Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Why Not Connect to the Highest Intelligence? - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
20/07/2023 Duration: 12minOne Mind contains us all, but each one must decide to connect to the Cosmic Self directly and consciously. You must overcome all fear in order to break through the ego defenses, since to the ego, connecting to God means death.
Choose Your Future: Monstrous or Miraculous
19/07/2023 Duration: 10minWe have the gift of free will and can now choose either a life of divinization or one of degradation and destruction. Why not dance in delight in the sky of perfect mind rather than stay trapped in the ruined, lawless, and loveless landscapes of illusion?
Shift from the Delusion Within the Illusion to the Real - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
13/07/2023 Duration: 15minMeditation can destroy the inner demons of the ego’s delusional duality, as well as the greater illusion of the cosmic hologram in which the subject seems to be embedded. If you are ready and willing to break though the virtual reality represented as the sensory manifold, you become a true Sat yogi by focusing on the core of constant Presence and attune to the vibrational frequency of the all-saturating energy of luminous, blissful power—the locus from which the unfoldment of the world process is determined. Recorded 26 October, 2015 Learn More About Shunyamurti:
The World Ends When You Realize It Never Began - Shunyamurti Teaching
08/07/2023 Duration: 12minConsciousness is Beauty, Beatitude, and Bliss. But once the desire to possess that beauty arises, it becomes perceived as an external world, and the perceiving mind is afflicted by lack and separation. The more one complains, the more ugly and antagonistic one’s world becomes. And one is then trapped on the wheel of karma. The Truth is that all is forever perfect! The kingdom of heaven arrives when one sees that. This is the deep insight of Dzogchen and the deepest teaching of all authentic spiritual traditions.
Love the Unknowable and Humble the Ego
06/07/2023 Duration: 15minMeditation is not a matter of either technique or belief. Begin with total doubt about reality and seek the source of your consciousness. Direct realization requires the absence of preconceptions and predispositions. Recorded during the Lion Heart Koan retreat, on the morning of Sunday, October 25, 2015.
The Demise of the Dividual and the Return of the Self - Shunyamurti Unveils the Next Online Retreat
04/07/2023 Duration: 18minIn anticipation of our next online weekend intensive, Passing Through The Gate, July 14 - 16, ( Shunyamurti gave this profound teaching. Eventually we all arrive at the Gate to our innermost consciousness. But we can accelerate the process of going through the Great Gate by choosing the involutionary path of living in total awareness. This is the moment when the return to the inner light and natural joy is most easily attained.
The Self Awakens from the Fractal Field of Dreams - Shunyamurti Teaching
01/07/2023 Duration: 15minYou can avoid the meat grinder of a bardo state encounter with wrathful deities if you are willing to go through all three deaths, starting now! Then the fullness of creative power will return.
The Ego Prefers Complaining to Adoring Reality - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
29/06/2023 Duration: 20minEternal bliss comes at the price of renunciation of the ego-mind. Otherwise, the hubris and greed of the ego will block the reception of the supernatural intelligence of the Mind of God. It is divine love alone that will restore the world to perfect order. Recorded on February 27, 2015. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
How to Build a Bridge to Nirvana - Shunyamurti Seminar Teaching
24/06/2023 Duration: 23minThe ego keeps files on everyone and everything in its life. These files fill the mind. The ego must be de-filed so that the undefiled Self is revealed. In effortless presence redemption is achieved. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
How to Emanate a Crown of Light ~ Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
17/06/2023 Duration: 15minTaken from the recent online weekend intensive, The Power of God is Striking! Purchase the Complete Audio Video Retreat Teachings Package Here: A lightning bolt of love from the Cloud of the Unknowable can transform one’s noxious psychic drives into divine Presence. Sublimation of ego tendencies results from sustaining the pillar of light that remains when one adores the Absolute Self.
The Sacred is Returning Now - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
15/06/2023 Duration: 24minWhere there is the Supreme Light, there can be no darkness. It is important to remember that the dark forces are unreal. Use viveka (discernment) and vairagya (dispassion) to abide in the unity of the Real—and remember: you are That! Recorded on February 20, 2012.
