer, and Saints Row the Third and the Fourth. Then there's some stuff with The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, comic book woes, Patrick's Rage Against Square Enix, and the realization that Blitzball sucks. But that's not all! What does the Big Bang Theory and porn have in common? Does the geek movie Zero Charisma roll a natural 20? What happens when Julian gets sweet, sweet revenge in Pathfinder? Oh, there's also some talk about Time and Eternity. All this and more can be found in this episode of Nerds Without Pants. FEATURED MUSIC: Theme from The Giant Bombcast Boy- Army The Lo

  • Episode 25: One Box to Rule Them All

    28/06/2013 Duration: 01h51min

    Hi, we’re Nerds Without Pants, and we would like to bring you this podcast that you can never share with anyone you know, and for the low, low price of 499.99. If you don’t like that, you can listen to the radio. Actually, never mind. Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone. We’re sorry. (In case you didn’t figure it out, this week is all about the Xbox One.) We kick things off with the most random edition of Consumption Junction ever. Angelo joins us this week, and we have some Statham Sightings ™, discuss the size of Liam Neeson’s package, Wikipedia insecurities, The Last of Us, Project x Zone, anime love pillows, and more. Patrick has an Animal Crossing addiction, and Julian makes awkward segways. Then, it’s all Xbox, all the time, and you don’t even have to check in every 24 hours to enjoy this podcast! We go in chronological order: from the initial reveal to all of the gaffes surrounding E3 and the flip flop heard ‘round the world. The Nerds

  • Episode 24: E3 Time Capsule

    14/06/2013 Duration: 01h16min

    After some serious technical difficulties and scheduling problems, the Nerds are back! We had all sorts of well-laid plans for this episode but they never came together. Instead, Patrick and Julian got together the day before E3 to record a predictions podcast that wouldn't be released until after the show was over. Enjoy this E3 time capsule! We hit up Consumption Junction and talk about Fire Emblem for way too long, as well as Star Trek Into Darkness and some comic book talk. Julian loves Dodgeball, and Satoru Iwata makes an appearance. Then the Nerds tackle what they expect to see at E3. How accurate were they? Did they get anything right at all? Only you can say for sure, dear listeners! FEATURED MUSIC: M83- Midnight City Fire Emblem: Awakening- Destiny Boy- Drive, Darling, Drive

  • Special: NWP XIII vs Nomura

    12/06/2013 Duration: 01h12min

    What? Another special edition of Nerds Without Pants? You lucky ducks! This time, Angelo joins Julian for a look at what Nintendo had to show off, as well as a bunch of other stuff that you'll want to hear. Angelo gives his thoughts on what was shown yesterday, and voices his caution and concerns for both the Xbox One and the PS4. He brings up some great points, but Julian is still gung ho on his PS4 preorder, but admits that Nintendo showed off some amazing games at their Nintendo Direct. Both of the guys think Mega Man is cute, secretly want to be Cat Mario, and fantasize about owning a Kuribo's Shoe. Then Angelo stirs the pot by bringing up Final Fantasy XV nee Versus XIII. He didn't listen to yesterday's special, which means you get to listen to Julian rant once again about his issues with the newly christened FF game and his hatred for Tetsuya Nomura's designs. To quote the tenth Doctor: "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

  • Special: PS4>Xbox One

    11/06/2013 Duration: 53min

    Hello there! The Pantsless Ones simply couldn't stay silent after the Sony press conference. Here is an hour of unfiltered, unedited NWP, with the guys high off of video game announcements. Julian goes over the Microsoft and EA press conferences, and gives the Xbox One a lot of props. But it simply can't compete with the PS4,and both Julian and Patrick had to preorder the sleek Sony console immediately following the press conference. The guys go over some of the bigger games, and they take some time out so that Julian can rant about Final Fantasy: The Vaporware, AKA Final Fantasy XV. That's about it! Sorry, Microsoft. You had some good stuff to show, but Sony was hungrier. Like a lethal Tombstone Piledriver, you're out for the count, and it's time to REST...IN...PEACE.

