Nerds Without Pants

Episode 25: One Box to Rule Them All



Hi, we’re Nerds Without Pants, and we would like to bring you this podcast that you can never share with anyone you know, and for the low, low price of 499.99. If you don’t like that, you can listen to the radio. Actually, never mind. Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone. We’re sorry. (In case you didn’t figure it out, this week is all about the Xbox One.) We kick things off with the most random edition of Consumption Junction ever. Angelo joins us this week, and we have some Statham Sightings ™, discuss the size of Liam Neeson’s package, Wikipedia insecurities, The Last of Us, Project x Zone, anime love pillows, and more. Patrick has an Animal Crossing addiction, and Julian makes awkward segways. Then, it’s all Xbox, all the time, and you don’t even have to check in every 24 hours to enjoy this podcast! We go in chronological order: from the initial reveal to all of the gaffes surrounding E3 and the flip flop heard ‘round the world. The Nerds