Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 242:48:45
  • More information



Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.


  • Do You Steal from God or Serve with Love? Shunyamurti Classic Teaching

    11/05/2023 Duration: 12min

    As Kali Yuga crashes in flames, a divine transformation is taking place in the world. The souls with the most intense yearning for God are being taught how to redream the divine creation. Conscious transformation of our values and focus from the mundane to the noumenal is the effort that brings the response of grace.

  • Liberation is Complete Fixation on the Self

    09/05/2023 Duration: 15min

    Sri Ramana teaches the direct realization of the Self, requiring only tireless devotion. Grace is the reward for serving God wholeheartedly, with complete indifference toward the apparent world.

  • From Chaos and War to Divine Order: The Secret of God’s Exile and Return

    02/05/2023 Duration: 25min

    The ancient epic known as the Ramayana is a time capsule of information and instruction for facing the final days of Kali Yuga. Knowledge of the structure of consciousness and its permutations, including the soul’s romancing and renouncing of desire, is bringing the ego face to face with the Self—and the invincible power of the Real.   

  • Avoid Being Crushed by Social Collapse - Shunyamurti Teaching

    08/04/2023 Duration: 16min

    People have lost all trust in the institutions that were supposed to serve them, but which now oppress with tyrannical force. There is no way back, now that legitimacy has been squandered. The one rational response is attunement of consciousness to the unified planetary field of intelligence that resonates with the Will of God. This attainment must be our highest priority.

  • Magic Can Impress the World—Yogic Power Re-Creates It - Shunyamurti Teaching

    01/04/2023 Duration: 10min

    The world is analogous to a moving image appearing on a computer screen. A shaman learns to modify the underlying program, producing magical effects, through attaining altered states of mind. The yogi transcends the mind and gains the power to turn off the computer or turn the world appearing on the screen to light.

  • The Greatest Story Ever Told is Now Underway - Shunyamurti Teaching

    30/03/2023 Duration: 10min

    The most ancient epic work of literature is the Ramayana, the story of how the dark side is defeated by spiritual heroes and how the kingdom of God is won. This tale is not about the past, but explains what is happening now—and contains the secret of the strategy that will assure the victory of those who faithfully serve the Infinite Light.

  • The Scalar Power of the Vajra Fills the Ether - Shunyamurti Teaching

    25/03/2023 Duration: 14min

    An ontological shift into absolute idealism is necessary to regain our freedom and power, since the universe is mind, not matter. Sri Ramana refutes Einstein and reminds us that the ancient yogis understood the subtleties of ether, and that plasma physics is under the control of our cosmic intellect. 

  • This Shadow World Will Soon Be Absorbed into the Light - Shunyamurti Teaching

    23/03/2023 Duration: 20min

    Why is there a subtle feeling of lack in almost every human being today? The ego is the absence of the Self.  The Self shall be realized only when the ego becomes absent through the recognition that you are what you are seeking—and all you need to do is be still.  From Nov 8, 2013.

  • Time is Going Through a Pole Shift - Shunyamurti Teaching

    18/03/2023 Duration: 10min

    The tides of Time are changing now, from the high tide of pravritti to the low tide of nivritti, as the ancient sages called them. Those who do not factor that in to their life strategies and goals will be quite disappointed (which is an understatement). But those who do attune to the teleological will discover one can ride a bliss wave from here to eternity. There are, of course, certain skills involved and one little renunciation.

  • The Paradox of Effort and Grace - Shunyamurti Teaching

    16/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    In this classic teaching from April 29, 2012, Shunyamurti takes us on a deep dive into the paradox of the need to make effort on the spiritual path and yet with the knowledge that all effort is useless to reach the goal. Only the grace of the one almighty Self will bring the final realization that sets one free. Of course, since in nonduality the giver and the receiver of grace are the same, the only kind of effort that will suffice is effortless effort, which the immortal Daoist sages called wu wei. It is still the only way.

