Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Become God’s Fearless Lion ~ Shunyamurti Teaching
07/10/2023 Duration: 12minA Sufi poet reveals the salvific truth of our real nature. Now is the time to break free of all limiting beliefs and overcome the illusion of mortality and materiality. Our next retreat—The Great Escape—is designed to enable us to break out of the prison camp of the mind, liberate our souls, and bring a beautiful end to this dying world—and a divine new beginning.
Liberation Requires a Laser-Like Mind ~ Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
06/10/2023 Duration: 14minWe have all been indoctrinated into nihilistic, false, and incoherent beliefs. This has blurred our ability to understand reality and to connect with God. By attaining freedom from all beliefs and returning to the coherence of silent presence, we can break through the veils that separate us from the redemptive Light and Power of Divine Love. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
The Conscientious Will Receive a Visit from the Goddess - Shunyamurti Teaching
30/09/2023 Duration: 12minYou can watch, listen, and read this teaching in full on our website: A New Covenant for the World to Come The development of true conscience only comes when one has silenced the superego voices in one’s mind and has discovered the inner Presence of the divine Voice of the Stillness. Then, the consciousness opens up to the awesome reality of oneness-in-difference. This vision brings with it the ethic of nonduality—and the duty to treat all beings as manifestations of the One Self.
Light the Fire of Creative Imagination! Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
28/09/2023 Duration: 12minTo perceive the perfect poetry of life in this time of darkness, one must light the sacrificial fire of our pure Spirit—which manifests as joyous creative imagination—that sees the infinite beauty of the luminous Presence of God everywhere, converting the darkness into Light. This is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section:
Secrets of the Kundalini Assemblage Points - Shunyamurti Seminar Teaching
23/09/2023 Duration: 16minThis powerful teaching is taken from an advanced weekend seminar. Get the complete audio-video package in our store: Our mental narratives transfigure infinity into a bardo state. We become enslaved to our own preconceptions and self-fulfilling prophecies. At each assemblage point, the kundalini becomes configured by a different paradigm, and different synchronicities and karmic potentialities arise. At the highest levels, we become free of confinement in contexts and conditions. The awesome and inconceivable destroyer and creator of worlds, the GodSelf, becomes revealed.
Claim Your Freedom from Thoughts and Desires - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
21/09/2023 Duration: 17minThe path to psycho-spiritual freedom goes through the portal of dispassion. Once the attention abides in stillness and can no longer be captured by thoughts and emotions, the greatness of the Self is revealed. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
The Wisdom of the Sufi Poet Who Started It All - Shunyamurti Teaching
16/09/2023 Duration: 12minHakim Sana’i, the first major Sufi poet to express the message of the radical spiritual revolution that would be carried on later by such voices as Attar, Rumi, and Hafiz, delivers the punchy nectar of divine intoxication that comes of annihilating the ego. Even a few bullets from this ecstatic shotgun of Truth can do the job on any ego who listens. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
What is Enlightened Consciousness? - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
14/09/2023 Duration: 16minThe psychology of the postmodern ego is so cynical that it can even turn the truth of nonduality into a reason for fear and dissatisfaction. However, knowledge is power. Once we understand the dynamics of the ego mind, we can make alterations in its functioning. And the intellect can deconstruct the ego entirely and sublimate its energies so that consciousness shifts its locus to the highest level of its own spectrum. This teaching was recorded on December 6, 2012.
