Cindy Cox Ministries

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 200:58:23
  • More information



THE HEALING COLLECTION - Cindy Cox was divinely healed of stage-four melanoma in 2002, and our amazing God has captivated her heart and her life. She has authored 3 books about divine healing, and shares the gospel of Jesus the Healer in her teaching and healing ministry.


  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #2

    20/06/2016 Duration: 44min

    You Are Loved! - Knowing you are loved by your heavenly Father is your absolute most important wisdom key for healing! Cindy revealed 2 lies of the enemy that deceive many believers. The first lie is that we need to earn our healing. The truth is that we receive all of God’s gifts based ONLY on His grace and His love for us! The second lie is that we don’t think we deserve God’s healing because of our own behavior, weaknesses, or failures. The truth is that the blood of Jesus was shed to pay our debt, and to purchase our righteousness – our worthiness. We must stop focusing on our past failures and focus on God’s love for us instead! He loves us, and that is the basis for our healing.

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #1

    13/06/2016 Duration: 44min

    Do This In Remembrance Of Me - Guest Speaker: Ellen Anderson - Healing is forever settled through Jesus. It is one of two amazing gifts purchased through Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. The shedding of His blood purchased our righteousness through remission of sin. The breaking of His body purchased our shalom peace; which includes quiet, tranquility, contentment, completeness, safety, soundness in body, health, welfare, and prosperity. Jesus paid the price for healing and wholeness in our spirit, our soul, and our body. By His stripes, we were healed! Knowing this truth is a true wisdom key that unlocks healing doors!

  • Nothing is Impossible With God

    09/03/2016 Duration: 53min

    Luke 1:37 says, “For with God, nothing will be impossible”. The word “nothing” in this scripture is composed of 3 Greek words – no, thing, rhema. A rhema word is a word that God has spoken or revealed to us in a very personal way. When this happens, our faith rises up to believe and receive His promises, and the impossible becomes possible!!! Biblical meditation is our primary source for conceiving rhema in our heart, and giving birth to the impossible!

  • The True Nature of God / Part 6 – Revelation = Transformation

    08/03/2016 Duration: 01h27min

    Guest Speaker: Tom Viers Colossians 1:27 says, To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We will radiate and represent Jesus to the world to the degree that we see Him as He is! Knowing God in His fullness, which is Jesus, produces the results the Bible teaches!

  • The True Nature of God / Part 5 – The Goodness of God

    01/03/2016 Duration: 57min

    Having a revelation of the goodness of God is one of the most important revelatory truths we can have as believers, second only to His amazing love for us! But many people have misperceptions of God, denying His true nature of absolute goodness, and embracing sickness or disease as gifts from God. This lie is actually blasphemous; attributing to God the work of the devil! Goodness is God’s standard, and it is NOT relative to our behavior or beliefs! God IS good. He is ALWAYS good. He is ONLY good!

  • The True Nature of God / Part 4 – God is For Us and With Us

    23/02/2016 Duration: 01h11s

    Guest Speaker: Fran Viers. God is with you when you are going through hard times. He is for you when others have forgotten or forsaken you. For He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down, relax my hold on you! Assuredly not! (Hebrews 13:5b AMPC)

  • The True Nature of God / Part 3 - Our Knowledge Affects Our Receiving

    16/02/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7a) If you have a wrong perception of God’s nature, you will expect the wrong things … and you’ll get what you expect! The word “know” in the Bible means to learn to know, to come to know, to perceive, to be familiar with, to be aware of at the most intimate level, to experience, to encounter. Faith is a direct result of knowing God better!

  • The True Nature of God / Part 2 - Jesus Reveals God’s True Nature

    09/02/2016 Duration: 59min

    The Law showed man a part of the nature of God – that He was holy and no unholy thing could stand in His presence – but Jesus provided the complete picture of God’s true nature! Cindy expounds on several biblical accounts of Jesus – unveiling the God’s true nature!