  • Physical Causality is an Illusion—Just Like in a Dream - Shunyamurti Teaching

    11/03/2023 Duration: 08min

    What power is really in control of the world? How can we increase our intelligence, our access to hidden information, and our degree of freedom? In this selection from Shunyamurti’s virtual talk at Anarchapulco 2023, he shows how our archetypal capacities have been degraded and how to awaken from this cosmic dream.

  • How the Sages Can Help Us Cope with This Crazy World - Shunyamurti Teaching

    09/03/2023 Duration: 08min

    The revolution must begin within, with the triumph of the Real Self over the false ego. Then, victory over the external forces of evil can be easily won.

  • How to Free Your Self from a Crippled and Unfree Identity - Shunyamurti Teaching

    07/03/2023 Duration: 18min

    How does one get locked into an ego? Why did we learn to lie—even to ourselves? How to break free? What kind of identity can we look forward to in the once and future golden age?  

  • Divine Love is All That is Real - Shunyamurti Teaching

    02/03/2023 Duration: 25min

    The Great Work of Self-realization requires the dropping of all concepts and the elimination of all mental chatter. This destroys the illusion of duality. And reveals the divine splendor that fills the cosmos and will soon shine so brightly that the world will disappear in the radiant sameness that saturates the consciousness of those who see with the Eye of Shiva.   (The event was a retreat entitled Divine Love is Real, recorded on February 20, 2012.)

  • A Manifesto of Unified Spiritual Anarchy - Shunyamurti Teaching

    25/02/2023 Duration: 06min

    How the conspiracy to take down the human species was prepared and executed, and how it will be defeated, is the subject of this big-picture discourse. Higher powers than the human are participating in this mighty struggle between good and evil that will that will bring world history to its climax. If you wish to serve in the brigades of the Light and gain victory over the dark side, then there are a few essential skills that must be mastered. These core competencies are explained in depth.

  • Break Open the Unreal Ego Shell to Free the Real Self - Shunyamurti Q&A

    21/02/2023 Duration: 12min

    When the heart breaks open, it is time to celebrate. What stops the process is the ego’s attachment to its self-image as a tragic hero and its loyalty to an object of love. It requires an even greater love—God’s love—to sacrifice the limited identity and realize the Self as Infinite Divine Love.

  • How We Somatize the Agony of Impossible Love - Shunyamurti Q&A

    17/02/2023 Duration: 05min

    "What is the cause of pain and what is the path to freedom from its physical manifestation?" a student asks. In his response, Shunyamurti explains that whatever dis-ease symptoms are appearing in the body or the mind are symbols of repressed heart-knowledge. Two questions can re-start the flow of Truth. Only Truth felt with deep love can set us free.

  • Bathe in the Holy River of Pure Love - Shunyamurti Teaching

    14/02/2023 Duration: 17min

    Every morning before dawn, for thousands of years, Sat Yogis have been gathering together by the Holy River of Divine Love to make a sacrificial offering of the ego in order to serve all souls as towering beacons of spiritual power. Let us purify our attitudes and intentions so we can fulfill our mission now, in the world’s darkest hour.

  • The Anguish and the Ecstasy are One! - Shunyamurti Teaching

    13/02/2023 Duration: 16min

    A few words from a little-known Sufi poet-sage of the tenth century can pry open your heart with an explosive charge of Truth that you cannot resist. Shaikh Abu-Saeed Abil-Kheir, better known by the title of his book: Nobody Son of Nobody, ably translated by Vraje Abramian, will bring a different kind of tear to flow from your eyes. Hear these poems and weep.

  • Are You Stuck in a Collapsed Quantum Wave Function? - Shunyamurti Teaching

    09/02/2023 Duration: 20min

    To see through the ego’s delusions, one must adopt a scientific approach to the highest yoga. One’s intellect must be able to integrate quantum physics with the perspectives of semiotics, complexity theory, chaos theory, psychoanalysis, and archetypal psychology. One must recognize how these disciplines are fully congruent with classical metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. One must avoid the trap of taking religious imagery and dogma literally, rather than as metaphor, and be able to discern the underlying referent within religious mythology. Only with an accurate orientation toward to the Real Source of our consciousness can we hope to realize God.

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