Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!
Rise Like the Phoenix from the Ashes! Discover the Secret to Re-Invention! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
04/09/2020 Duration: 58minIf you’ve ever wanted complete, total radical change, and upgrading in your life, then do we have the Phoenix Rising show for you. Today we’ll talk about how to rise from the ashes, reinvent yourself and discover yourself anew! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu discuss the secret to transforming the energy and challenges of this time, into something much, much better! Key Points Discussed: Michael’s fascinating birthday and how different it was from all his previous birthdays (03:17) The Phoenix Rising experience that has influenced the new logo for the show (05:40) Why we should let go of the old and what doesn’t serve us anymore to allow for something else to come in (07:54) The symbolism of the horrible nightmare that kept repeating itself (12:34) Choosing not to ignore the numerous signs they have gotten to move house (15:04) The power of nature that CJ was recently reminded of (20:16) Living more in 48 hours (Trying to get the car grill replaced) than most people have in a year (21:39) Letting go of attachment
Rewire Your Brain for Bliss: The Neuroscience of Happiness! Dr. Dawson Church
02/09/2020 Duration: 01h19minIf your wanting to find greater peace, even after incredible tragedy, then do we have the Bliss Brain show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Dawson Church, award-winning breakthrough, best-selling author of such pioneering breakthroughs such as The Genie in Your Genes, and a new, unbelievable, must-read, all-time favorite, how in the world did you do it Dawson, Bliss Brain. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about, about the Neuroscience of remodeling your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy!
How Bullet Journaling Can Completely Change Your Life!!! Ryder Carroll
31/08/2020 Duration: 01h01minIf you’re wanting to get organized, de-stressed, and get more done with less anxiety in the process, then do we have The Bullet Journal Method show for you. Today I’m speaking with Ryder Carroll, a digital product designer and author, and the creator of “The Bullet Journal Method” And that’s just what I wanna talk with him about today, about an analog method for the digital age and how a simple journal can change your life. Key Points Discussed: The difficulties he experienced in his early schooling due to ADD (03:42) Designing different tools and techniques to repair the screw-up gene and how it all led to him creating The Bullet Journal Method (06:47) How he uses The Bullet Journal Method in his own life (10:34) Devising his own organizational system to make sense out of the nonsensical and bring his numerous thoughts into focus (12:52) One of the major reasons why bullet journaling is analog (16:15) The way the limit slots in our short term memory are affecting us (18:32) Time and energy: The two currenc
How Thoughts Become Things!!! The Secret To Creating Your Reality!!! Mike Dooley
28/08/2020 Duration: 01h11minIf you’ve ever wanted more abundance, happiness, and direction in your life, then do we have the Life on Earth show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mike Dooley, one of the stars in the secret, a repeat NY Times best-selling author, and the author of an amazing book chock-full of wisdom and guidance, "Life on Earth" And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about understanding who we are, how we got here, what may lay ahead, and how thoughts become things. Key Points Discussed: Was Mike Dooley’s family spiritual or religious? What was church like for Mike growing up? When did he first start getting realizations? How did different books start changing his life? What was the hypnosis he started working with in High School? Which books were transformative for him in High School? What happened his freshman year of college? How did the books then change his life and his trajectory? What great realization did he come to, and what were the big-picture questions he was asking. Why did he get into
How to Connect with Your Guardian Angels: See, Hear & Feel Angels!!! Kyle Gray
26/08/2020 Duration: 01h14minIf you’ve ever wanted to talk with your guardian angels and get angelic assistance fast, then do we have the angel guide oracle deck show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Kyle Gray, one of the UK’s youngest, most sort after angel experts, the author of at least eight books, the creator of at least four angel card decks, and the author of a fascinating deck for communicating with the angels, “The Angel Guide Oracle Deck” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about calling on your guardian angels to get guidance and protection from beyond. Key Points Discussed: Can we all communicate with guardian angels? (04:01) Re-establishing our relationship with the angels in this year of reinvention (05:20) What he did the first time he saw his guardian angel and how he ended up becoming a renowned angel expert (07:03) Becoming a columnist for the biggest newspaper in the UK and dealing with getting 5,000+ handwritten letters from people (12:30) Is there a divine timing to everything and do we li
CHAKRAS 101! HOW TO OPEN & BALANCE YOUR BODY’S ENERGY CENTERS!!! Chakra Opening Self-Help Tips Plus a Guided Meditation from Dr. Anodea Judith
