Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
The 7 Stages of Soul Development - 12.28.19
29/02/2020 Duration: 01h12minIn this powerful and inspiring opening night retreat teaching, Shunyamurti outlines the spiritual revolutionary's soul journey, a transformational shift into soul consciousness that transcends the ego's false paradigm to attain the Absolute! Love this teaching? To purchase the entire audio/video retreat package, cleck here:
The 7 Stages of Death and Rebirth—Self-Realization in a Morphing World - 02.21.20
28/02/2020 Duration: 16minIn anticipation of our upcoming 7-day Transformational Meditation Retreat with Shunyamurti, Awakening in a Dying World, we share with you this powerful teaching on the seven stages of death and rebirth and how to achieve Self-realization in a morphing world. Learn more about this retreat:
The Real of Being - No Effort, No Intention But One - Livestream Satsang: February 2020 - 02.16.20
26/02/2020 Duration: 01h47minLivestream satsang recorded on February 16, 2020.
How Can We Understand the Collapsing State of Our World? - 02.01.20
24/02/2020 Duration: 13minStudent Question: How Can We Understand the Collapsing State of Our World?
From the Dark Night of the Soul to the Supernal Light of God - 03.04.19
21/02/2020 Duration: 20minMAHA SHIVA RATRI SPECIAL: Enjoy this teaching on Maha Shiva Ratri, given by Shunyamurti, that reflects on the significance of this Holy Day.
How Do We Use the Energy of Romantic Love to Achieve Real Love? - 12.29.18
15/02/2020 Duration: 09minStudent Question: How Do We Use the Energy of Romantic Love to Achieve Real Love?
Be Free of Ego's Chaos: How to Raise Your Vibrational Level - 02.08.20
08/02/2020 Duration: 31minShunyamurti speaks to the state of the world and the role that we have to transform it, not to fall into despair, but understand the significance of this historic moment.
The Ego's Hell Realm & The Hero's Journey: Understanding the Central Myth of Western Culture - 01.18.20
01/02/2020 Duration: 56minShunyamurti explains that the central myth of Western culture was expressed best by Dante in The Divine Comedy, in which he describes the three levels/worlds that the ego must traverse, going on to describe the levels of consciousness of ego, soul, and Spirit, and moving beyond the egoic hell realm into the heavenly realm of Spirit.
The 7 Phase Shifts of Meditation + 7 Helpful Tips on the Spiritual Journey
25/01/2020 Duration: 01h01minShunyamurti speaks about the seven phase shifts that occur during one's meditation practice and gives seven helpful tips for the spiritual journey.
Don’t Fall for a Fictional Form of Security and Power - 12.21.19
18/01/2020 Duration: 14minShunyamurti reads from Padamalai, commenting on the wealth of grace vs the earthly riches that the ego seeks, the problems with the capitalist system, the collapse of the market economy, the symbolism of the word "depression" for both the psyche and economy, the correlation of the loss of spiritual wealth and material wealth, and the creation of true wealth through love.
How the Ego Went Bankrupt: The Double Debt Drive - 12.29.19
11/01/2020 Duration: 55minShunyamurti explains how the capitalist system is a reflection of the ego, going into the upper and lower "debt drive", as well as discussing the state of the world, the koshas, and how the spiritual revolution is impossible but inevitable.
Non-Duality and World Renewal: Integrating Ramana, Tesla, Aurobindo, and Fuller - 07.25.19
08/01/2020 Duration: 01h43minShunyamurti speaks about the importance of integrating the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi with those of Sri Aurobindo, as well as the insights of Nikola Tesla and Buckminster Fuller, and becoming an avatar.
Shunyamurti’s New Year’s Message to Spiritual Revolutionaries Everywhere - 01.01.20
01/01/2020 Duration: 22minNEW YEARS SPECIAL: Shunyamurti gives his message for 2020.
The Hidden Message of the Wizard of Oz - 11.09.19
25/12/2019 Duration: 01h07minShunyamurti explains the spiritual significance and hidden messages in The Wizard of Oz.
I Am That I Am - Affirming The Truth of Being ~ A Christmas Satsang with Shunyamurti - 12.24.18
21/12/2019 Duration: 50minCHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Shunyamurti speaks about the true meaning of Christmas, of the relation of Christ to your real Self, the "I am", to which we affix various definitions, and of remaining in the pure "I am" that cannot be limited.
The Ego's Crisis: Existence is Not Real Being ~ The Existential Dilemma
14/12/2019 Duration: 59minShunyamurti explores "The Seven Clarifications of the Existential Dilemma".
Attaining Fulfillment of our Human Potential: The Soul’s Journey to Redemption
30/11/2019 Duration: 01h27minWelcome to the be-dead-while-alive-stream, brought to you from the misty mountains of Costa Rica, from the Sat Yoga Ashram. Welcome to all of those who are attending the satsang online. We’re in the midst of our annual rainy season retreat here at the ashram, and we’ve been in relative silence for the last couple of weeks and with intense classes and meditations. So I’m sure that those who are here in this local space as well as those listening online will have interesting questions—no doubt profound questions about your own journey to Self-Realization. But actually, the whole process and the whole understanding is extremely simple, and really does not need to give rise to any questions—it should actually put all questions to an end. I think the ancient metaphor that’s most useful is simply that of the drop of rainwater that returns to the ocean. Perhaps a little more accurate would be a bubble of foam on a wave on the ocean, and when that ego bubble pops, there is only the ocean. And there was never anythi
Discover the Secret Powers of Consciousness: Join the Spiritual Revolution! - 11.17.19
25/11/2019 Duration: 09minQuestion: The idea of a spiritual revolution is one that’s gaining traction, and the next retreat here in December is about that, it’s called “Advanced Training for Spiritual Revolutionaries”. So, my question is: what really is a spiritual revolutionary, and how will a spiritual revolution differ from the old revolutions that have come and gone and failed, whether political or pseudo-spiritual?
How to Awaken From the Illusion of Ego and World - 10.25.19
16/11/2019 Duration: 46minShunyamurti explains the teachings that cannot be taught as well as how the world is unreal.
Dharma Combat: Ramana vs. Patanjali - 09.30.19
08/11/2019 Duration: 17minShunyamurti reads again from the Padamalai, specifically focusing on Ramana's view on hatha yoga and its shortcomings, proposing instead atma vichara rather than trying to make effort to control the mind, which is always an effort of the mind itself.