Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Yoga and the Return to Infinite Consciousness - 07.22.18
01/11/2019 Duration: 01h29minShunyamurti explains that yoga was developed as an attempt to return to the primordial state (since the beginning of Dwapar Yuga), but that it has devolved into a set of exercises, and discusses Ashtanga Yoga, which was not the original yoga and was based on the Sankhya philosophy, explaining the eight limbs (the Yamas/Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Samyama) and going over them in detail, and explaining how they represent different phases of the spiritual path.
Frankenstein and the Collapse of Human Relations - 10.29.19
31/10/2019 Duration: 44minHALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Shunyamurti introduces the film, Frankenstein (1931), revealing the hidden messages it contains for our culture...
Go Beyond the Personal - 10.09.19
26/10/2019 Duration: 26minShunyamurti reveals that the difficulty of meditation is that you think you know who you are, but that the key discovery of the ancient sages was that consciousness is impersonal and only learns to act like a person, identifying with the body, with demands of the parents, with patterns that become rigid, with a superego that makes it feel guilty and that it lives in a moral universe, and that if one wants one's "criminal record" wiped clean, then one more dissolve into the impersonal Absolute, which will manifest as love without desire.
The Meaning of Shiva Nataraja - 12.30.18
19/10/2019 Duration: 01h09minShunyamurti reveals that the Nataraj is a fairly recent statue that comes from the Chola dynasty, that before the only representation of Shiva that was allowed was the Shiva Lingam, and that Shiva is the Zero Point that is the fire/flame/agni, and elucidates more of the symbolism of the Nataraj, going through each aspect in detail
The Secret of The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel: Awaken the Power to Heal - 03.25.19
11/10/2019 Duration: 21minShunyamurti reveals that the function of the Sat Yogi is to unify heaven and hell through the superior coherence of heavenly consciousness and the willingness to travel alone through the valley of the shadow of death, and that through this journey the gift of the wish-fulfilling jewel is given, which is what can bring about transformation to the entire holographic field.
Gautama Buddha’s Secret Journey & The 7 Obstacles to Becoming a Magus - 09.15.19
05/10/2019 Duration: 01h04minShunyamurti analyzes the meaning of Buddha's awakening, the importance of freeing one's intelligence from sentimentality, and the seven obstacles to magic, among many other topics in this teaching from our September 2019 retreat, "The Basis of White Magic".
The Practice of White Magic: Re-Dreaming the World - 09.14.19
28/09/2019 Duration: 01h09minShunyamurti speaks about white magic, as well as the history of magic, and how it relates to the spiritual path.
Who Am I: Advaita Vedanta & Neo Advaita Approaches to Self-Inquiry & Ego Dissolution - 07.03.19
23/09/2019 Duration: 50minShunyamurti explains "Aham Aham", the process of the conditioned "I" coming to know the true "I", as well as the difference between classical Advaita and neo-Advaita.
An Advaita Perspective on Ayurveda: Seeing the God/Self in Nature - 02.17.19
13/09/2019 Duration: 19minShunyamurti reveals that the word in Sanskrit to describe Liberation is "advaita" ("not two"), and that the yogi empties himself/herself out (kenosis), which leads to fullness, he also speaks of Ayurveda, of God becoming the mineral kingdom as well as the biological, and that the Ayurveda doctors see God in the mineral world.
Gaining Real Mastery: Love is the Power and Wisdom the Portal - 08.10.19
09/09/2019 Duration: 01h09minJoin us for a full Satsang with Shunyamurti, filled with a Q&A from residents and visitors at the Sat Yoga Ashram!
Overcoming the Ego’s Traumas: How to Achieve Ultimate Healing ~ A Seminar with Shunyamurti
31/08/2019 Duration: 01h28minShunyamurti speaks of the vital needs that we have, how we attempt to cope with them when they are not met, and the relationship among all of them in this revealing teaching.
The Planetary Tribe is Reawakening - 06.08.19
24/08/2019 Duration: 32minShunyamurti speaks about bringing love, beauty, and life back to the planet while reuniting the planetary tribe of humanity.
The Ecstatic Sound of Silence ~ A Magic Mandala Guided Meditation & Sound Journey with Shunyamurti - 09.22.13
23/08/2019 Duration: 01h01minIn this guided meditation, Shunyamurti invites us to enter the portal to the Absolute where the words, the music, and the silence are one. This masterwork of magical trance inductive multidimensional yantra will take you on a sound journey deep into the source of the silence that is your Self, the blissful realization that silence is the source of beauty and that sound borrows its beauty from the silence.
The Free Will Paradox: We Dream Away Our Freedom, But Only to Awaken - 06.04.19
10/08/2019 Duration: 27minShunyamurti explains that one can speak Truth directly or vis-a-vis the illusion, but the latter ratifies the illusion, which is false, and that one must simply let go of ignorance, but this creates a catch-22 (letting go of illusion in order to think clearly so that one can let go of illusion), and one takes the illusion too seriously to want to let go of it, and he then speaks about the states of dreaming and deep sleep, specifically why one creates a dream and the function of the dream, how one creates a world that resists one's control so that one can believe that it is real and not have to face that it is an illusion, but that liberation requires a radical letting go of a belief in the world so that one can reach Sat Chit Ananda.
The Ego Age is Ending: Rocket Into the Ancient Future of Cosmic Consciousness - 06.09.19
03/08/2019 Duration: 20minIn this teachings, Shunyamurti speaks about upgrading your system to Cosmic Consciousness and the new world to be created.
Ego Death, Soul Death and Absolute Eternity - 05.19.19
27/07/2019 Duration: 01h01minShunyamurti discusses the descent of consciousness, weaving in the understanding of Aham Aham, the transitive/intransitive linguistic use of the term "I", how this relates to the registers of consciousness, and ties everything with a discussion of karma.
Self-Enquiry and Self-Surrender: Two Paths or One? - 05.18.19
20/07/2019 Duration: 22minShunyamurti says that in the early phases of the spiritual journey, the path is divided in four types (action, devotion, meditative, and gyani) and explains each of them, then revealing that, as one goes further, the paths break into two (the "do it yourself" and the bhakti/surrender), describing each of these paths, but stating that both of these require love (not simply karma, willpower, etc.) and any belief one has about oneself.
Who Am I? - A Self-Enquiry Guided Meditation with Shunyamurti
13/07/2019 Duration: 29minShunyamurti leads us on a guided meditation, focusing on Ramana Maharshi's practice of Atma Vichara, or Self-Enquiry, the question "Who Am I?"
Revolution is the Revelation: From Chaosmos to Chiasma to the New Communion - 06.22.19
06/07/2019 Duration: 01h21minShunyamurti uses the metaphor of a revolutionary to explain the ideas of Deleuze, Nishida, and Ramana in order to explain how to incite a real revolution that will take one to liberation.