Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • Is Metformin Really Dangerous, Little-Known Peptides For Muscle Gain & Fat Loss, Testosterone Replacement Therapy & Much More!

    21/02/2019 Duration: 01h58min

    Is metformin really as dangerous as it's been made out to be? What are the best peptides to use for muscle gain, fat loss and cognition? How can you get started with testosterone optimization therapy? I answer all these questions and many more in this podcast with Jay Campbell, a Champion Men’s Physique Competitor and the best selling author of the Testosterone Optimization Bible and of The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manual: How to Optimize Your Testosterone for Lifelong Health and Happiness... (along with a host of other books linked to in the resources section below). As a 17 year TRT patient, Jay is a master at manipulating and tweaking the human endocrine system to optimize performance and health. He has experience working with thousands of men and women in optimizing their nutrition, exercise, fitness and fat loss. Jay makes it his personal mission to affect positive and rapid change in each and every client who enters the mastermind program. During our absolutely epic discussion, you'll

  • Building Muscle On A Ketogenic Diet, Little-Known Keto Mistakes, The Best Supplements For A Ketogenic Diet & Much More!

    16/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    There are a lot of nasty secrets about the ketogenic diet that too many people are completely unaware of. It can cause the buildup of a wide variety of nutritional deficits…   It can cause chronic inflammation…   It can create an imbalance in omega fatty acids…   It can exhaust your body's glycogen stores…   But in my podcast episode with four time repeat guest Thomas DeLauer,  you'll discover how to mitigate these issues and how to do a ketogenic diet the right way.   Thomas is one of the leading experts in the world of chronic inflammation as well as the response of the human body to a low-carb diet. He is noted for his personal transformation from a 280-pound overweight corporate executive to not only being on the cover of health and fitness magazines worldwide but pioneering some of the mainstream awareness of auto-immune diseases and inflammation in general!   Thomas has been highlighted in over 20 magazines showcasing his transformation and has been featured worldwide on the cover of Ironman Magazine, M

  • 394: Does Cholesterol Go Up On A Ketogenic Diet (& Is That Bad?), How To Maintain Focus During Long Workouts, Testosterone & Your Prostate & Much More.

    14/02/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Q&A Episode 394 Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the button at the bottom of the page (or go to SpeakPipe), or use the Contact button in the free Ben Greenfield Fitness app. News Flashes [8:05] Good way to naturally increase your NAD levels: Interesting implications for recovery: The Effects of Quercetin Supplementation on Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. Everybody seems to be into Exosomes these days, but fact is, you can consume them in the form of wild plants, and they help your biome and possibly other health markers too. Read more here. Is sunscreen the new margarine?  For goodness sake, don’t consume vegetable oil and then go out in the sun. *Here is the Thorne Quercetin Ben recommends **This is the EcoMeditation Ben talks about in the intro.  ***Book: Mind To Matter ****Book: The Kaufman Protocol You can receive these News Flashes (and more) every single day, if you follow Ben on,,, BenGre

  • Can Plant-Rich Keto Cure Cancer, Clearing Up Collagen Confusion, Peanut Butter Flavored Bone Broth & Much More!

    09/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, is a doctor of natural medicine, chiropractic physician and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people get healthy by empowering them to use nutrition to fuel their health. He operates one of the world’s largest health websites at, which has over 17 million visitors a month looking for healthy recipes, herbal remedies, nutrition and fitness advice, and information on essential oils and natural supplements. He is also the co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, which provides protein powders, holistic supplements, vitamins, essential oils and more to the modern world. Dr. Axe is an expert in functional medicine, digestive health and herbal remedies and founded one of the largest functional medicine clinics in the world, in Nashville, TN, and served as a physician for many professional athletes. J osh just published his brand new book Keto Diet: Your 30-Day Plan to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, Boost Brain Health, and Reverse Disease. During this episode, we dive into th

  • 32 Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone (Without Getting Injections Or Hormone Replacement)

