Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
28/02/2020 Duration: 50minIf you’ve ever wanted to surf the tides of change and get out of a funk without being taken under, then do we have the breath into change show for you. Today we’ll talk about recognizing change, surfing change, breathing into change, and allowing change even when we want to hold on. Plus we’ll talk about the empty nesting reboot, butts in seat, doors, and hallways, paco and pedals, YouTube and MeTube, the open-hearted warrior Bootcamp, and a pookie midlife growth spurt has to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: What butts in the seat have to do with the tides of change (03:16) How Michael’s screen goes disco when the energy is too high (04:39) The belief in past lives and how CJ has had the weirdest past lives (06:09) Working on getting grounded and getting stuck in a seat right after a meditation (09:50) The numerous doors that are opening up, the amazing momentum that’s building up, and success with the Open-Hearted Warrior Bootcamp (14:58) The importance of keeping your energy up and positive during
HOW TO SEE THE WORLD MORE CLEARLY (And Listen To Your Soul)!!! Plus Guided Meditation! Daniel Bruce Levin
26/02/2020 Duration: 01h16minIf you’ve ever wanted to see more clearly and feel more whole and at peace, then do we have the mosaic show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Daniel Bruce Levin, author, poet, businessman, and mystic, a former monk and former business director of Hay House, and the author of perhaps my favorite fable ever, “The Mosaic” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about finding peace by rediscovering our connection and learning how to see clearly again. That plus we’ll talk about Thor, Spider-Man, Captain America, and the Fantastic Four, squeezing lemons, broken bowls and glue of gold, the gift of prophecy, and what in the world invisible friends have to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: How many times have you walked away from everything and walked towards yourself? (03:23) Connecting to the beast of passion and living in the moment instead of running away from it (06:20) How did you handle the competing interest within you that could have torn you apart? (08:15) The reason why Daniel w
How to Unf*ck Yourself and Change Your Life!!! Gary John Bishop
24/02/2020 Duration: 56minIf you’ve wanted to unf*ck yourself and discover your purpose, then do we have the Do the Work show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Gary John Bishop, personal development and urban philosophy expert, the New York Times best-selling author of “Unf*ck Yourself” and “Stop Doing That”, and the author of an irreverent new guide to getting unf*cked, “Do the Work” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about changing your life and discovering your purpose. Plus we’ll talk about captain stardust, soccer and barbarians, relationships and vegas, frolicking with orphaned baby Koalas, Peruvian acoustic guitars and Machu Picchu, and what in the world suburbia and creating a man has to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: The most important thing we must do to unf*ck ourselves (03:28) Writing down our beliefs and assumptions and then challenging them (04:46) What’s the importance of making promises and keeping them? (08:21) How to remind ourselves of the promises we’ve made ourselves (13:05) How
How to Surrender, Let Go and Fly!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
21/02/2020 Duration: 52minIf you’ve ever felt you’re driving or striving too hard, then do we have the surrender to the will of the universe show for you. Today we’ll talk about what surrender really means, when to do it, why to do it, and why it doesn’t mean you’re weak. That plus we’ll talk about chanting and pranayama evolving, seeing big picture during change, skiing epiphanies, listening to your audience, trusting your gut, trips to Sedona, guest in India, publishing meetings and hearing back, chocolate brownies, and what in the world two feet of champagne powder have to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: The ease of things that comes when we surrender and go with flow (04:07) The be and the do: Tips for being more present (05:30) Continuously quieting the mind and then plugging in (07:18) Letting go of the clinging and deep thought at a very deep level (09:20) One of CJ’s 30-minute meditations and how it can take someone to a deeper peaceful state (12:00) Living on the side of a ten thousand feet volcano and the amazing vo
Get Happier Through Quantum Science!!! Plus Guided Meditation! Dr. Amit Goswami
19/02/2020 Duration: 01h04minIf you’ve ever wondered how to use quantum science to bring happiness to your life, then do we have the quantum spirituality show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Amit Goswami, world-famous physicist, pioneer of the quantum world view, the best-selling author of numerous books translated into at least 9 languages, including “The Text Book of Quantum Mechanics”, the phenomenal documentary, “The Quantum Activist”, and the co-author of another brilliant book along with Dr. Valentina Onisor, “Quantum Spirituality” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about bridging mysticism and science to bring more happiness to your life. Key Points Discussed: What does quantum science have to do with happiness? (03:24) Is consciousness and therefore happiness non-local or not located in the mind? (04:34) The optimal scale of happiness and what it has to do with anything (05:18) How to gradually expand consciousness through simple practices like meditation and yoga (06:02) The misconception around
NAPOLEON HILL'S TOP TEN RULES FOR SUCCESS!!! Plus Guided Meditation! Mitch Horowitz
