Spiritual teachings by Shunyamurti, the founder and director of the Sat Yoga Institute - a wisdom school, ashram and the home of a vibrant spiritual community based in Costa Rica.
Last Chance to Complete the Great Work - 07.07.20
11/07/2020 Duration: 17minShunyamurti explains that we are entering a period in which the whirlwind of destruction is accelerating, which affects all of us, as reality is fractal, and goes on to explain that we must be at the highest level of consciousness, as the ego-mind will not be able to survive.
At the World's End: What’s Love Got to Do With It? - 06.27.20
04/07/2020 Duration: 33minShunyamurti explains that the seriousness of satsangs must deepen in accord with the seriousness of the world situation, explaining that the next retreat is about the love of God, and that God must be focused upon, as the ego does not have any power of its own, and that people will begin to shift their allegiance to the vertical dimension of life, and that by cultivating the courage to dedicate ourselves to God-Realization, all the capacities of God can be accessed.
The Dystopia Is Over: Preparing for the New Beginning - 03.18.20
27/06/2020 Duration: 01h17minShunyamurti says that some people are saying that we're entering a dystopia, but that we're actually leaving the dystopia, explains his toe swelling, that we have to be beyond terratoriality ("extraterrtorestials"), that we must be detached from what is dying, that God wants us to achieve independence, goes over eating less in this time, and that the key is inner silence and being in a state of calm proportional to the chaos in Kali Yuga, to not depend on golden metal but golden light.
Meditation: The Ecstasy that Ends Anxiety - 06.12.20
20/06/2020 Duration: 01h20minIn this opening Meditation Weekend teaching, Shunyamurti speaks about meditation as a transformational approach to being, as the revelation of truth through having the courage, wisdom, and love to overcome anxiety and become enraptured in the motionless mind that is Self-realization.
Empowerment Meditation: Guided by Shunyamurti - 03.13.20
19/06/2020 Duration: 15minIn this guided inner journey, Shunyamurti invites us to enter a deep state of relaxation and inner peace. Enable the highest frequency of your Being to fully manifest. Be filled with divine light, love, and the power to realize the freedom that is your essence.
The Breakdown of All Systems is the Breakthrough to Higher Order - 06.05.20
13/06/2020 Duration: 01h11minShunyamurti speaks to the current events unfolding in the world, giving us wisdom to help us in these trying times.
How Higher Order Will Emerge From the Current Chaos - 11.24.19
06/06/2020 Duration: 35minExcerpt: "There is a real, true power that saves us from the suffering that seems to be apparently destroying the world. And when we recognize the Real that is indestructible, behind and within the illusion, we will be able to remain at peace, and to offer peace that is authentic, that will enable those who are suffering, whether physically or emotionally, to enter into a higher vibrational frequency that will bring the balm of love, and of the joy of knowing that one is in the protective energy field of a benign and loving God..."
Spiritual Preparation for the Chaos to Come - 05.23.20
30/05/2020 Duration: 01h19minShunyamurti explains that in order to spiritually prepare for this time of system collapse, which is actually a time of liberation, one must jettison the ego-mind for the Mind of God, a 4-track journey through unveiling, grace, and perfection to the Beyond.
Angelic Goodness: Freedom from Ego - 01.01.20
24/05/2020 Duration: 01h26minShunyamurti discusses the concept of goodness, and how to be in service to God to fulfill our angelic nature.
Sat Yoga: A Post-Jungian Approach to Meditation - 11.22.19
16/05/2020 Duration: 59minShunyamurti explains what the ego is, elucidating its structure from a Jungian perspective, and gives a Sat Yoga contextualization, including an explanation on meditation.
The Renaissance of Beauty in an Time of Darkness - 02.27.20
09/05/2020 Duration: 56minPrior to our Rose Day celebration, Shunyamurti explains the significance of the celebration, elucidating and expanding on the concept of beauty and its role in renaissance. "Through artistic renaissance and a raising of intelligence to the level of divine power, we can right all the wrongs and create a new world order based on goodness, truth, beauty and divine love."
What is the Age of Aquarius? - 04.18.20
08/05/2020 Duration: 08minQuestion: What is the "Age of Aquarius"?
Liberate Consciousness from Limiting Narratives - 04.18.20
02/05/2020 Duration: 01h08minShunyamurti explains that the ego is a limiting narrative, encouraging us to release this limitation in order to enter a new age of egoless harmony and understanding.
The Blissful Sameness of Anandamayi Ma ~ Shunyamurti Reads Yogananda - 04.05.20
27/04/2020 Duration: 17minShunyamurti reads from Autobiography of a Yogi, speaking about the meeting between Anandamayi Ma and Yogananda.
Implications of Quantum Superposition in the Buddha Nature - 04.05.20
18/04/2020 Duration: 01h31minShunyamurti gives a mindblowing teaching, relating The Heart Sutra with the game of pool, reveals that the goal of all religions is to build a quantum supercomputer, and peppering in gems of wisdom and insight along the way.
The Corona Retreat: Developing Global Immunity to the Ego Pandemic - 04.11.20
11/04/2020 Duration: 01h56sShunyamurti opens our inaugural livestream retreat, welcoming our virtual participants, reads the words of Ramana Maharshi, and corrects the title of the retreat, "Awakening in a Dying World", so that it more accurately elucidates the nature of reality.
Be Free of Psychic Contagion: Gain Mastery Over the Ego-Mind - 03.14.20
04/04/2020 Duration: 19minShunyamurti warns that as the chaos of Kali Yuga increases, it's important not to fall into psychic contagion, which would cause further karma, that one must be free of the monkey mind and have zero tolerance for chatter or for leaving the Zero Point, that one must remain in psychic union with the Supreme, and with that Holy Communion, there can be community, that the age of the ego is over and we must bring eternal Presence into time - and do this now.
Become the Ocean of Consciousness ~ Shunyamurti responds to Khalil Gibran - 03.14.20
28/03/2020 Duration: 01h16minShunyamurti responds to the Khalil Gibran poem, "Fear", helping to mitigate our fears as we pass through this time of tribulation and return to the ocean of consciousness.
Receiving God's Disinfectant for Your Soul: A Spiritual Antidote to COVID-19 - 03.12.20
14/03/2020 Duration: 23minShunyamurti explains that we have entered the period of our testing, that the tests will become more severe, and reveals that we have entered the time of disinfectant, in which we must disinfect (purify) our contaminated soul that is paranoid and impure, that we must shift from belief to presence, surrender to God, and be absorbed in God's presence, letting go of any egoic props, and choosing to serve God.
The Decline and Fall of Dharma—and Triumphal Return - 02.02.20
07/03/2020 Duration: 33minShunyamurti discusses the problems that arise on the spiritual path in the modern world, as well as the history of Buddhism and the discovery of lost Tibetan Zen texts that reveal the message that these texts have for us.