  • Episode 23: Don't Worry, Be Nerdy

    17/05/2013 Duration: 02h12min

    Hi there. We're all nerds and geeks here, right? We're passionate about our hobbies, but why does that passion so often turn to rage and complaining? Can't we all just have fun and enjoy each other's thoughts and company? Well, this week on Nerds Without Pants we're joined by a couple excellent guests to talk about just that. Enjoy the beautiful voices and even-handed opinions of Erika Szabo and John Gholson! We kick things off with introductions. Erika is becoming a force to be reckoned with in the realm of games and tech writing. John has started a new comics blog, acted in a movie, and been on VH1 since last we heard from him. After that we move into Consumption Junction. We talk about Iron Man 3, comic book back issues, Fire Emblem, anime, and the proper language needed when reviewing vibrators. Yes, you read that right. Then, we go deep on the echo chamber of nerd rage that can be found on the internet. Sexism comes up a lot, as it's been a hot button issue in the games sector recently. From the Dragon'

  • Episode 22: Nintendo Propaganda

    03/05/2013 Duration: 02h21min

    Hey! Listen! We have a big show for you this week, and we kick things off by talking about how awesome Felicia Day is before Patrick gives us the lowdown on the c2e2 convention. Is that Jeff Green guesting on our show? Not quite, but Angelo sounds a little bit like him, and he drops by to talk about Nintendo and other fun things! In Consumption Junction, Angelo brings up some great conversation about video game soundtracks. Patrick's been playing Phantasy Star IV, and the guys talk about gaming "then" and gaming "now". Julian watched Twilight: Breaking Dawn and recoils in terror from CG BABY. He's also jumped onto the 3DS bandwagon, thanks to peer pressure from people like our own Jesse Miller. That leads the crew into a lengthy discussion about Nintendo. Julian's been a vocal "jilted Nintendo lover" for a long time, and talks about his love and breakup with the company. Angelo tells his odd beginnings with the Big N, and Patrick reminisces about his "gaming All-Mother". Julian calls out the hysterical, rabid

  • Episode 21: Sick, Sad World

    19/04/2013 Duration: 01h16min

    Hello, and *cough cough* welcome to *hack* another episode of *wheeze* Nerds Without Pants! Our last episode was so freaking epic that Julian fell ill. Well, not really, but he's rather under the weather this week, so hopefully you enjoy this shorter show as Patrick takes up the slack. It's pretty much all Consumption Junction this time, folks. Patrick's been playing The Walking Dead, catching up on TV shows, and reading copious amounts of comics. Julian conquered a game from his past that has haunted him for years, shares his fear of bug eyed people, and has a vastly different definition for large breasts than Patrick. Things wrap up with some talk of game collecting before Patrick chimes in with a PSA on insomnia, something that Julian and many of the PixlBit community suffer from. And that's it! What, you want more? You got almost three hours of us last time! WHAT MUST WE DO TO APPEASE YOU??!! FEATURED MUSIC: Bad Religion- Infected Paula Cole- Hush, Hush, Hush

  • Episode 20: Ten

    05/04/2013 Duration: 02h39min

    It's time again for Nerds Without Pants! This week, JD joins us for a very special look at growing up in the '90s, and all the great games we experienced back then. So lace up your army boots, tie a flannel around your waist, and chug some Crystal Pepsi folks, because this episode of NWP is full of attitude and is so effing XTREME! First though, we head over to Consumption Junction, where quite a bit of games are talked about. Enjoy plenty of discussion about God of War: Ascension, Gears of War: Judgment, BioShock Infinite, The Cave, and Star Craft II: Heart of the Swarm. Julian brings up Metal Gear Solid V and the danger of "prequel fatigue". We also talk about comics for a reeeally long time, as well as a bit of TV. Then we hop into the Wayback Machine for a trip through 1990-1999. There's as much as a ten year gap between the oldest and youngest members of this show, so memories and experiences vary wildly. From the heyday of the arcade to the launch of the SNES, N64, PSX, and more, the Pantsless Ones have

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