Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...



Live life with energy, vitality and motivation. Hosted by TV presenter and author Tony Wrighton, this podcast delves into living with purpose and zest with some great guests.


  • The perils of overscheduling - Katie Brindle #255

    20/01/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Katie is the author of Yang Sheng: The Art of Chinese Self-Healing and has been practising Chinese medicine since 2002. In this podcast...  The perils of over-scheduling (I need this segment of the podcast so badly) Increasing the energy flow around the body Tapping with bamboo for circulation Fasting for energy and weight loss. Turmeric and the low-histamine diet How to navigate Glastonbury and still feel sane at the end of it. And plenty more. Enjoy x  

  • The power of breath (but not a deep breath) - Niraj Naik #254

    13/01/2020 Duration: 43min

    Niraj Naik is a certified pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert. Niraj cured himself from an autoimmune condition that is considered incurable in the medical world by using a number of holistic lifestyle changes including breathwork.   Niraj is a Mindvalley and Hay House author, creator of the world's most viral infographic (?), a serial entrepreneur, international speaker, and a biohacking expert.

  • Use technology to help you, not distract you - Professor Gloria Mark #253

    06/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    How many times have you checked your mobile phone in the last hour? Or your email? Professor Gloria Mark specialises in digital distraction, information overload and how we can adapt our behaviour to be more efficient on a day-to-day basis and more fulfilled too. She’s looked at the role between Internet access and multi-tasking. (I’m not good at multi-tasking!) She’s also studied the link between, stress, mood and computer usage. This is fairly astonishing and she goes into it in the podcast.

  • Live 14 years longer by listening to this podcast - Dr. David Sinclair #252

    01/01/2020 Duration: 40min

    Sounds too good to be true? Dr. David Sinclair is the world's foremost longevity expert, and over the course of this sweet podcast, he outlines his favourite practices, diet tips, supplements and more for increasing the quality and length of your life. As he says, it's been proven that you follow this program - you'll live 14 years longer. I'm in... Dr. David Sinclair is a leading world authority on genetics and longevity. He says “Aging is a disease, and that disease is treatable.”

  • Zestology Review of the Year 2019 #251

    16/12/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    There's an ”end of year” feel to the Zestology podcast today which I hope you'll enjoy.  It features some of my favourite people, gadgets and hacks from 2019. The things that have really made a difference in my wellness/fitness regimen. Some are fairly straightforward, and some may be a little more out there.  I’m still in search of a way to hack sleep with a baby though. Any ideas? I'm back on the 1st of January with an amazing guest - Dr. David Sinclair. He’s the world’s leading longevity and ageing expert. According to him, if you follow the simple things he outlines in our interview, you’ll live for 14 years longer. Sounds like a no-brainer. See you then, and Merry Christmas.

  • Addicted to Instagram? Tech wellness - August Brice #250

    09/12/2019 Duration: 01h04s

    In this podcast we look at 3 tech toxins, and sort them out. TECH TOXIN 1: ADDICTION A dependency on our screens is a real and growing problem. I know this from my own addiction to looking at nonsense on my smartphone. TECH TOXIN 2:  RADIATION & BLUE LIGHT There are now more cell phones than people on earth, and every single one of them emits EMF electromagnetic radiation.  Add cell towers, WiFi,  and smart devices and we're blanketed with invisible waves.   Studies show EMF radiation has a biological impact.   TECH TOXIN 3: PRIVACY STEALERS Our personal information, where we go online and what we say or do while were there can be archived, shared or sold.

  • Transformational breathwork - Richard Blake #249

    02/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    On this podcast, I receive a transformational breathwork session.  We had a session and then recorded a podcast straight after. I was a bit spaced out as it was a deep experience. Richard Blake uses bio-hacking and breathwork in a combination of ancient wisdom, personal spirituality and modern science to help people to transform their lives. His studies of psychotherapy, holistic counselling, nutrition, Reiki, health coaching and functional fitness have given him a holistic understanding of people. By working on a combination of the mind, body and spirit people are able to heal without neglecting one aspect of themselves that would prevent them from realizing their potential. Richard offers 1-1 breathwork sessions along with holistic counselling for integration and advanced health coaching from Hammersmith. He’s also into + 15 minutes daily on the Joovv redlight + the human charger + standing on the grounding mat + neurofeedback with the Muse Meditation headband.... And lots more… so we had plenty to discuss.