24/08/2020 Duration: 01h10minIf you’ve ever wanted a healthier, happier life with greater spiritual growth and Vibrant Physical health, then do we have the Wheels of Life show for you! Today I’ll be speaking with Dr. Anodea Judith a groundbreaking writer and spiritual teacher, and one of the preeminent experts on chakras and author of one of the most fascinating and perhaps important books I’ve ever read, The Wheels of Life. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about a guide to the chakra system, and how it can change our lives. Key Points Discussed: How did a meditation change the course of Anodea Judith’s life? How’d she get interested in the chakra system? Where did Anodea go to learn about chakras? What are chakras? What’s a mythical rainbow bridge? Where are the chakras located? How do chakras work? What do chakras respond to on the physical level? How do chakras generate the shape and behavior of the physical body? How do chakras correspond to seven levels of consciousness? What are open and closed chakras an
How to Transmute Energy from Crazy To Comfortable!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
21/08/2020 Duration: 01h01minIf you’ve ever wanted to transform this energy from gloom and doom to something special, then do we have the reinvention show for you. Today we’ll talk about transmuting energy, finding positives, gaining a new perspective, and using the fuel of today even amidst the chaos and confusion to help you create something better. Key Points Discussed: Meeting Rooroo the chicken while on a sunset drive in their yellow and gold Tesla (04:00) The gift that has helped Michael and Jessica get out of their box and see things in a very different way (09:00) The upcoming tour: Wyoming - Yellowstone - Montana - CJ’s neck of the woods - The Grand Canyon - The East Coast (14:15) Choosing the portal to something great despite the difficult times we’re in (15:45) The rational reasons that make us delay our dreams and how CJ has been dealing with that (17:35) The chaos that is meant to allow us to reinvent ourselves (21:01) Stepping into her dream and highest purpose of becoming a spiritual teacher (25:00) What would you do if y
Michael's 50th Birthday and How to Set Yourself Up For Success! Jessica Lee and Michael Sandler
19/08/2020 Duration: 01h06minIf you've ever wanted to anchor in the goodness, soar through life’s transitions, and truly use the energy all around to take your life to a new level, then do we have the Michael's 50th Birthday show for you! In this episode we talk about looking back, challenges on the path, following the golden thread, and how to rock the next year, if not next 50 years of your life. We'll look at simple hacks, to get grounded, find greater focus, and how to take your life to the next level. Key Points Discussed: Hawk Danger: The chipmunks’ scary predator experience and how Michael saved their lives (04:13) Nursing the bee stinging of a lifetime, being positive and going through a huge transition (08:50) Getting super excited to turn 50 and looking forward to the second and third 50 (11:54) How Michael feels about the professional cycling dream that didn’t really pan out (14:25) The work he’s done with the show and coaching, and how that has helped him heal his wound over time (16:18) Learning to become an observer of his
How to Change Your Energy to Change Your Life! Shifting Energy and Removing Blocks with Dr. Sue Morter
17/08/2020 Duration: 01h05minIf you’ve ever wanted to blast-past subconscious blocks, and get your energy flowing again, then do we have the Energy Codes show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Sue Morter, international speaker, master of bioenergetic medicine, a quantum field visionary and the author of a brilliant book on energy, The Energy Codes. And that’s just what I want to talk with her bout today, about how to remove subconscious blocks, and how to change your energy, to change your life! Key Points Discussed: Are we all energy and what does that mean? (03:27) Exploiting our ability to transform the energies around us (04:47) Teaching people how to build the necessary circuitry to return us to the perfect state that we truly are (06:22) Letting our system do what it’s built to do and not trying to do something else (09:13) Receiving some unpleasant news before she got on stage and how she flipped that energy (11:18) Anchoring ourselves in our core: Who we really are (16:44) How we can end the cosmic wobble that happens insi
14/08/2020 Duration: 58minToday we’ll talk with Dr. Joe Dispenza one of the scientists featured in the award winning documentary What the Bleep do We Know and the best-selling author of several very special books including Breaking the Habit of Being You, Evolve Your Brain, and his latest New York Times best-seller,, an empowering book that’s worth reading over and over again: You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter. And that’s just what we’ll be talking about today, how to utilize the power of the placebo effect, and rewire your brain and recondition your body to make lasting change. That plus we’ll talk about hotel maids, voo doo and lizards ,what glass eating, snake handling, and drinking strychnine have to do with anything, how to get drunk on tonic water, what we can all learn from Jim Carrey, and what it means that Jesus wasn’t Italian! Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How Dr. Joe Dispenza ended up in movie What the Bleep What thoughts and intentions have to do with bringing about an effect How can you give s
