Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at
Why Blowing Up Your Lifestyle is The Fix
16/02/2022 Duration: 11minDo you ever feel like there are a thousand things that must line up before you can get what you want? It may feel safer to wait until the stars align to take the next step toward your goals. Another choice would be blowing up, tearing down, and blasting away what you don't want. Hmm - it seems that we are living in a time that did that job for us - right? I’m talking about Creative Destruction. Creative Destruction is like demolishing an old kitchen. Instead of taking months and making things worse by fixing the unfixable. Blow up what's in your way and create a clear path to your dreams. Don't accept what is stopping you. Turn on your creativity and figure out a way to sidestep the problem. Start to build something new. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are You Following These Steps For Changing Your Life?
15/02/2022 Duration: 11minAs we get closer to the endemic phase of the pandemic we've been living in for the last couple of years, I've noticed that people are getting back to their old ways. Now that we're not being forced to evaluate our daily lives, confused about what you want - and how to get there. That's okay. It's a journey. But what is that journey? Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often." And it helps if you understand the stages of change: 1) Pre-Contemplation. You may intend to take action but are unaware that your behavior is the problem. 2) Contemplation. You recognize the problem and start to debate the pros and cons of your actions. 3) Preparation. You intend to take action soon. You may even begin small steps. 4) Action. The process of making the specific changes required to create your new life begins. 5) Maintenance. Sustain your efforts for at least six months. You will likely achieve a life-long transformation. 6) Termination. You have zero temptation and are
Warning: You Don’t Need a Plan B
14/02/2022 Duration: 15minHave you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world get that way? Is their timing is right? Do they know somebody? Did they get lucky? Every person I’ve ever known who achieved remarkable success did three things: 1) They accepted what they wanted and believed it could be theirs. 2) They decided that their dream IS going to happen. 3) There is no Plan B. When you know what you want, decide to go after it, and don’t give yourself any other options, you are more likely to get what you want. Simple is as simple does. Thanks, Forrest! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Living a Scripted and Process Oriented Life
11/02/2022 Duration: 19minIn the world of Scott Logic, I’ve always fought my advice that said - When life is predictable, scripted, and process-oriented - BORING - life gets as excited as you ever dream it could be. As a guy who likes excitement in my day, you can see why I would prefer to ignore that wisdom - and I’m not alone. Still, I don’t miss it. I prioritize that way of thinking at all cost. Let’s talk about that ‘scripted’ part of living. While I love a good spontaneous day, I’ve learned that the more scripted and predictable my day, the less stress I have and the more I get done. All that means is that I know what I’ll be doing throughout the day when I’ll be doing it, and what time I’m done for the day. Frankly, I can usually tell you weeks in advance what I’ll be doing. Maybe that’s why when somebody asks me when I’m available for a meeting, I never need to check my calendar. I already know because everything is already in place. Next, I think you should live a process-oriented life. The best way to explain what I mean is
Who is Your Mastermind?
10/02/2022 Duration: 15minI get the pleasure of advising dozens of people every week in one-on-one interactions. When you factor in my podcast distribution, I interact with hundreds of thousands of people every week. And there's one question I always get. Who advises you? Who is your coach? Who is your mastermind? The simple answer may be broader than you'd like, especially if you are looking for a specific solution to apply to yourself. The number one member of my mastermind is the person I listen to most. The person I respect the most. The person that will have the most impact on my life is ME. Why? Because there is nobody, I listen to more than I listen to myself. Having self-awareness about how your mind works, how you think, how you choose to act, what works for you, and what doesn't work for you is key to a happy and successful life. Like it or not, you are all by yourself regarding what's happening inside your head. And what happens inside of your head is what dictates what will happen in your life. Besides myself, who is
10 Questions You Should Answer
09/02/2022 Duration: 20minA long time ago, it occurred to me that life is nothing more than a giant scavenger hunt. Yes, life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. And the winners are the people who figure out the solution for what you are seeking. Here are a few that I use on a regular basis to get me thinking: 1) What do you want to do? 2) What do you want to have? 3) Where do you want to go? 4) What contribution do you want to make? 5) What do you want to become? 6) What do you want to learn? 7) Who do you want to spend my time? 8) How much money do you want to earn, save, invest? 9) How much time do you want off? 10) What will you do to create optimum health? I’ll repeat it. Life is full of questions, and it’s long enough for you to figure out all the essential answers. It’s time to get busy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why You Must Prioritize Yourself First