    07/02/2019 Duration: 51min

    I recently spoke at an event called "A4M" in Las Vegas. My entire presentation was focused on 32 different natural ways to increase testosterone, with no injections or hormone replacement protocols required. I'm not against bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), but I do think one should explore as many natural alternatives as possible first, or, for even more bang for the buck, pair BHRT with the tactics you'll discover in this episode. A4M, which stands for "The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine" is dedicated to the advancement of tools, technology, and transformations in healthcare that can detect, treat, and prevent diseases associated with aging. They promote the research of practices and protocols that have the potential to optimize the human aging process. The organization is also dedicated to educating healthcare professionals and practitioners, scientists, and members of the public on biomedical sciences, breakthrough technologies, and medical protocols through our advanced education

  • 12 Easy & Practical Ways To Upgrade Your Body & Brain (Ben Greenfield's Live Talk From NextHealth In LA!)

    02/02/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    At NextHealth in LA, Ben Greenfield recently gave a talk on 12 different ways to optimize your body and brain, and in this recording, which includes his comprehensive overview of the "Wellness Wheel". In it, you'll learn about... -Diet and Micronutrients...6:30 Every person should be on the diet that is unique to them Genetic variants Familial hypercholesterolemia Gallbladder, liver issues prevent proper digestion Common similarities in blue zones Plant intake Glycemic variability Parasympathetically driven state Choose meals that are digestible and nutrient-dense Weston A. Price diet Question: How far back in your lineage do you go to determine what diet is appropriate for you? Book: The Jungle Effect by Dr. Daphne Miller Question: How do you test for a leaky gut, and how do you go about fixing it? Genova Diagnostics, Direct Labs Bone broth, colostrum, chia seeds help restore lining of the gut Kion Flex -Exercise and movement...18:25 Physiological triggers that make up the ideal exercise protocol

  • The Official Fasting Q&A With Ben Greenfield: Does Coffee Break Your Fast, Poor Sleep During Fasting, Amino Acids During Fasting & Much More!

    31/01/2019 Duration: 53min

    Whew!  The recent Kion 5 Day Fast has now come to a close - and we had over 10,000 people participate (that's a whole lot of food that wasn't eaten). During the fast, I received plenty of questions about fasting, such as: Does coffee help or harm your fast?  What can I do to improve my sleep during - and after - a fast? What is the hormonal effect of fasting on males? And what about for women? What is the best kind of fasting if your goal is body composition (fat loss, muscle gain/maintenance)? Does fasting - especially 3-5 day extended fasts - slow down your metabolism? What type of training is best while fasting, and what type of training should be avoided? What other things can you do to enhance the benefits of a fast? (e.g. cryotherapy, enemas, etc.) How should you prepare for - and break - an extended fast? Is it OK to fast while breastfeeding or pregnant? Does your ability to absorb food and supplements increase after a fast? What are your thoughts on EAAs while fasting? Do they break a fast? And what a

  • How To Get 6 Gigabytes Of Data From Your Gut: The Fascinating Future Of Stool, Blood, Saliva & Urine Testing (From The Comfort Of Your Own Home).

    26/01/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    Imagine an all-encompassing platform that allows you to keep track of all your blood, stool, saliva, and urine testing results, along with self-quantified data from wearables, and even pulls in all health testing you've done in the past as part of a single dashboard. And imagine that platform could then use highly advanced artificial intelligence to tell you exactly how to eat, how to supplement, how to exercise and much more. All from the comfort of your home, without needing to drive to an expensive lab for multiple blood draws or fill out confusing paperwork. That's exactly what the brand new company Onegevity Health has the money, technology and data to do, and so I decided it was high time I sat down with their two chief scientists to learn exactly how this process works. I've already sent in my own stool using their Gut/bio shotgun stool sequencing test that we discuss in this episode. My guests are Dr. Joel Dudley and Dr. Chris Mason.  These guys are highly qualified and wicked smart. Dr. Dudley is cur

  • Anti-Aging Secrets Of The Billionaires, Does Telomere Testing Really Work, Fringe Supplements For Enhancing Longevity & Much More.