How to Ask the Universe for Anything You Want!!! Law of Attraction in Action! Michael Okon AKA Michael Samuels
12/08/2020 Duration: 01h15minIf you’ve ever wanted to make a request of the universe and have her deliver, then do we have the Just Ask the Universe show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Michael Okon also known Michael Samuels, entrepreneur, author, the first guest on our show, 1,400 audio shows, and hundreds of videos, yes, that's about 2,000 shows ago, a law of attraction and action expert, and the author of a brilliant little book, “Just Ask the Universe” And that’s just what I wanna talk with him about today, about how we can ask the universe, and get what we want, and couldn’t we use that now. Key Points Discussed: Why was Tony Robbins always driving you insane? (03:31) Living life intentionally by feeding your subconscious what you want to manifest in the material world (07:56) Making realistic and achievable dreams (11:41) Being intentional with the energy you put out into the world (13:56) Transforming the negative energy around us into something positive (18:24) Michael Samuels experience with mediumship (24:02) Creating th
The Latest Brain Science to Get Unstuck! Unleash the Power of Your Mind! The Secret's John Assaraf
10/08/2020 Duration: 01h01minIf you’ve ever wanted greater success in your life, but feel stuck and unable to get it, then do we have the Innercise show for you! Today I’ll be talking with John Asaraff, one of the leading mindset and behavior experts in the world, John has built 5 multimillion dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books and featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” and “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama. He’s also the author of a phenomenal new book for moving past your subconscious blocks, Innercise. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the new science to unlock your brain’s inner power.
How to Call in the Angels - and What Happens When You Die! Julie Ryan
07/08/2020 Duration: 01h21minIf you’ve ever wondered what really happens when we transition from this life to the next, then do we have Angelic Attendants show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Julie Ryan, inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive and psychic, and the author of a phenomenal book on understanding life’s transitions, “Angelic Attendants” And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about our angelic attendants and how they help us to the other side, and how we can call on angelic assistance ourselves. Additional Resources: ……. For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: To support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit: And to follow Inspire Nation (and the lives of Michael and Jessica) on Instagram, go to And to follow Inspire Nation on Tik Tok simply go to InspireNationShow on Tik Tok
Miracle Habits to Manifest Money - Especially Now!!! Mitch Horowitz
05/08/2020 Duration: 01h09minIf you’ve ever wanted to make more money during this time, or strongly get yourself back on your feet, then do we have The Miracle Habits show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, best-selling author, PEN award winning historian, and the author of a brilliant book on stepping forward into wealth and all areas of your life, “The Miracle Habits” And that’s just what I wanna talk with him about today, about key miracle habits to help you bring more wealth and affluence into your life, and get you powerfully back on your feet. Key Points Discussed: Is it crazy to be talking about wealth building during this time? (03:22) The importance of mitigating fear during this crisis (04:31) Entering a state of deep relaxation a couple of times a day to visualize yourself within a scene that’s ideal for you (06:48) Why we shouldn’t get hang up on whether prayer is appropriate or effective (09:05) The power of getting spiritual during difficult times and how to go about it (13:08) Achieving what we aim for by
Top Ten Stress Busters to Change Your Brain! Rewire and Relieve Anxiety Fast! Neuroscience and Dr. William Sears
03/08/2020 Duration: 01h01minIf you’ve ever wanted to reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression, during this crazy time, then do we have the Brain Health Book Show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. William Sears, one of America’s leading and most famous health experts and best-selling authors, and the co-author of a brilliant new book on de-stressing your brain, “The Healthy Brain Book” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the top ten stress busters to think-change your brain, and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression fast! Key Points Discussed: Are our brains completely out of balance right now? (02:33) The reason why seven and eight-year-old kids are getting depression (03:36) The bad news in how people go into the Doctor’s office and get the pills without getting the skills (05:26) Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI): How the brain and the immune system work together for mental health (07:02) How we are failing at balancing our immune systems (09:42) The importance of meditation and minibreaks when it come
How to Doom Scroll Less and Leave the Fear Behind!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
