Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 243:00:58
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Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.


  • Are You Stuck in a Collapsed Quantum Wave Function? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    09/02/2023 Duration: 20min

    To see through the ego’s delusions, one must adopt a scientific approach to the highest yoga. One’s intellect must be able to integrate quantum physics with the perspectives of semiotics, complexity theory, chaos theory, psychoanalysis, and archetypal psychology. One must recognize how these disciplines are fully congruent with classical metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. One must avoid the trap of taking religious imagery and dogma literally, rather than as metaphor, and be able to discern the underlying referent within religious mythology. Only with an accurate orientation toward to the Real Source of our consciousness can we hope to realize God.

  • The Tactical Genius of an Authentic Spiritual Warrior - Shunyamurti Q&A

    07/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    The soul that is determined to escape from the ego’s control must develop a number of virtues and powers in order to gain the freedom to ascend to God-consciousness. To live as a true spiritual warrior, one must use whatever is left of one’s drive to know the Truth, and be willing to open one’s heart and offer the soul’s love to the Almighty One. There is good reason to call this the Hero’s Journey!

  • The Secret of the Fearlessness of True Yogis - Shunyamurti Teaching

    04/02/2023 Duration: 12min

    To cope with the cataclysmic events that are about to erupt in the world, we must be living in Truth. The ego is based on a false premise and is filled with delusional projections. If we do not become free of its paranoid attitude and closed heart, we will not be able to connect with the God-Self. Use wisely the time that remains.

  • Only a Broken Heart Can Free the Soul - Shunyamurti Teaching

    02/02/2023 Duration: 18min

    The solution to the riddle of impossible humility is offered with humor and compassion for the human condition. The same riddle is posed in a slightly different way by every wisdom tradition, yet always pointing to the same paradox. You can't make effort to be effortless. One can never attain humility, since claiming it refutes the claim. There must be some way out of this, but it requires abandoning all hope

  • The Arc of Consciousness at the End of the Age - Shunyamurti Q&A

    31/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    This retreat is intended to prepare all seekers for what is coming! In this invitation to participate in our upcoming Chaos to Coherence seminar, Shunyamurti expresses the importance of reaching a state of total spiritual coherence--total God-consciousness and total awareness of the Real that transcends the illusion of time, so consciousness can rise beyond the incoming tide of destruction to a level of truth that transmit a vibrational frequency that is a beacon of peace and love amidst the chaos in this dream of the world illusion.

  • The Official Warning of Armageddon Has Been Announced - Satyoga.org

    27/01/2023 Duration: 26min

    Reality is revealed from the perspective of a liberated sage, who perceives only the luminous, blissful, eternal Self. By giving our hearts to our beloved Supreme Self now, we can be lifted out of range of any effects of the cataclysmic events about to occur in the phenomenal world. It is useful to know the relative truth about the perilous state of the world and how close we are to thermonuclear Armageddon. But the only reason to know that is to motivate the consciousness to ascend to the Transcendent Real.  

  • The Function of the Demonic is to Spur Us to Become Divine - Shunyamurti Teaching

    21/01/2023 Duration: 12min

    "As we approach the final days of this final period of the Kalpa, the events that occur within the cycle of time become ever more extreme, and the extreme polarities of consciousness become ever more powerful, and the middle range of the spectrum of consciousness becomes weaker." In this morning teaching, Shunyamurti reminds us that we have the power to choose between the divine and the demonic energies, and the moment of choice is now. Is your soul encased by the ego or will you decide to take refuge with the protector of all souls and become a being of light, not matter.

  • What is Left Out of Trinitarian Theology? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    19/01/2023 Duration: 21min

    Surprise! Shunyamurti offers insight into the element of surprise as a complementary aspect to the trinity, forming the invisible principle that creates a quaternity, and which is actually the creative freedom and power required to redream the world which appears as a spectrum of (often surprising) moments of pleasure and pain, revealing that perceived glitches are actually perfect opportunities to recognize the incredible mystery of an authentic spiritual path to awakening.

  • What Does it Mean to Kill Your Ego? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    14/01/2023 Duration: 14min

    What does it mean to kill your ego? Shunyamurti offers a solution to the problem of the ego–no mind! Take refuge in the effortless, natural state–your true nature–and you will discover your identity is a fiction, all is contained, ordained, and explained by your true Self, and reality will unfold without obstruction.

  • Enter the Center of Consciousness - Shunyamurti Guided Meditation

    12/01/2023 Duration: 20min

    Open your heart and receive the power and shakti that comes from Divine Love! In this guided meditation journey, Shunyamurti invites us to attune to Presence. When you feel the presence of the Supreme within, the joy of eternal consciousness will be realized as your Self, and the infinite intensity of energy in the Zero Point will annihilate the ego-mind and purify the consciousness, so you can be reborn as Holy Spirit.