No Swimming in the Mirage! ~ Shunyamurti Reads the Sages
10/06/2023 Duration: 11minThe Diamond-Lightning Sutra strikes again! Buddha one-ups Heraclitus: you can’t swim in the same stream even once—because there is no stream! There’s no real water in a dream. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
Observe the Play of the Weak and the Strong ~ Shunyamurti Reads the Sages
03/06/2023 Duration: 17minThe poetry of Attar is unpacked to reveal its profound spiritual teachings. The relationship between the weak and the strong elements in the ego will determine its health and willingness to grow and recognize the Truth. The bottom line is that the ego must realize it is nothing, a shadow, and one must live only for what is real and eternal—which is the Beloved Self. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
Authentic Law is a Product of Love and Wisdom ~ Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
01/06/2023 Duration: 26minWhat are we here for, if not love and joy? To bring that into the world, we must be That, which is referred to in the Vedic tradition as Brahman. But we must throw out all our myths and ego narratives to uncover Brahman, our deepest Self, within. Recorded on the morning of Tuesday, February 21, 2012.
Free Your Self from the Prison Structure of the Ego ~ Shunyamurti Answers Your Questions
27/05/2023 Duration: 56min⚡ Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join Us Live Online ~ June 2 - 4, 2023 ~ The Power of God is Striking! An Advanced Weekend Seminar. Sign Up: An array of questions from our online sangha during the seminar on Spiritual Heroism are answered here. Many common conundrums are resolved by cutting away illusory identifications. Some problems require a structural understanding in order to demolish them. Concepts from both physics and metaphysics are combined to clarify the shifts in paradigm that are necessary to arrive at dispassion and empowerment. The secrets of Emptiness provide the portal to our inner paradise. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
The Schizophrenia at the Heart of Reality - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
25/05/2023 Duration: 21minWhy don't we live constantly in joy? Are we addicted to suffering? Some mysterious power binds us to the illusion of lack. There is a kind of schizophrenia in the Mind of God that produces a world of contradictions and a superposition of peace and conflict, nirvana and samsara. The path to liberation starts when we remember to laugh at the unreal ego. Then the blissful shakti emerges as a creative force that lights up our world. Recorded April 2, 2012.
Prepare for the Shocking Climax of History!
23/05/2023 Duration: 11minYou Shall Become the Fire! Do you have a question for Shunyamurti? Join Us Live Online ~ June 2 - 4, 2023 ~ The Power of God is Striking! An Advanced Weekend Seminar. Sign Up: At the moment when most people have become cynical and hopeless, and world destruction looms, the power of God will dramatically return with lightning strikes that blast our minds to infinity! Prepare to be struck by a divine thunderbolt! A radical paradigm shift in consciousness is required for our hearts to withstand the intensity of energy that will descend into our bodies. We would be wise to open our hearts and minds now to receive the supreme power of the transcendent Real that will grace us with transmutation. We must be inwardly attuned to the vibrational frequency of the Buddha Nature and have purified our souls to be morphed into avatars of the ancient future gods and goddesses. But we must be willing to surrender to the glory of the majestic intelligence, luminosity and love that constitute our f
Where Reason Fails, the Heart Prevails ~ Shunyamurti Reads the Revered Sufi Mystic Farideddin Attar
20/05/2023 Duration: 14minThe love poems to and from God channeled by the revered Sufi mystic Farideddin Attar, and collected in the book entitled Sweet Sorrow, may be the most potent medicine for cynical minds afflicted by toxic forms of love. The power of these numinous nuggets of gnosis to re-connect one with our true nature is astonishing. Our wisdom school is continuing to journey ever deeper into the nondual yet devotional path of the great Sufi mystic poets of the Islamic golden age. If you are thirsty for more of these power-filled transmissions, visit our blog, Be Warned: This Bliss May Be Contagious!” and be immersed in this deep wisdom and psychological insight. READ THE BLOG:
Come and Be Baptized in the Ocean of Love - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
19/05/2023 Duration: 32minThe simple practice of silencing the mind and surrendering to the ecstatic Self is the direct and effortless path. This has always been the message of yogis and sages down through time: you are already swimming in the ocean of bliss. Why not reveal it to your ego? Recorded on February 2nd, 2012.
The Inconceivable Truth Will Burst the Ego into Buddhahood
13/05/2023 Duration: 11minThe Diamond Sutra, also known as the Lightning Strike Sutra, reveals the paradoxical clarity of the awakened Self, and enables the attainment of the merit which entitles us to dream a perfect world.