31/07/2020 Duration: 55minIf you’ve ever wanted to get your mind out of doom scrolling overload, then do we have the unplug and breathe easy show for you. Today we’ll talk about stepping away from the fear, getting unplugged from the gloom, and rewiring your mind for a shinier, happier place. Key Points Discussed: Jessica revelations: Getting new curlers to play with her hair and sharing her story (02:16) Their form of a camino: Going on the road in a 35 foot RV with a car attached (05:00) Looking at our lives to find out what we can do with the reset that the current pandemic has tossed us into (06:00) CJ’s desire for freedom and variety and how she went for it (07:49) The different ways that we can all experience transformation especially during this time (12:00) The wild process of getting a suitable RV and saving $1,000 from being patient (17:35) How the things we desire the most tend to manifest when we don’t expect them to (19:25) Social distancing/quarantining from an RV and doing the podcast on the road (22:36) The screaming
Is This Armageddon? Surprising Answers from the Guides! Paul Selig
29/07/2020 Duration: 01h04minIf you've ever wanted to know whether the world is going to end, and what it means for you, then do we have the Alchemy show for you. Today I'll be talking with Paul Selig, medium and author of many of my all-time favorite spiritual texts, including "The Book of Freedom", "I Am the Word", "Beyond the Known Realization", and another new favorite, "Alchemy" And that's just what I want to talk with him about today, about leaving our old world behind and transcending to a new one. Additional Resources: ……. For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: To support the show and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access, visit: And to follow Inspire Nation (and the lives of Michael and Jessica) on Instagram, go to And to follow Inspire Nation on Tik Tok simply go to InspireNationShow on Tik Tok
How God Changes the Brain! The Neuroscience of Prayer, Spirituality, and Meditation! Dr. Andrew Newberg
27/07/2020 Duration: 01h11minIf you’ve ever wanted to know what meditation and prayer do to the brain, then do we have the How God Changes the Brain and no theology show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Best-Selling author, Dr. Andrew Newberg from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, a pioneer in the neurological study of religious and spiritual experiences known as Neuro-Theology, and co-author of several of my all-time favorite books on the brain, including “How God Changes the Brain” and “Neurotheology” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about breakthrough findings on science, spirituality, and the brain, and what it means for you. Key Points Discussed: Based on the latest brain science, are religious people crazy? (03:15) Interesting studies around consciousness and whether it can extend beyond the brain (04:35) The AWARE study and the common elements of near death experiences (05:50) The differences between an atheist’s brain and a nun’s brain (08:42) Is there one part of our brain involved in our
How to Get Unspun, and Get BACK in the Flow!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu
24/07/2020 Duration: 58minIf you’ve ever wanted to find the flow or get back in the flow, even during these interesting times, then do we have the show for you. Today we’ll talk about following the energy and all things flow, in the kindest, most gentle, and easiest ways to dive back in. Plus we’ll talk about RV magic, sitter magic, puppet magic, late night walking magic, reframe rapture, college chaos, precious pause, fuzzy fire, and what in the world a squirrel named Southern Comfort has to do with anything. Key Points Discussed: Experiencing a reframe rapture that enabled her to open up her energy so she could contain more energy for flowing (03:24) Diving into a morning practice, working on different clearings, and planning the RV tour with an ease mindset (07:31) Potential renewal of vows in the Grand Canyon and finding a trustworthy sitter for the animals (11:54) Getting into flow by surrendering and not trying to reason his way into things (15:35) The massive changes we’re going through due to the pandemic and what they’re tea
How to Survive and Thrive Through Life’s Greatest Transitions!!! Bruce Feiler
22/07/2020 Duration: 57minIf you’ve ever wanted to know how to get through this time and even come out ahead, then do we have the Life is in the Transitions show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Bruce Feiler, author of This Life Column for the Sunday New York Times, and of at least six consecutive New York Times Best Sellers, and the author of a mind-blowing, incredibly important and timely new book for each and every one of us, “Life is in the Transitions” And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to survive and thrive in this nonlinear, flipped upside down, and inside-out world we’re now faced with. Key Points Discussed: Are we all in the thick of a massive transition? (03:41) Narrative gene ontology: Using storytelling late in our lives to give ourselves meaning (07:28) The individual life quakes that a lot of people are going through at this time in addition to the ongoing pandemic (12:32) Some of the keys we can use to transition successfully into new ways (17:59) The importance of acknowledging the