  • The Practice of Nondual Devotion - Shunyamurti Teaching

    07/01/2023 Duration: 15min

    The true significance of Namaste is revealed, along with the real meaning of dreams, insights into the state of deep sleep, and its revelatory connection to the source of life energy.

  • Transform Karma into Wisdom and Spiritual Power! - Shunyamurti Q&A

    03/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    We are near the end of Kali Yuga, and it seems like there is so much karma to purify. Will this baggage burden us even in the next cycle of time? Shunyamurti responds to a question about the function of karma. Graduation from the school of life and death requires purification of consciousnes. If you clean up your karma now you can receive a passport to Liberation and the heavenly realms.

  • The Topology of Reality is a Klein Bottle - Shunyamurti Teaching

    31/12/2022 Duration: 12min

    Shunyamurti casts light on the archetype of all illnesses: every symptom is a symbol and a blessing, if one is able to understand the klein bottle aspect of reality--that every ego's got it all inside out.

  • How Big a Dose Do You Want? (of Grace) - Shunyamurti Teaching

    29/12/2022 Duration: 14min

    Shunyamurti outlines the Seven Levels of Grace that will lead one to the fulfillment of the Quest. But to receive the gift of Grace, one must have faith and let go of feelings of unworthiness, allowing grace to heal the pain of the paradigm of duality and recognizing that Grace is of the Self and not of an other.

  • The Other Object of Desire: The Self - Shunyamurti Q&A

    27/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    Join us online for a 5-Day New Year Retreat Guided by Shunyamurti ~ Desire, Dharma, and Deliverance https://bit.ly/3hkoply   What exactly is the problem with desire? Shunyamurti offers a response to this question and insight into how to rediscover what every being truly desires: the freedom and glory of the Real Self, and the capacity for Divine Love, which is the real power that brings the ultimate fulfillment. This short but powerful teaching is a precursor to the upcoming New Year Retreat, Desire, Dharma and Deliverance, which begins this Friday. If you wish to fully understand the origin, destiny and paradox of desire, sign up today for a non ordinary New Year, New Kalpa event with the Sat Yoga Global Sangha!

  • May Santa Light Your Jyoti Bindu! Hear the Para Nada Sing! - Shunyamurti Teaching

    24/12/2022 Duration: 17min

    On Christmas Eve, the godly gifts of bindu and nada (the light and soundless song of the Self) are given to those who gather at the Tree of Life to be Christed. It is time to end the war with God, our alienation from our divine nature. It is the moment designated by Source to return to our Infinite Spirit. May we be the ones who at last bring the joy of Rapture to the world.

  • Christmas: From an Esoteric Interfaith Perspective - Shunyamurti Teaching

    22/12/2022 Duration: 31min

    Shunyamurti unpacks deep layers of meaning contained in the Christmas scenario. He links the universal and archetypal levels of the Christ as symbol with the actual life of the enlightened  Israelite sage who is remembered by that title. The dimension of the Christ as Self is distinguished from other religious, ideological, and mythological depictions. We also learn how the teachings of Christ have analogs in all religions, and how the holy day of Christ’s symbolic birth takes place at the end of the year, which heralds the revelation of God at the end of every cycle of time, heralding a new beginning. Facing the Apocalypse is the final exam in this wisdom school that is the world, and only the attainment of Christ-consciousness will avail at the moment of Truth. May the Christ (who is also Krishna, Buddha, and the Dao, among other names) be born in you this season.

  • The Ten Co-Mindments to Abide in Great Bliss - Shunyamurti Teaching

    17/12/2022 Duration: 16min

    Shunyamurti offers a new set of Ten Co-Mindments as organizing principles for the arising of a new people who will bring a more beautiful world into Being. To participate, we must abide in Maha Sukha, the Great Bliss, and channel the power, love, and wisdom of the Supreme Self.

  • How Fear Has Gained the Upper Hand - Shunyamurti Q&A

    06/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    How do we overcome feelings of fear that arise in response to these uncertain times? Shunyamurti shares the secret to claiming victory over fear, by living in soul-consciousness and claiming sovereignty of Being.

  • Freedom Requires Sovereignty of Consciousness - Shunyamurti Teaching

    03/12/2022 Duration: 14min

    Do you really want to know what is happening? Shunyamurti offers a spiritual understanding of the situation at hand and an archeological perspective on the eschaton, the imminent end of the world that consciousness is now dreaming as the moment in which we have the power to choose to leap out of the matrix or languish in it. Now is the moment to get out while you still can, by finding the strength to break through the hegemonic control of your mind and into the supreme levels of consciousness that are available to those who yearn for true freedom and sovereignty.

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