Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Ramana Maharshi and the Will to Power, the Seductions of Epistemophilia, and the Politics of Ontology - 06.12.19
29/06/2019 Duration: 57minShunyamurti explains the significance of Ramana Maharshi and how his very life's trajectory has given us insight into the turn that the modern West has taken in the overthrow of materialism, as well as how this relates to Nietzsche's "Will to Power", the implications this has for our relationship to non-human entities, and what this means for the future.
Livestream Answers - 06.11.19
26/06/2019 Duration: 37minShunyamurti reads questions left over from the last Livestream Satsang and gives answers.
Yoga: The Sap of the Tree of Life - 06.20.19
21/06/2019 Duration: 40minShunyamurti speaks about international yoga day, that yoga is inter-dharmic, that it comes from a former world age and predates all of the current religions, but that religion originally had the same purpose as yoga (to "re-unite"), giving the example of the trees of knowledge (duality) and life (nonduality) in the Garden of Eden, also speaking about how these reflect the buddhi and the manas, the story of the Bhagavad Gita and how we, like Arjuna, face the problem of divided loyalties in our journey to liberation, and how by surrendering to the Source and passing through ego death, the entire world dream can be transformed.
Ramana Maharshi, Spinoza, and Quantum Information Theory - 05.31.19
17/06/2019 Duration: 22minShunyamurti says that there is a mistake in understanding the profundity of the teachings of Ramana, that they go far deeper than most people understand, and goes on to discuss predecessors to Ramana in the West (notably, Spinoza) and how Ramana's teachings elucidate, clarify, and summarize many of the insights of the West that came before him.
Who Am I? Ramana Maharshi and His Discovery of Self-Enquiry - 05.08.19
08/06/2019 Duration: 36minShunyamurti clarifies that the realization of the Self happens outside of time, beyond the world, but the ego-mind is caught in practicality, not to mention dealing with inner drives, desires, fears (of loneliness), but the issues that plague the ego are often never acknowledged because of the ego's focus on the practical and superficial, and he then contrasts this with the case of Ramana and gives a detailed account of Ramana's history leading up to and following his realization of the Self, ending with the point that realization will happen the moment we choose it.
Livestream Satsang - 05.26.19
05/06/2019 Duration: 01h32minListen to our livestream Satsang from May 26, 2019. Shunyamurti gives a teaching and answers viewers questions.
Who Am I? The Realization That Brings an End to Karma - 04.17.19
01/06/2019 Duration: 37minShunyamurti asks why Ramana says that the only way to Liberation is through atma vichara, discussing that, if one looks deeply, there is no thinker to the thoughts, that the ego is a program that lacks essence, and discusses the programming and development of the ego, and that when the ego ends, karma ends.
How to Move From Knowledge Accumulation to Spiritual Realization - 11.14.18
18/05/2019 Duration: 09minQuestion: How does one move from knowledge accumulation to spiritual realization?
Science & Spirituality - 11.23.18
27/04/2019 Duration: 45minShunyamurti starts by explaining the difference between contemplation and quantumplation, explaining how science has superseded religion, and how we must use the insights of science to elucidate our spiritual knowledge, and he speaks of the balance between theory and practice, finally speaking about the meaning of the Trivium.
Honoring the Goddess - 03.04.19
20/04/2019 Duration: 06minQuestion: How does one honor the goddess? Excerpt: "The goddess is known as Shakti. Shiva and Shakti are the two twin principles of Cosmic Reality. Shiva transcends the cosmos and the power of Shakti creates and evolves the cosmos and is present as the intelligence of nature, the beauty of nature, the pristine infinite preciousness of the natural world and all of its potencies and all of the intricate intelligences that work together in every ecosystem. And to honor the Goddess is to honor and sustain and be a steward of that system of nature which she has provided and which she pervades."
Passover and Easter: The Metaphysics of Holy Days
13/04/2019 Duration: 26minShunyamurti reveals that, today, the bodily religions are celebrating Easter and Passover, which shows their frame of reference of body-consciousness, and explains their symbolic spiritual significance which pertains to all of us, as well as the symbolism of Moses and Christ.
Guided Meditation - The Power of Presence
06/04/2019 Duration: 24minIn this guided meditation, Shunyamurti invites us to bring the attention to the center and merge into the source of being that is filled with love, power, wisdom and joy. (25mins.)
What is Meditation? - 02.01.19
30/03/2019 Duration: 51minShunyamurti defines meditation as "questioning the relationship to thought, body, and the world", and goes on to explain the paradoxes of thought itself, of trying to move beyond thought with thought, and of the structure and development of the ego.
How Do I Fully Accept Myself? - 01.16.19
23/03/2019 Duration: 06minStudent Question: How Do I Fully Accept Myself?
Designing a Better World - 01.16.19
16/03/2019 Duration: 28minEnjoy this livestream Satsang teaching with Shunyamurti from January, 2019. Are you ready for more advanced teachings from Shunyamurti? Sign up to our Member's Section to get 4 video teachings per month, access to our archive, and many more offerings of spiritual wisdom. Click here for more: Members Section Overview
Guided Meditation: Let Go, Relax and Feel Free
10/03/2019 Duration: 18minIn this guided meditation, Shunyamurti invites us to relax the bodily vehicle and feel free to enjoy the flow of its life energy. Notice the pure awareness that emerges between thoughts; melt into timeless, loveful Presence; enjoy the feeling of resonance with the source of your being. This guided meditation was recorded during our Members Section Livestream Satsang, with live music by Hanuman.
Maha Shiva Ratri: How to Activate Your Supreme Potential
03/03/2019 Duration: 26minCelebrating Maha Shiva Ratri: The Holy Night of Shiva In this teaching, Shunyamurti explains that Maha Shiva Ratri is a portal to activate our supreme potential. "Are you able to be in tune with the vibrational waves which bring not only peace, but bliss, power, love, fulfillment, and liberation from all illusion? Maha Shiva Ratri is the day in which we are to do the fine-tuning to that supreme frequency."