17/02/2020 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted your wealthiest, happiest, and most abundant life ever, then do we have the Secrets of Self-Mastery show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, a leader in the new thought movement, PEN Award-Winning historian, author of “The Miracle Club”, and the Napoleon Hill Success Course series which includes “The Miracle of a Definite Chief Aim”, “One Simple Idea”, and the latest, “Secrets of Self-Mastery” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about Napoleon Hills’ top ten rules for self-mastery and success. Plus we’ll talk about the miracle man of France, the importance of war in the world, the psychology of clothing, and what in the world bad brains and PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) have to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: The power of having one absolute focus/aim in life (03:32) Our unwillingness to be honest with our ourselves, how it affects our ability to focus, and the importance of throwing out all habitual thought (07:21) Living with not being lu
How to Get Out of a Funk and Get Rid of Negativity!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
14/02/2020 Duration: 01h08minIf you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by negativity then do we have the how to get over a funk show for you. Today we’ll talk about all things funk, how we got here, what we can learn, and how in the world to get out of the funk without falling to pieces. That plus we’ll talk about foundation building, awareness of my unawareness, rewarding and loving myself even in small progress, second fast, five-year recap, funky epiphanies, people falling in apart, Saturday night spells, skit skiing bliss, and who in the world is the real Jane Doe (deer that is). Key Points Discussed: An interesting and energetic time period with people falling apart left and right (03:06) Forgetting the mind map making and how it screwed up a whole day (06:16) Being attached to her motherly role, crushing from worry about her son, and overcoming the whole thing with action (09:54) Surrendering and asking whomever we pray to for the insight and wisdom to know what the next is (11:33) Dealing with the negativity in our mind: Advice from the Da
The Power of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion!!! Plus a Guided Meditation from Dr. Shauna Shapiro
12/02/2020 Duration: 56minIf you’ve ever wanted greater happiness in your life, then do we have the Good Morning, I Love You show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Shauna Shapiro, clinical psychologist, mindfulness and self-compassion expert, the creator of an amazing viral TED Talk, and the author of a beautiful golden book in mindfulness, “Good Morning, I love You” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about the power of mindfulness and self-compassion to rewire your brain for calm, clarity, and joy. Key Points Discussed: What happened to you when you were 17 and playing volleyball (03:31) The waterfall monastery, the English speaking monk, and what Shauna practiced at the monastery (06:18) How our entire lives are a meditation and how what we focus on grows stronger (11:01) The happiness set point theory; We are as we are (11:52) The superhighways of habit versus country roads (14:20) The power of focusing our minds and having laser-like attention (18:09) Beating ourselves up and the energy it costs us (
How to Live a Year Without Fear!!! Plus a Guided Meditation from Tama Kieves
10/02/2020 Duration: 01h09minIf you’ve ever struggled with fear and anxiety, then do we have a year without fear show for you. Today I’ll be speaking with Tama Kieves, freedom Ninja, visionary heroine, inspirational best-selling author, and the author of a beautiful daily read, “A Year Without Fear” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about five-minute shifts to let go of fear and become inspired and unstoppable. Key Points Discussed: What’s the scariest thing that’s ever taken place in your life and how did you take action? (04:01) Would you say the fear was pushing you away or calling you forward? (05:12) How things falling together, chaos and fear lead to new growth (06:19) The love in disguise that is fear and letting go by listening to the voice that empowers us (07:34) 5 ways of discerning what fear and love really are (09:03) The damning effect of adopting a “Shoulda-woulda-coulda” mentality (12:00) Living into every moment in this life and realizing every moment is here for our good (13:47) Picking one th
07/02/2020 Duration: 01h09minIf you’ve ever felt stuck, lost, or unsure where to turn, then do we have the positive momentum show for you. Today we’ll talk about putting yourself out there, taking steps forward, watching your thoughts, and experimenting, experimenting and experimenting some more to create positive momentum in your life. That plus we’ll talk about Hare Krishna, energy buffet, coronavirus, shiva lingam, 7 daily meditations, less error, clarity of thought, YouTube alignment, starting new shows, trips to Boulder, pivots and shifts, and what in the world goes bump in the night? Key Points Discussed: Getting back from India and getting grounded (04:10) What did this trip mean to you in as far as stepping forward and gaining momentum is concerned? (06:08) Adopting the mindful practice of repeating something that helps get us into a special sacred space (11:05) Watching our thoughts and being more discerning of what we want to keep in our heads and what doesn’t serve us (13:48) Michael’s clarity of thought and how they are st
HOW TO LOVE FIRST AND ASK QUESTIONS LATER! Preemptive Love with (my guess) future Nobel Peace Prize winner Jeremy Courtney
05/02/2020 Duration: 01h14minIf you’ve ever wondered how to make a real difference in the world, then do we have the Love Anyway show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Jeremy Courtney, one of the world’s true heroes and the epitome of an open hearted warrior, the founder and CEO of Preemptive Love Coalition, a relief and job creation community working to end war, and the author of one most powerful life changing and must read books, “Love Anyway” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how and why to end war, the real work on the inside, and what in the world is preemptive love? Key Points Discussed: What did 9/11 mean to you? (03:25) How did grandpa no-no’s path affect the trajectory of your life? (05:22) Seeing people do triple flips in war zones and former war zones: How love and pain changes us (08:03) The mission in Turkey and what it was all about (09:50) A Jesus way of living and how it cracked his heart (13:05) Experiencing a profound spiritual experience and stumbling into a higher way (15:08) What i