  • The True Nature of God / Part 1 - The History of God’s Grace

    02/02/2016 Duration: 59min

    Cindy shared evidence of God’s grace displayed in the Old Testament before the Mosaic Law was given. She shared God’s grace in giving the law – a temporary restraint upon sin to keep it from multiplying, dominating, and destroying the human race. In the law, God revealed His standard of holiness, which was infinitely higher than we could ever attain. We could not save ourselves. We needed a savior. Grace – extravagant grace – was paid in full by Jesus. The problem many of us face today is that we see God through Old Covenant Law instead of New Covenant grace!

  • Encounters With God and Impartation

    18/11/2015 Duration: 39min

    In this mini-teaching, Cindy teaches from Romans 12:2. Our renewed (transformed) mind comes through encounters with Him! She shares the biblical foundation of laying on of hands and impartation, and she prays a powerful Holy Spirit anointed prayer of impartation over your life!

  • Discerning God's Voice

    05/08/2015 Duration: 58min

    John 10:27 says: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. In this session, Cindy shares several ways that God speaks to us. As you listen to this teaching, may you recognize and perceive His voice encouraging you, affirming you, guiding you, teaching you … loving you!!!

  • Celebrate God’s Goodness

    22/07/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    God is good. Always. In the middle of the battle, it is CRITICAL to keep this truth front and center in your heart! Feed your heart on what God has done or is doing, without stumbling over what you see or feel or hear in the world! Acknowledge Him! Choose to praise Him through the storm! There is victory and rest in the place of praise and worship!

  • The Balance Of Faith & Grace

    01/07/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Grace is a completed work, and includes everything Jesus did for us through His redemptive gift. God’s grace is unearned, undeserved, and unmerited. It is available for all men, but is only accessed when we believe in the finished work of Jesus. Our faith is not something we do to “get” God to respond, because healing is already provided. Are you trying to obtain healing instead of defending the healing you already have?

  • Extravagant Grace

    24/06/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    In this teaching, Cindy shares the “manifold grace of God”. Grace includes everything Jesus accomplished for us through His redemptive gift. We are forgiven, made righteous, rescued, delivered and set free, protected, healed, preserved, prospered, made whole, and empowered. His grace is extravagant indeed!!!

  • Your ARE Worthy

    10/06/2015 Duration: 54min

    Let go of the false identity of unworthiness. Embrace your true identity … you ARE worthy! You ARE worthy of God’s love and His forgiveness and His healing, because you are His child. Not because of anything you’ve done. Not because of anything you’ve earned. But because of what Jesus has done, and what He has earned! Because of the shed blood of the Lamb of Christ, poured out in love for you!

  • Your True Identity

    03/06/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    If sickness or any other issue of life has defined your life, God wants to redefine you! In this session, Cindy begins to share your TRUE identity – HE is in you, and you are in HIM! You are deeply loved by God. You are strong. You are more than a conqueror. You are a victor, not a victim. You can do all things, through HIM!

  • The Prayer Of Blessing

    20/05/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    There is great power in speaking the blessing, not the curse. In any area where you are experiencing difficulty, failure, sickness, or defeat – speak God’s blessing over that very area! Call those things which do not exist as though they did! (Romans 4:17) Cindy also shares an effective, powerful way to pray for the lost, according to God’s Word and His spiritual laws.

  • Spiritual Laws That Govern Faith to Receive

    06/05/2015 Duration: 51min

    God has already provided healing for everyone through Jesus. If you are just praying and waiting on God to do something, then you are violating spiritual laws that govern faith. You aren’t cooperating with God by faith. In this teaching, Cindy shares 7 spiritual laws that will help you to “flip the switch” of faith to receive!

  • A Better Way to Pray

    29/04/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Jesus had to undo the “religious system” thinking about prayer before he could effectively teach them what prayer truly was. In this teaching, I answer many questions and address misconceptions about prayer. I share what prayer IS, and how to pray effectively and powerfully!

  • The Condition Of Your Heart

    22/04/2015 Duration: 57min

    The condition of your heart is determined by what you focus your attention on. Are you more moved by what you see that what God says? Do you forget the good things God has done for you in the past, and focus on what’s going on around you instead? Do you know about God’s will to heal, but don’t perceive and understand that truth? You may unknowingly have a hardened heart toward God. Whatever you “consider” you become sensitive to. Whatever you “consider not” you become hardened to!

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