Cindy Cox Ministries

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 200:58:23
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THE HEALING COLLECTION - Cindy Cox was divinely healed of stage-four melanoma in 2002, and our amazing God has captivated her heart and her life. She has authored 3 books about divine healing, and shares the gospel of Jesus the Healer in her teaching and healing ministry.


  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #7

    21/02/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    Session 7 - Entanglements It’s critically important to whom, or to what, you become yoked. Destructive soul entanglements can keep us held hostage and in bondages we don’t even realize we’re trapped in. In this session, Cindy shares God’s plan for healthy soul ties, and uncovers potentially destructive soul ties. Soul ties cloud your vision. Get ready for a “vision transition”, and freedom from destructive entanglements!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #6

    14/02/2017 Duration: 01h18min

    Session 6 - The Fear of Rejection Do you need the approval, the appreciation, the acceptance of man in order to feel fulfilled? Do you worry about what others think or say about you? Do you “change faces” when with different people or in different settings? Do you feel like you don’t belong? Do you deal with insecurity, inferiority or poor self-image? These are just a few of the symptoms of a deceptive root of rejection. The deception of rejection says that you have no value, and therefore can be discarded or rejected. That is a lie. As a daughter or son of God, you are accepted! You are loved! You are SO valuable to Him! In this session, Cindy leads you into truth that has the potential to set you free from the bondage of rejection, and into the fullness of your redemption in Christ!!!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #5

    07/02/2017 Duration: 01h12min

    Session 5 - The Spirit of Fear 2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) says: For God did not give us a sprit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a sprit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. The enemy’s goal is to establish strongholds of fear in our lives that hold us captive, rather than standing in the power of faith in God, and receiving His purpose in our lives. In this teaching, Cindy exposes symptoms of the demonic spiritual root of fear, and leads you through prayer of deliverance from the spirit of fear and into the fullness of your sonship with Abba!!!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #4

    31/01/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    Session 4 - Condemnation, Unworthiness, Self-Hatred This is the second session on the bad root of lies. And this teaching exposes a major lie of the enemy. The word says: Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior]. (Romans 8:1 AMP) Cindy dispels the lie that you are not worthy of God’s love or His grace. You ARE worthy because ALL your sin has been totally remitted. As a child of God, all sin has been separated from you, and you have been reconciled to God! You have become the righteousness of God in Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:21) You are worthy! You are accepted! You are loved!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing #3

    24/01/2017 Duration: 01h41min

    Session 3 - Disempowering Lies The enemy is a master of deception and the father of lies. Although he has been defeated, he can still exert his influence over us if we do not recognize and resist his deception. In this session, Cindy uncovers 3 kinds of demonic deception: false truths, colored lenses, and crafty suggestions. Then she teaches biblically based strategies to disempower those lies! Now here is some really good news … we are in the midst of a victorious battle! For this reason the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil! (1 John 3b) And now we co-labor with Christ, with authority and power over all of the works of the enemy!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing

    17/01/2017 Duration: 01h11min

    Session 2 - Mother Wounds In Session 2 of the Master-Gardening series, Cindy shares specifically about the importance of our mothers’ “storge” love, especially during the foundational years from conception until age 2 ½, and the wounds that may affect us throughout life if that special love is breached. Please know that God does not want us to reject our mother. He wants us to love and honor our parents. But He also wants us well! Note: A time of corporate ministry flowing with Holy Spirit’s powerful love and healing begins 40 minutes into this video session!

  • Master-Gardening for Your Soul: A Series on Inner Healing

    10/01/2017 Duration: 01h30min

    Session 1 - Father Wounds In this 10-week series, we will look at 6 “bad roots” that may have taken up residence in your soul. We’ll look at the “bad fruit” that you may be fighting in your life as a result. As God reveals root issues, Cindy will help lead you into God’s freedom and healing, reclaiming what was stolen from the enemy. The first “bad root” that Cindy teaches in this session is woundedness … wounds inflicted through people, experiences, circumstances, and even through cultural strongholds. In Session 1, Cindy teaches specifically about father wounds, and the importance of our father’s role, especially during the foundational years of 3 to 5, and the basic emotional needs that we need our fathers to fulfill. Please know that God does not want us to reject our father. He wants us to love and honor our parents. But He also wants us well! Note: The final 30 minutes of this session is a time of corporate ministry flowing with Father God’s powerful love and healing!

  • God is Love

    14/12/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    God’s love is inherent, intrinsic, and absolutely 100% unconditional! In this teaching, Cindy shares God’s demonstration of love, how to grow in knowing His love, the effect of His love, and the power of His love.

  • Four Kinds of Faith - Part 2

    13/12/2016 Duration: 01h13min

    In part two of this teaching, Cindy shares two more biblical accounts of healing – a woman with great faith who took a huge risk and positioned herself to receive healing; and a man with aggressive faith who threw off his identity of blindness and received his new identity … healed!!! No matter where your entry point into your faith journey, God longs to meet you right where you are with a heart of compassion and absolute willingness to manifest His healing grace! Jesus is the same yesterday, this very day, and forever!!!