How to Kick Addiction & Why Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong! Plus a Guided Meditation from Laura McKowen
03/02/2020 Duration: 55minIf you’ve ever struggled with addiction, or know someone who has, then do we have the We Are The Luckiest show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Laura McKowen, the author of a harrowing, brilliant, and beautiful look at living the sober life, “We Are The Luckiest” And that’s just what I want to talk her about today, about why everything we think we know about addiction is wrong, and the surprising magic of living a sober life. Key Points Discussed: How long have you been living a silver life and when did you first realize that you had an addiction challenge? (03:17) Taking the quiz and how she convinced herself that things would be fine (04:22) Staying sober for ten months when she was pregnant (04:58) The drinking culture at her workplace and the role it played in her alcoholism (07:22) Taking ownership and how it can save one from being a victim (12:08) The importance of taking things one step at a time (16:35) Looking into our shadow self instead of pushing it away (17:17) Being on the train of “I’m a
31/01/2020 Duration: 01h17minIf you’ve ever wanted to communicate better than do we have the Say What You Mean show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Oren Jay Sofer, retreat and workshop leader on mindful communication, a member of the Spirit Rock Teacher’s Council, and the author of a beautiful new book on mindfulness and non-violent communication skills, "Say What You Mean." And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to find your voice, speak your truth and listen deeply. Key Points Discussed: What was Oren Jay Sofer’s early life like, and the trauma he experienced? How did he turn to India and Buddhism? What was Oren’s fascinating with language? What did Oren learn from Thich Nhat Hanh? What is Thich Nhat Hanh’s “right speech”? What is non-violent communication? How’d the idea to bring meditation to non-violent communication? What is somatic experiencing? Why does kindness often disappear in conversation? What is mindful communication? How does mindfulness give us back our lives? How do we cultivate presenc
How to Remove Negative Energy Fast - Step by Step with the "Spirit Hacker" Shaman Durek! Plus Guided Energy Meditation!
29/01/2020 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted to drop the darkness and move toward the light, then do have the Spirit Hacking show for you. Today I’ll be speaking with Shaman Durek, a sixth generation shaman and author, activist, and women’s empowerment leader, a new best homie, though he doesn’t know it yet, and author of my absolute favorite spirit book of the year, “Spirit Hacking“ And that’s just what I want to speak with him about today, about Shamanic keys to reclaim your power, come out of the dark, and light up the world. That plus we’ll talk about bread and circuses, temporary spirit blindness, Martin Luther King, a love beach and bone free hands, shamanic harmonic ninja sorcery, and what in the world a white stork sitting on your head has to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: When did spirits first start visiting you? (03:19) The challenges he had growing up with his father and the one thing that helped him become a rebel (04:21) Getting seizures in a jungle in Belize and the experience of crossing over to the other
Energy Vampires! Key Steps to Recognize and Protect Yourself! Dr. Christiane Northrup
27/01/2020 Duration: 55minIf you’ve ever struggled with people who drain you, then do we have the Dodging Energy Vampire show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Christiane Northrup, New York Times Best Selling Author, visionary pioneer in the field of women’s medicine, and the author of a liberating new book, “Dodging Energy Vampires” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to protect yourself from energy vampires. That plus we’ll talk about broken wings, milligrams of love, electronic sun downs, what on earth are super traits?, and what in the world is an imprint removal program? Key Points Discussed: What in the world is an empath? (03:14) How tough a place the world is for sensitive souls and understanding empathy as a superpower (07:40) The time to stop being lone wolfs, come together as one, and act (14:10) Are energy vampires hoovering us on purpose? (17:27) The people who have the easiest time dying because they’re focused on others (22:45) How do we begin to set boundaries in 2020? (28:20) T
24/01/2020 Duration: 01h11minIf you’ve ever wanted financial freedom, then do we have the Values Factor Show for You. Today I’ll be talking with The Secret’s Dr. John Demartini, the best-selling author of over 40 books including the Values Factor. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today about the secret to finding financial freedom and creating an inspired and fulfilling life! Topics Include: What happened when Dr. John Demartini was told he’d never be able to read? How did his dad help prepare him to be an entrepreneur? How’d he end up on the streets at age 14? How’d he end up big surfing in Hawaii – and almost die??? How did Dr. Demartini finally learn to read and what happened when he went back to school? How did he eventually become a multi-multi millionaire? What do the rich know that the poor do not? How do we view purchases as assets or liabilities? What do we need to know about appreciables and depreciables? How do we get true financial freedom? Why aren’t we getting the financial freedom we’re looking for? Is
The Incredible Power of Celery Juice from the Medical Medium Anthony William!!! Plus Top Do's and Don'ts of Celery Juice!!!