    24/01/2019 Duration: 01h17min

    There's plenty of controversy these days around telomere testing. Is it accurate? Does it really show your so-called "biological vs. chronological" age? And once you do get your results, how can you lengthen your telomeres? In today's episode, I interview one of the world's leading experts on telomeres: Dr. Bill Andrews. Dr. Andrews is the Founder and CEO of Sierra Sciences, a company focused on finding ways to extend the human lifespan and health span through telomere maintenance. As a scientist, athlete and executive, he continually pushes the envelope and challenges convention. He has been featured in Popular Science, The Today Show and numerous documentaries on the topic of life extension including, most recently, the movie The Immortalists in which he co-stars with Aubrey de Grey. Bill has been a researcher in biotech since 1981, focusing on cancer, heart disease, and inflammation research; though his passion has always been aging. In the early to mid 1990’s, while at Geron Corporation, Bill led the rese

  • The Renegade Pharmacist: How To Increase The Effects Of Psilocybin, The Secrets Of Colostrum, Fixing Constipation With Breathwork & More

    19/01/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    Niraj Naik, my guest on today's show (and the same guy who invented the crazy holotropic-style breathwork protocol I do in my sauna) is a qualified pharmacist who comes from a background of working long hours for several years as a community pharmacist.   Becoming a certified “legal drug dealer” at the ripe age of 24, he got to witness first-hand, many clients going home with shopping bags full of drugs each month, rarely getting better and usually going on to suffer from other diseases. He also learnt of the debilitating side effects of the prescription medication which drove many of the patients to have to take more and more drugs to ease the side effects. Curious to find ways to improve his own health he attended several health seminars and discovered an in-depth approach on how to reach optimum health and vitality by understanding the true origin of disease and how to prevent it. After experiencing great benefits with his own health, Niraj was motivated to devise a scheme to see if he could also help his

  • Is Biohacking Bad? Ancestral Living Vs. Modern Science: Should We Return To Our Roots?

    17/01/2019 Duration: 34min

    My life is a little bit...strange. As an immersive journalist, self-experimenter and self-professed “biohacker”, I do relatively unconventional things to upgrade my body and brain. For example, I have this blood glucose monitor installed in my arm. It monitors my blood sugar 24-7. I wear a cognition-enhancing laser light helmet at work during the day, and stand naked in front of a giant red light panel while I’m replying to emails. I give myself weekly IV’s full of a cocktail of special vitamins. I’ve also had the fat sucked from my back and the marrow from my bones to concentrate my own stem cells, and had surgery to have these cells placed into every joint of my body and mainlined into my bloodstream. I have tens of thousands of dollars of advanced medical technologies housed in my basement. You get the idea. I’m not normal. But as a man who spends much of my life immersed in the modern health and longevity movement, attending anti-aging conferences and researching all the newfangled things people are doing

  • Special 2-Part Anti-Aging Podcast - Basic & Ancestral Tactics To Enhance Longevity (No Fancy Biohacks Required).

    12/01/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    When it comes to living a long life, demographers, epidemiologists, gerontologists and other researchers on aging have long puzzled over the theoretical question of the maximum potential for human lifespan, along with the host of proposed practices we can implement that help us achieve that potential. There is, after all, in the past decade alone a veritable laundry list of tactics we can use to make ourselves more age resistant, from nutrients, vitamins and pills such as Vitamin D, aspirin, metformin, magnesium, pterostilbene, resveratrol, blueberry extract, nicotinamide ribosideand rhodiola to lifestyle practices such as shivering our asses off, self-imposed starvation, fecal transplants, strict veganism, injecting into ourselves growth hormone, testosterone, stem cells, exosomes, the blood of younger healthy humans and speaking of younger humans, simply “having more children”. Fact is, compared to the Biblical Methuselah, who purportedly lived to the ripe old age of 969, we don’t seem to be moving the anti

  • Q&A 393: How To Increase Testosterone After Exercise, Keto For Athletes, Keto Pancakes, Cream Cheese, CBD Gummies & More!