08/02/2022 Duration: 14minIf you spend any time listening to me at all, it won’t take long before you hear me screaming from the tops of the mountains to ignore the agenda and propaganda-filled world we live in and focus on yourself. Here’s the truth... Nobody is thinking about you and what you do. That means that you need to pay attention to yourself because nobody else will. Some folks find that way of thinking difficult because society would make you believe that you must do what everybody else is doing to be successful. Let’s think about that for a minute. Is everybody more successful than you or is everybody pretty much in the same boat as you? You know the answer. So, who is more successful than you? It’s the people that are out in front leading the masses. You know, the ones who paid attention to what they wanted, thought it through and convinced everybody else to support them on their mission. Here’s another truth… When you think about yourself first, you’ll have time to think about others too. Like they say, “If it’s to be,
It's Good To Be Lazy
07/02/2022 Duration: 12minI have an admission to make. I'm a bit lazy. Yes, I also like to work harder than most people. Still, I'm lazy when doing things I don't want to be doing. It's been said that when you do what you love to do, you will never work another day in your life. Frankly, I've found it to be quite the opposite. What I do is difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. But I enjoy it? Still, I'm lazy. I want everything to be easy, and I want it now. I don't think I'm different than anybody else. I'm lazy. I'm driven. I'm lazy. I think I made my point. And if you know me well, you may be thinking; he's not that lazy. Oh yes, I am… While it may take a long time to master the skill required to make things easy for myself, I'm only willing to go through the hard work if it allows me to be lazy - eventually. And do you know what the coolest thing is about being lazy? Your initial hard work allows you to be lazy and makes what you do look easy to others. Too bad for them. I guess they were sleeping and binging Netflix wh
Setting Expectation And Getting What You Want
04/02/2022 Duration: 15minImagine how your life would improve if everybody in your world understood what to expect. Expectations are powerful. Pay attention to these three: 1) What do you expect of yourself? You get to decide how you approach the world. 2) What do you expect of others? Clearly, understand what you expect of others. That allows you to avoid surprises - and toxic relationships. 3) What do others expect of you? When you let others know what they can expect of you - and walk your talk - you are living in integrity. Your life will always be more comfortable when you know what to expect of yourself and others. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
One Word Questions For Success
03/02/2022 Duration: 16minWhen I was in broadcast school, we spent a lot of time learning the rules of journalism. While that subject fills books, most everything we needed to know was - Who? What? When? Where? Why? If you know that information, you can tell a complete story. Years later, I re-arranged the formula for my personal growth. Every time I set goals and consider a different direction I ask - Why? What? When? Where? Who? Occasionally I need to ask HOW I’m going to accomplish my goal - but that usually takes care of itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How to Keep Moving Toward Your Goal
02/02/2022 Duration: 14minSteven Covey called it sharpening the saw. If you take a break to sharpen the blade, you will always cut more wood. The same applies to life. My formula is Ritual, Rest, Rejuvenate, Reactivate. Repeat 1) Success comes when you perform ritual actions every day. Figure out what works and do it. 2) Running full-out all the time is not sustainable. You must stop and rest. 3) Resting allows your body and mind to rejuvenate and become healthy again. 4) When you are ready, it's time to reactive into action mode. 5) Repeat until you get what you want. It's easier to cut more wood when you take a break to sharpen your saw. A walk in the park on a busy day counts too. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Magic of Habits
01/02/2022 Duration: 16minWhatever you get in life is a result of your daily habits. What is a habit? According to the dictionary, it is a settled or regular tendency or practice. It is also something that is especially one that is hard to give up. Good habits or bad - habits are hard to give up. If that’s the case, you may as well choose good habits. In a survey of 233 self-made millionaires, here’s what people who are successful at anything have in common: They get up early, read, a lot, spend 15 - 30 minutes each day on focused thinking. Good habits, done daily, create success. They make exercise a priority, spend time with people who inspire them, pursue their own goals. Settled habits maintain success. They get enough sleep, have multiple income streams, avoid time-wasters. If you want better results you want, it’s simple as having a solid list of good habits that you do every day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Say Goodbye to Frustration
31/01/2022 Duration: 16minWhen life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked? I learned a long time ago that getting blocked is an everyday occurrence. The bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could either live with endless frustrations or find a better way. It came down to understanding: 1) Blocks have nothing to do with who you are. Self-inflicted or caused by others, they still have nothing to do with you as a person. 2) If you want something, there is always a way to get it. Always. You may not like the path. Your ego may get in the way. It may scare you. There is still a way to get what you want. 3) Removing blocks from your life takes nothing more than commitment and action. That’s called passion. No block can stand up to passion. The next time frustration gets in your way, blow it off and keep moving. There is always a way to get what you want. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Joyful No Matter What
28/01/2022 Duration: 14minI speak about being joyful often and get lots of questions about making it happen. First, there is no magic to being joyful, and rose-colored glasses are not required. In fact, the more precise you see the world, the more joyful you will be. When you accept that merely being alive means you will run into occasional challenges, you will be more joyful. When you realize that dealing with challenges is a privilege of being alive, you will be more joyful. When you accept that frustration is part of life, you will be more joyful. You will be more joyful when you deal with everything that life throws at you without skipping a step. Being joyful essentially comes down to having a great day, getting a good night’s sleep, and repeating it over and over. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Where You Should Put Your Focus
