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GET GUIDANCE FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD. How do I start? with Colette Baron-Reid



Do you want to know how to get guidance from beyond? Then do we have the Spirit Animal Oracle show for you! Today I’ll be talking with internationally acclaimed, intuition expert, oracle expert, best-selling author, and host of the TV show Messages from Spirit, and the creator of a favorite oracle deck, The Spirit Animal Oracle. That is just what I want to talk with her about today, about getting your deepest wisdom and guidance from the spirits in the natural world. Animal Spirit Oracle Deck Topics Include: When did Colette begin connecting with animals? What did her nanny Mrs. Kelly teach her about animals and the spirit world? What did she learn from her father about connecting to the spirit world through Turkish coffee cups? How are animals here to help us? What can we learn from Raven visits? What do dragonflies have to do with anything? Do we each have an animal spirit guide? How can animals help us see beyond the veil between the material and non-material world? How do we create a partnership with the