    10/01/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Jan 10 2019, Q&A Episode 393: How To Increase Testosterone After Exercise, Keto For Athletes, Keto Pancakes, Cream Cheese, CBD Gummies & More! During this podcast intro, Ben mentions Thorne Mediclear, The Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, Elemental Health CBD, BioCBD, Thorne Hemp and his new book releasing at Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the button at the bottom of the page (or go to SpeakPipe), or use the Contact button in the free Ben Greenfield Fitness app. News Flashes [6:50] CBD, Keto and Romaine Lettuce? The 5 foods the internet was most obsessed with in 2018: Here’s why the carnivore diet probably works well for may folks: Is a ketogenic diet good for athletes or bodybuilders? (Long article, but scroll to end for good summary):

  • A Biohacking Clinic Straight From The Deck Of Star Trek, The Minimum Effective Dose Of Exercise, How Ben Greenfield Fasts, Increasing Mitochondrial Density & Much More!

    05/01/2019 Duration: 01h33min

    NextHealth is a brand new, cutting-edge, biohacking facility that is taking California by storm. In this conversation between Ben Greenfield and Dr. Shah of NextHealth Clinic in LA, you'll hear... ...a magnitude of information related to health and wellness, including: diets, exercise regimens, herbs, music, CBD, lab tests and much more, recorded straight from the NextHealth Clinic in LA, which is like the deck of a Star Trek spaceship and a complete playground for biohackers and health or longevity enthusiasts! This particular episode will teach you how to become the best version of yourself by taking advantage of the information that’s out there in the health, science, wellness and fitness sectors. The barrier to entry to biohacking and self-optimization is becoming far more cost effective and there’s a plethora of information, supplements, tests and programs out there that are becoming more mainstream. Finally, if you like what you hear, you can click here for $500 savings on a full body MRI and full genom

  • What You Didn't Know About CBD & THC, Fixing Lyme Disease, The Full Body Blood Change Reboot, Peptides 101, Hyperthermia & Much More!

    03/01/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Dr. Matthew Cook of Bioreset Medical. is one of the smartest, most cutting-edge physicians I've ever met, and this is part 2 of my amazing two-part interview with him, recorded from my home in Spokane, WA. You can listen to part 1 at "Immortal Cells, Biohacking Pain, Killing Lyme, Stem Cell Confusion, How Ketamine Works & Much More With Dr. Matt Cook."  During that first episode we discussed: he's used the nootropic methylene blue to solve a difficult medical case... he's upgrading stem cells to make them far more potent... he's treating depression effectively in as little as 20 minutes with a special brew that includes ketamine, NAD and vitamin IVs... he's reversing musculoskeletal disorders using something called "hydrodissection"... Dr. Cook founded BioReset Medical Corporation and as acting President, operates a Regenerative Medicine and Pain Medicine practice that offers leading-edge non-surgical solutions in orthopedic medicine, sports medicine, regenerative pain medicine

  • The Hidden Health Epidemic Nobody Is Talking About (& 6 Ways To Protect Yourself From It)

    29/12/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    I’m an introvert through and through. A multitude of personality tests that I’ve taken, including the Quiet Revolution test and the Myers-Briggs analysis, have backed this up. Perhaps it’s genetics or perhaps it’s because I was homeschooled K-12 in rural Idaho. Whatever the case may be, I’m “that guy” at busy conferences who ducks away to my room to go recharge my batteries every few hours – something I can only accomplish by escaping the crowds and being entirely by myself. I thrive on long walks, multi-hour hikes and extended bike rides – usually alone. I become exhausted at networking events and cocktail parties and often slip away early to sleep, to curl up with a good book, or simply to meditate and breathe. Even at family events, I can often be found off in some quiet corner reading or strumming on my guitar or ukulele. As a matter of fact, when I was a child, my parents had to coax me, persuade me and yes, even  threaten me with punishment, to actually get my nose out of my book and be gracious enough

  • Busting the Myth of the Pre and Post Workout Meal: Fasted Exercise and Its Benefits