  • Is breakfast necessary? (Or how to eat big meals and stay lean) - Max Lowery #248

    25/11/2019 Duration: 40min

    Are you a breakfast eater or not? There are those of us who eat breakfast and there are those who don't, but most of us feel like we should - we have had it drummed into us. That's where Celebrity Trainer (and friend of Zestology) Max Lowery comes in. Max's CV: • Creator - The 2 Meal Day • Author • Mountain Guide - @connect_retreats • Columnist - @telegraph • Ambassador - @vivobarefoot And here's what he says about skipping breakfast:  "I enjoy eating LARGE meals and feeling satisfied after eating. If I were to eat three large meals with snacks in between I would certainly be consuming more than I was burning. The 2 Meal Day has allowed me to stay lean effortlessly, all year round"  

  • Great diet, great health, great performance, great geek out - Angela Foster #247

    18/11/2019 Duration: 42min

    It's not often The Wolf Of Wall Street and Qualudes come up in a podcast, but they do today. Angela is the Founder and CEO of My DNA Edge, an Exclusive Private Membership Site giving individuals the tools and bio hacks needed to optimise their genetic expression for optimal health and performance. Angela really knows her stuff. If you want to get your DNA results analysed - she’s your woman. And this was a thoroughly enjoyable session about all sorts of wellness practices. We veer from The Wolf Of Wall Street and Qualuudes, (don’t worry, I’ve not been taking Qualuudes, but we did discuss Qualia.) to cutting edge apps, practices and more.

  • Get fit in 40 seconds, not 45 minutes with A.I technology - Rahul Bernath #246

    11/11/2019 Duration: 42min

    Meet CAR.O.L - your AI powered fitness bike. Get the same benefits of a 45 minute jog in 2, 20-second sprints. Sounds too good to be true - I know. So I record this episode while sitting on the Carol Exercise Bike. It uses the latest Artificial Intelligence to compress a workout into a few seconds. It sounds barely credible I know, but imagine having your workout compressed into two 20 second spurts every day.... And hear me get absolutely destroyed in those two 20 second bits! Since we recorded this podcast I've been using it quite a bit and I'm really starting to enjoy the brief, intense push, and the extra time. I'm hoping I'll see the results on my chicken legs too. Here's what the company say about their extraordinary bike.  SHORT: Cuts your exercise time dramatically CAR.O.L is clinically proven to give you the same cardio benefits of a 45-minute jog with only 40 seconds of hard work. SMART: A personalized True HIIT bike CAR.O.L’s AI algorithms dynamically personalize and optimize your resistance s

  • Minimalist living - Brett Moran #245

    04/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Coming up; minimalist living and the unexpected joy of a broken laptop, getting rid of all your bills, minimalist mobile phones, alternative meditation techniques such as staring into someone's eyes for 63 minutes (!), breathwork and how sometimes it can feel like a mild stimulant, celebrating your successes and admitting to your failures, and lots more. He's back - you might have heard previous interviews with friend of the show Brett Moran recorded in Thailand. This time he was visiting London, so came to stay for the night.

  • The work ethic of a hunter gatherer - Chris Ryan #244

    28/10/2019 Duration: 51min

    I'm excited about today's podcast. I'm a big fan of Chris's podcast and his books, and in fact had to try hard not to be a fanboy when recording this interview. I love his stories and thoughts about everything from travelling in India to polyamorous relationships to lots more...  he's like the best lecturer you never had in sociology, anthropology, history and sexuality. After being the person wrote THE book that so many people like to turn to about sexuality, he's now written Civilised To Death which has just been released. It's an important and intense read. As he says: "Our most urgent dreams may simply reflect the world as it was before we fell asleep." So what's the way forward? How can we seek future guidance in our past? And should we start looking backward to find our way into a better future?

  • ZestHacks: Supplements for mood and memory, a supercharged productivity app, two gadgets for relaxation, a flow state album + more! #243

    21/10/2019 Duration: 31min

    It’s another Zest Hacks episode - featuring... 2 supplements. Lift your mood and improve your memory A Productivity method to energise you: A Shop to energise you: 2 gadgets to energise you And an album to energise you. Listen on to find out more, or check tonywrighton.com for the show notes.