22/01/2020 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted extraordinary health or to heal whatever ails you, then do we have the Medical Medium celery juice show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Anthony William, one of my all time favorite guests. He’s the number one New York Times best-selling author of five books, the originator the Global Celery Juice Movement, and has been helping people heal from chronic illness with advanced medical information for over 35 years and helping doctors solve their most difficult cases. He’s also the author of my new favorite health book, “Medical Medium Celery Juice” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a humble little juice that’s healing millions, and might just be the most powerful medicine of our time. Key Points Discussed: How long have you been on a celery juice mission and how did it first come to you? (03:29) How celery juice has been taking people to the next level in their health (07:52) What in the world are sodium cluster salts? (10:56) The reason why so many peopl
HOW MAKE MASSIVE CHANGE NEAR EFFORTLESSLY!!! Plus Guided Meditation from Coby Kozlowski
20/01/2020 Duration: 01h06minIf you’ve ever wanted great change in your life, then do we have the One Degree Revolution show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Coby Kozlowski, speaker, life coach trainer, contemporary yoga, and meditation educator, and author of a beautiful yoga inspired book on making great change, “One Degree Revolution” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about how the wisdom of yoga inspires small shifts that lead to big changes and how to sit in the fire of change. That plus we’ll talk about those damn go-karts, Dunkin’ Donuts and becoming a swan, blueberry spamming stars, what on earth is a gremlin action plan, and why in the world you do not want a fire walker badge. Key Points Discussed: What happened after you were injured playing ultimate frisbee (03:20) The practice of getting comfortable being uncomfortable in the mystery of life (05:37) Everything happens, but we get to make up the reason (07:24) What is yoga about other than just asana and poses? (10:10) What does One Degree Revolu
How to Relax Into Everything Even Chaos and Find Happiness on the Other Side!!! Plus Automatic Writing!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
17/01/2020 Duration: 48minIf you’ve wanted a shinier, healthier, happier life, and to feel unstuck and on fire, then do we have the relax into possibilities show for you. Today we’ll talk about being open, relaxing into things, and allowing the universe to flow, even when chaos reigns. That plus we’ll talk about double trouble massages, human washing machines, sleep chaos, thirty minutes off, cover design, cross country Pookie, tearing up studios, video edits, YouTube penalty boxes, private coaching, getting around to Sundays social media short inspirational videos, and what in the world complete and true chaos have to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: The chaos that flowed in such a way that CJ never missed any of her international flights despite being late to all (03:14) Taking two steps forward and ten steps back, but realizing that it’s all part of the process (07:04) Being calm in difficult times and how there are things we can do with subtle change while there are others that we cannot (08:42) Ringing the one bell of m
HOW TO TAP INTO THE POWER OF YOUR MIND!!! Imagination, Visualization and Brain Boosting Tips from Jim Davies
15/01/2020 Duration: 51minIf you’ve ever wanted to create your greatest future, then do we have the Imagination show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Jim Davies, professor at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Carleton University, TEDx talker, best-selling author, and the author of a comprehensive look at how we see things with our mind’s eye, “Imagination” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the science of your mind’s greatest power and how to use it. Key Points Discussed: Why in the world are we cruel to our future selves? (03:21) How Jim’s future self convinced him about studying imagination (04:23) Have you found that you’ve been able to improve your personal ability to imagine? (06:14) The problems that come up when we imagine our future (07:36) How visualizing ourselves achieving a goal causes the universe to conspire to help us achieve the goal (10:04) What is the default network and why is it so important when it comes to imagining our future? (14:41) What can you tell us about future-orien