    27/12/2018 Duration: 53min

    Consider this... Billions of people around the world don't know what or even when their next meal will be. Because of this uncertainty, they move as little as possible so as to conserve as much energy as they can. Meanwhile, you and I have the luxury of actually choosing notto eat while food is in abundance. And then actually burningcalories while we are in a fasted state. This podcast is the recording of a talk I gave on the topic of Fasted Exercise to the Live It to Lead It conference in Las Vegas, NV this past month. In this episode, you'll learn... -How I got introduced to the concept of pre and post-workout fasting during my years as a body builder...7:05 Conventional thought at the time: Eat a lot right after workout, to get into the "recovery window" Snack and graze Explored other options when I got into endurance training Discovered "ketosis" in 2013 Amino acids Dominic D'Agostino -Busting the myth of snacking and pre/post-workout meals...12:45 Importance of the post-workout meal is vastly de

  • CBD vs. THC For Sleep, Microdosing Psilocybin, Can You Overdo Modafinil, How To Re-Program Your Body Language & Much More With Jordan Harbinger

    22/12/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Jordan Harbinger is back! In my first podcast episode with Jordan we talked about: -What kind of body language mistakes that fit people with nice bodies make which hold them back socially… -How to reprogram your brain to actually like and appreciate things like kale smoothies and ginger juice… -A simple eye trick to get you to “fake it until you make it” with extreme social confidence… -Why bars and clubs are not necessarily the places to go to to enhance your social intelligence and ability to build relationships… -How I went from eating fast food, being ultra-shy and reading fantasy novels to being named as one of the world's top 100 most influential people in health and fitness… Jordan has always had an affinity for Social Influence, Interpersonal Dynamics and Social Engineering, helping private companies test the security of their communications systems and working with law enforcement agencies before he was even old enough to drive. He has spent several years abroad in Europe and the developing world, in

  • The Most Transformative Process I've Ever Discovered For Crystal-Clear Clarity, Purpose & Direction In Life

    20/12/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    Four months ago, my wife and I went through the most transformational process we have ever embarked upon. It was called Lifebook Although you can now go through the entire Lifebook process online, no matter where you live in the world, we did ours in Estonia - jam-packed into a room with over 20 other individuals who, like us, wanted to get ultimate clarity, direction and purpose for each aspect of their lives. I think of my Lifebook as me, in a book. In other words, if I were to, God forbid, get hit by a bus tomorrow, someone would be able to hand my children my Lifebook and say, "Here. Here is your Dad, in a book. This is everything he stands for, believes in and values, and everything he would have wanted to teach to you about life. My Lifebook now holds a precious place in the mantle above the fireplace in our home, and has also been integrated into our family trust. As you can imagine, I'm very proud and excited of this discovery, and I wanted to get the inventor of the Lifebook on the podcast: Jon Butch

  • Billion Dollar Meals, $35 Smoothies, Peptides For Tanning & Erections, Holotropic Breathwork, MDMA, Ketamine, Addiction Recovery & More With Khalil Rafati

    15/12/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    The "Billion Dollar Meal"... Take a look at the ingredients of just one of the culinary delights designed by my guest on today's podcast. Young Thai Coconut Meat Spinach Raw Cashew Butter Goat Colostrum Chlorophyll Whole Leaf Aloe Buffered Vitamin C Crystals Collagen Vitamineral Greens Silica Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate E3-Live (Brain-On) MCT Oil Four Sigmatic 10 Mushroom Blend (Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, Enokitake, Maitake, Shiitake, Lion's Mane, Tremella, Agaricus Blazei, and Meshima) Rice Bran Solubles Hemp Milk From the Billion Dollar Meal above, to the Million Dollar Smoothie, to my son's favorite - "The Dragon Bowl" - and beyond, Khalil Rafati features an amazing assortment of superfood creations at his "Sun Life Organics" juice and smoothie bar spread across California. But Khalil hasn't always been a health freak who creates very expensive smoothies. He went to Los Angeles in the 1990s and had it all. He was working with Hollywood movie stars and legendary rock musicians. But it wasn't long before h

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