Learn to Connect to Your Superconscious Self - Shunyamurti Teaching
09/09/2023 Duration: 11minYogic powers come from learning how to de-collapse one’s quantum/qualium wave functions. This requires extinguishing projections and recognizing the true nature of the phenomenal world. This return to our Supreme Reality will free us from attachment to empty jouissance and enable us to produce a divine global renaissance. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
The Monad is Morphing into Cosmic Mind ~ Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
07/09/2023 Duration: 19minThe fall of consciousness into its current degraded ego complex has hit bottom. Now we are awakening and rising again into higher states of Being. The escape hatch is a transformed frame of reference that reveals our true nature as cosmic mind. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
Our Freedom is Inalienable…if We Make Use of It! ~ Shunyamurti Teaching
02/09/2023 Duration: 12minWe have total freedom. But we have used it to put ourselves in bondage. The good news is that what we fear is unreal. By summoning up our courage, our inherent wisdom, and our divine love, we can break all our illusory chains and re-dream the world as a realm of freedom, beauty, goodness, joy, and creative power. This is an excerpt from a longer teaching posted on our Members Section. Sign up for your free 10-day trial: Learn More About Shunyamurti:
Who Are You Underneath Your Mask? Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
31/08/2023 Duration: 14minThe ego is a fabricated identity, an imitation of a self, but without essence. This false persona conceals the Infinite Consciousness that underlies it. At the end of time, the Real Self comes out of hiding and brings revelation and redemption to all the suffering illusory characters. You are both the counterfeit self and the Real. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
Our Lives Are a Contest Between Light and Darkness - Shunyamurti Teaching
26/08/2023 Duration: 12minLife is a sport—a contest between good and evil, truth and illusion, life and death, divine light and demonic darkness. If you want to have a chance of winning, you must combine wildness and discipline, you must free your creative intelligence from all limiting paradigms, and you must defeat the primary opponent: the narcissistic ego. The secret of success is to become possessed by the Almighty Spirit!
The Magic Drive Underlies Both Science and Religion - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
24/08/2023 Duration: 10minThe magic drive is inherent to all beings: it is the urge to master the unfoldment of phenomenal reality. But the modern ego chose the black magic of technology devoted to war, conquest, and control rather than the white magic of attunement to the will and word of God. The ego has thus become an ongoing magic spell produced by mental insistence on protecting the shadow and keeping consciousness in a trance of ignorance. But the Supreme Magician is now setting us free through the sweet necromancy of grace. Recorded on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 10, 2009.
What Level of Intelligence is Moving You? - Shunyamurti Early Morning Teaching
19/08/2023 Duration: 12minWho is playing you in the chess game that constitutes your life? Your best gambit is to invoke the Goddess. She knows how to employ the Queen to offer the one sacrifice that brings victory over Death.
You Contain the Entire Universe - Shunyamurti Teaching
12/08/2023 Duration: 10minOur true nature is freedom—and that can never be lost. All our desires emerge from the temporary forgetfulness of that reality. Desire is always for the Real Self. We must desire more intensely if we wish to realize our sublime, infinite, ecstatic essence. Learn More About Shunyamurti:
A Coherent Way to Understand Reality - Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching
05/08/2023 Duration: 16minThere are no limits to the potentialities of consciousness. If you know where you are on an accurate map of reality, that will become clear. You will also learn that the world is made of language and is produced by pulsations of mental energy. This is information everyone needs to know—in order to cope with the rapidly unfolding events in this mind-driven matrix. This teaching is taken from our most recent retreat, Passing Through the Gate -
Why We Must Lose the World to Regain Our Souls - Shunyamurti Teaching
30/07/2023 Duration: 12minWe’re at the end of the line. Life has become hollow. Now is the moment we must be hallowed. God has secretly returned to the world, but we must choose to return to God by detaching from all worldly values and attuning to the energy coming from the Source, which will infuse us with the blissful and beautiful mandala that will congeal into a new world of perfect goodness.
How Symbolic Intelligence Can Awaken Us to the Real - Shunyamurti Classic Teaching
27/07/2023 Duration: 09minThe ego-mind is conditioned and controlled by its habitual drives and thought patterns that prevent self-transformation. But through accurate analysis and understanding that arises from archetypal symbolic wisdom, one can unveil the profound Presence of God obscured by the ego’s incoherence. Recorded on November 14, 2018.
The Popcorn Paradigm of Popping into Paradise - Shunyamurti Morning Teaching
22/07/2023 Duration: 15minEvolution and involution are occurring simultaneously in our current world condition One force hardens the ego shell, the other softens it. To speed up the bursting open of the bounded mind to transform into the Supreme Self, one can either enter the boiling oil of karma or apply the microwaves of adoration to morph by the grace of God.