  • Cutting-edge vitality gadgets, hacks, supplements and more - Tim Allen #242

    14/10/2019 Duration: 41min

    Have I ever been more chilled out recording a podcast? I am a big fan of the float tank - an hour's sensory deprivation to restore mind and body. And that features in today's podcast. I recently spent some time at Yue Float and feel as good as new. Also trying the para light pad, the ajna light, and the infrared sauna. All of which means that the start of this podcast is very relaxed, and owner, biohacker and health optimiser Tim Allen is the perfect person to discuss cutting-edge energy hacks. He's a man who is really going for it to optimise every area of his health, life and performance.

  • The ancient item that gives you more energy, gets rid of fat, and stops you going bald - Katie Brindle #241

    07/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    Today, sort out your stress, pain, low energy, headaches, anxiety, depression, poor skin and beauty, low fertility, bad digestion and/or a lack of sleep. Sound good? After a car accident that ended her dreams of becoming an opera singer, followed by complications around fertility, weight, stress, depression and daytime fatigue, Katie Brindle used Yang Sheng to solve her own health problems and thousands of others around the world. She's a Chinese Medicine Doctor who knows her stuff. Oh and today, as well as that ancient item, how to combat the 3pm slump many of us get after lunch, and other Chinese medicine hacks. And a big focus is on the ancient item that gives you more energy, gets rid of fat, and stops you going bald? Know what it is? Listen in to find out.

  • [X-rated] John Gray, one of the world's top-selling authors of all time #240

    30/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    Dr John Gray is back to talk relationships, stress management within a relationship and loads more. NB - calling this podcast X-rated is not a cynical way to get more listeners, honest. It certainly is X-rated, and John is as always brilliant. John has sold over 50 million books, has appeared repeatedly on Oprah, as well as on The Dr Oz Show, Today, CBS This Morning and loads more.  In this talk we cover: Gender-specific stress management for optimal health and resilience How stress levels are on the rise for both men and why women are four times more stressed than men How stress affects our health How different hormones lower stress for men and women The importance of oxytocin and estrogen for reducing stress in women The importance of testosterone for reducing stress in men Relationship and communication skills essential for combating stress at home and at work  New listening skills for men to help lower stress in women How men can dramatically increase a women’s estrogen and oxytocin to lower their stres

  • Are stem cells a 'miracle cure'? Dr. Harry Adelson #239

    23/09/2019 Duration: 27min

    Dr. Harry Adelson, the stem cell doctor for Dave Asprey, Mark Hyman, MD and Vishen Lakhiani was in London last week, and we had a good chat about Stem Cells. I'm quite excited about stem cells but don't really understand how it all works, so that's where we started. Oh, and asking the important question - are stem cells a miracle cure? Because they certainly sound like it.... Bonuses in this episode: geek out and learn about the latest advances in the use of stem cells from your own bone marrow and fat combined with exosomes and full stem-cell body makeover, the most comprehensive stem-cell upgrade ever conceived.

  • Recorded live at the Health Optimisation Summit; hacks, gadgets, experts and more #238

    16/09/2019 Duration: 33min

    Here's a chance to experience some of the hacks, gadgets, apps and experts that came to London for the Health Optimisation Summit. It finished yesterday - what a weekend. Featuring: Intro Localised cryotherapy Getting rid of EMFs with gadgets Methylene Blue - what is it? CEO of the summit Tim Gray Sensate meditation pebble "Dr B" An awesome tracking app Natural, biodynamic wine And lots more... Check out my two websites, http://tonywrighton.com/ and https://histamineintolerance.net/the-histamine-intolerance-blog

  • Inner activism - Donna Lancaster #237

    09/09/2019 Duration: 43min

    It's the podcast all about energy, and today boost your vitality levels by becoming an inner activist.  End the internal war and you can effectively contribute to the wider world. Other topics; Also featuring: the role of gratitude in our lives and how it fuels our energy and motivation. What being in service can offer you. And loads more.

  • Mindset hacks. Change your relationship with alcohol (and life) - Andy Ramage #236

    02/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    Science shows us that if you want to really break a habit, you need to join a tribe, already living how you want to live, in order to inspire you… So, Andy Ramage built just that! He's now got over 26,000 members in 120 countries at One Year No Beer. So today, mindset hacks that change your relationship with alcohol and life.  He used to be a professional footballer, then a broker working in the hothouse of the City, and now he is an author and tribe-builder inspiring people to give up booze. What an inspiring guy.

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