  • God is Faithful

    30/11/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Faithfulness is an intrinsic, unchangeable facet of God’s very being. He is faithful to His Word, (His promises). He can be depended on! He is faithful to take care of us, to guard us from the evil one, to provide spiritual protection and spiritual fortification! The rock on which we build our faith is His faithfulness.

  • Four Kinds of Faith - Part 1

    29/11/2016 Duration: 01h18min

    The purpose of this 2-part teaching is to dispel the myth that you won’t get healed if you don’t have enough faith. Focusing on your own level of faith can actually be a stumbling block, averting your focus from Jesus and His finished work! In this teaching, Cindy digs into two scriptural accounts of healing -- a father who is consumed with unbelief and doesn’t even know if Jesus can heal; and a leprous man who know that Jesus can heal, but doesn’t know if He is willing. In both cases, tiny seeds of breakthrough pushed through the gravity of the problem, and their faith received!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #11

    29/08/2016 Duration: 01h11min

    Dealing With Counterattacks - Guest Speaker: Tom Viers - If you are a child of God, you cannot lose your healing, because it resides within your spirit. But you can be deceived into thinking you’ve lost it! The enemy knows that the God’s Word is alive and powerful. That is why he comes to steal God’s Word, (His promises) from your heart. God’s word is a seed. In this teaching, Tom teaches powerful truth about the living seed of God’s Word, how to water it, and to expect the harvest of healing and health!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #10

    22/08/2016 Duration: 01h43s

    Hope-FULL-ness … not Hope-LESS-ness In this teaching, Cindy shares how the enemy infects our soul with hopelessness when our hope is attacked or deferred. And she shares spiritual medicine that will kill the infection of hopelessness and restore your hope – your confident and joyous expectation in God and in His promises! Renounce the lie of hopelessness and replace it with the truth of a Living Hope in Jesus and His finished work of the cross!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #9

    15/08/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Examine Your Heart Guest Speaker: Kathy Bandol. In this powerful teaching, Kathy shares WHY it is important to examine our heart; HOW we examine our heart; and TOOLS to examine your heart. As we examine our heart, God reveals truth where we may have been believing lies, unforgiveness is rooted out and replaced with freedom from bondage, and soul wounds are healed. An abundant life, which includes physical health, is dependent on the condition of your heart. (3 John 1:2)

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #8

    08/08/2016 Duration: 57min

    Unbelief – The Enemy of Faith - Guest Speaker: Fran Viers - Unbelief is not weak faith. It is not a lack of faith. Unbelief comes when we focus our attention on other things God’s Word. (i.e. the doctor reports, the test results, other peoples’ opinions and experiences, internet research) We don’t need a huge faith. But we do need a pure faith that doesn’t contradict, counterbalance, or negate our faith! Unbelief will make faith ineffective. Listen to this teaching for encouragement and to learn God’s way to walk by faith and not by sight!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #7

    01/08/2016 Duration: 52min

    Active vs. Passive Faith - Being PASSIVE does not involve active participation; rather it is simply being the object of action rather than causing action. Being ACTIVE, on the other hand, does involve participation and causes influence or change. God has completed His part in providing our healing, through the redemptive work of Jesus. But we have complete freedom of choice whether God’s perfect will of healing comes to pass in our lives or not. It doesn’t happen without our cooperation! We need to be an active participant in our believing and receiving!!!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #6

    25/07/2016 Duration: 01h26s

    Eyes to See, Ears to Hear - What is the primary picture on the canvas of your heart … sickness and death, or health and life? If you are not seeing yourself well, meditate on the Word until God’s picture becomes clearly stamped on your soul. You need to see it to be it! Hearing and healing are connected. Each battle for health that we face in our lives is different. It is imperative to remain dependent upon the Lord and listen for His voice of direction for the specific strategy He has for our healing.

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #5

    18/07/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    Surrounding Yourself With Faith Builders (Not Faith Killers) - Guest Speaker: Tom Viers - A true faith builder will always point you to the Word, and to Jesus, the Word made flesh! We need to hear about Jesus, experience Jesus, and speak about Jesus! As much as possible, we need to shut off the voices and resources that discourage us. We need to starve doubt and feed on Jesus (the Word) who is the bread of life!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #4

    11/07/2016 Duration: 54min

    Your Faith, Your Move - You receive the finished work of Jesus according to YOUR faith – not someone else’s faith or revelation. Once faith is conceived in your heart, nothing can stop you from your appointment with healing! There is a misunderstanding in the body of Christ that says, “If God wants me well, then I’ll get well. That is His business, and there is nothing I can do about it.” But OUR faith and OUR free will and actions greatly affect what part of God’s will we receive. God has done His part. Now He is waiting on us to believe and take action on our faith. It’s our move now!

  • Wisdom Keys for Healing #3

    27/06/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Exalt The Truth Over Facts - Guest Speaker: Fran Viers - The bad report we hear about our health is not the final report! A bad report does not carry authority in our lives unless we let it. In our humanity, we depend on our 5 senses to illuminate our understanding. But faith is the evidence of things not seen … faith is believing before we see! Faith is not denying the facts, but rather exalting the truth of God’s Word ABOVE the facts.

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