27/01/2022 Duration: 12minA client asked me, "What do you pay attention to most of the day to keep yourself on track?" I said, "I pay attention to MY agenda first. When I cross paths with the agendas of others, it doesn't have to be my way or the highway, but I must continue to live the life I desire and get the results I want without delay and distraction. The truth is, I want us both to do that." As long as you know what you want in life, getting is a matter of moving forward a little bit every day and staying on track. Since every person you meet is on their path, you will always find yourself with the opportunity to willingly or unwillingly be pulled into their agenda. If you do, you detour yourself from your dreams. Take control of your agenda before somebody does it for you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Why a Boring Life is a Boss Life
26/01/2022 Duration: 12minI live by a mantra that says - “Almost everything in my day-to-day life should be routine. Consistent. Predictable. Between the lines. Boring. But, occasionally, it’s good to get out of the box, a little on edge, a bit scared, and a lot excited.” The truth is, you need both. There is also another truth. Most things that make you happy and successful are pretty mundane. Improving and enjoying your home… Paying bills, investing, and saving… Spending time with family… Yes, regular life is a boring life. But it’s your consistent routines that are focused on what’s essential that allows you to have incredible highs in your life too! Have fun and stick to what feels comfortable and working for you. After all, most things that make you happy and successful are mundane. It’s not a rut; it’s your comfort zone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Say "Yes" To Yourself
25/01/2022 Duration: 12minDo you ever wish you had a less complicated life? Even if your job and life are overcomplicated out of necessity, like launching a rocket or performing brain surgery, you can still simplify everything. How do you do it? The fact is, the actions you are taking in your life and your job are probably not causing the overwhelm. It's the people and the results that are causing you to feel that way. The easier way to under-complicate is to begin saying "No" to the arbitrary and unattainable demands of others and focus exclusively on the results you want. Here are a couple of ideas: 1) Practice the law of "Good Enough." Perfectionism is over-rated. It will waste years of productive time that you could use to enjoy life. Set your own standards and rise to them. 2) Get good at saying "No." Make that two-letter word your default answer for everything. And remember, sometimes, saying nothing at all gets the same result. 3) Keep in mind that the only thing you must do in life is taking a BREATH. Everything else is opti
4 Steps to Change Anything
24/01/2022 Duration: 12minCreating a difference in your life is a non-stop process that requires simple actions to help you get what you want. And it is, after all, about getting what you want and keeping what you love. You’ll always go through these steps: 1) Decide. Everything begins with your decision to head off in a new direction. While sometimes you may feel like you’ve made a decision, if you’re not moving, you haven’t. 2) Define. Aimless wandering is fun when that’s what you’ve decided to do. Otherwise, it’s frustrating, exhausting, and takes place more than you think. When you define your path, you get to walk your path. 3) Deploy. As dull as the advice may be, putting your plan into action is the only way for you to get what you want. If you don’t deploy, you don’t get it. 4) Defend. After working so hard to get what you want, you can guarantee that something or somebody will try to take away your results. That’s not good or bad. That’s life. When you find what you love, be sure to defend it so you never lose it. Simple. I l
Mindfulness Starter Thoughts
21/01/2022 Duration: 12minEverything you do is guided by what you think is logical in your mind. Just like everything I do is directed by my Scott LOGIC. Is it common sense? Is it experience-based? Is it how you choose to live? Yes. But mostly, it is the filter in your mind at work. Here are a few of my filters: Life is long enough. But not for everybody. Life goes quickly. But not if you're bored. Life passes slowly when you are fishing. Some people are too serious. Others are not serious enough. Both disagree with the other. You must stand in another person's shoes to understand how they see you. The reward for hard work is a chance to work more. The reward for laziness is a chance to be lazy more. Turning off your phone means it won't ring. Most things in life should be in moderation. Excess is good now and then. It takes a fraction of the time to read a good book as it does to write one. That makes reading a book a good investment of your time. People who read more good books earn more money. People who don't read don't understa
4 Questions Before You Begin
20/01/2022 Duration: 12minEverybody has dreams. Daydreams, dreams while you sleep, and dreams of what you wish for the future. I’ve always believed that dreams are goals you have nurtured to become real in your life. But how do you know if the voice speaking to your heart will lead you in the right direction? Brant Pinvidic’s book, The 3-Minute Rule, has four questions that will help: 1) What is it? Do you understand exactly what you want? 2) How does it work? How will you go about reaching your goal? What will likely be the outcome? 3) Can you do it? Is your plan reasonable? Do you have the time, skills, money? 4) Are you sure? If you are willing to put in the effort, are you confident you can achieve your goal? Use these when something is holding you back. I promise. The clarity you are seeking is around the corner. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit