The Art Of Paid Traffic | Proven Online Advertising Strategies You Can Implement Today



Facebook ads expert Rick Mulready from brings you The Art of Paid Traffic, revealing the best paid traffic tips, tactics and strategies for generating leads and sales for your business on autopilot. Discover how to create freedom in your business through paid traffic without having to empty your wallet in the process. Learn how to automate your leads and sales from the top experts in paid traffic on Facebook ads, to YouTube ads, Twitter ads, Google Adwords, retargeting, native advertising, Instagram, LinkedIn ads, sales funnels, analytics, landing pages, sales pages, how to write good ad copy, banner ads, ad networks, buying email lists, affiliate marketing and more. Everything that’s working right now (and not working) to help you create a killer sales machine for your business so you know exactly where your next lead and sale are going to come from.


  • Help! I Need Registrations! (14 Fresh Traffic Ideas)

    02/12/2022 Duration: 17min

    As business owners, there will inevitably be a time when something unexpected comes up and we have to figure out a solution. The problem is that when we are coming up with solutions from a fear-based or scarcity-based mindset, our ideas aren’t going to be very good. We have to take a step back and try to get some perspective on things. If one of your primary marketing channels gets shut down, what’s your plan B? Diversifying your marketing channels is always a good decision. In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing 14 fresh traffic ideas for when things hit the fan and you need registrations immediately. We have all been there at some point. Being prepared for whatever comes with these ideas will help you get through it when times get hard. In this episode, you’ll learn:Why you always need a plan BHow to think outside the box for ideasTraffic options that you may not have thought ofHow to utilize them in your businessLinks & Resources:The Art of Online Business websiteDM me on InstagramVisit

  • How to Create a Business That Generates Revenue While You Nap, with Seemi Abdullah | an Oct 2021 Classic

    30/11/2022 Duration: 44min

    Wouldn’t you like to have a business that generates revenue while you sleep? What about when you’re taking a nap in the middle of the day? That sounds pretty great to me!Seemi Abdullah has structured her business to allow her to do just that, so she is joining me to break down how.Seemi and I get into how she has structured her business and the journey she has been on to get to where she is now, how she leverages revenue share deals, how the pandemic changed her business, why she hired an OBM first, and a whole lot more. Seemi Abdullah is the founder of She has over 20 years of experience in Montessori as a teacher and school administrator and owner and now works with other Montessori experts to provide professional development and curriculum resources to Montessori professionals around the world.Regardless if you are in the teaching space or not, I want you to listen closely to this episode because there are a lot of great takeaways throughout.In this episode you’ll Learn: Mindset shi

  • The Missing Piece to Exponential Growth (It's Not What You Think)

    25/11/2022 Duration: 20min

    I’m kicking off a new series on the show where I bring on members of my Accelerator coaching program to teach a short lesson on something they are an expert in that can help you in your own business. In this quick tip episode of Art of Online Business, Caitlin Mitchell is kicking off this series. She is an incredibly smart CEO and in this episode, she is sharing the missing piece in your business for exponential growth. This is something that we often overlook and Caitlin is sharing how you can leverage it for massive growth in your business.  Caitlin Mitchell is one of the co-founders and CEO of EB Academics, an organization on a mission to provide teachers with engaging and rigorous ELA lessons. Caitlin and her business partner, Jessica, founded EB Academics with the desire to help English teachers find success in their reading and writing curriculum while providing a community of like-minded educators.Through their online EB Writing Program and monthly membership, The EB Teachers’ Club, they have helped th

  • How She Runs a Wedding Membership With Just 3% Churn, with Faye Cornhill

    23/11/2022 Duration: 01h03s

    When I see people that are doing extraordinary things in their business, whether it’s a membership, coaching program, or course, I want to bring them to you. This is so that we can unpack what they are doing that’s working so you can take some tips and apply them to your business. In this episode of Art of Online Business I sat down with Faye Cornhill, one of my Accelerator coaching members, who runs a very successful wedding membership business. She’s here to share why her membership works and what sets her business apart from other wedding-based memberships out there. Faye Cornhill is a business coach to the wedding industry. With her signature mix of positivity, motivation and common sense, she specialises in helping aspirational business owners follow their dreams of making it in the world of weddings.Faye has an incredible retention rate and she shares how she makes that happen in this episode. She also shares more about her launch methods and how much she works in her business. In this episode, you’ll l

  • 5 Subtle Things That Can Dramatically Improve Your Meta Ads

    18/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    How are your Facebook ad campaigns going? I had one day recently where all of my calls with my Accelerator members were Facebook ads related. There were some common themes or takeaways among all of those calls that I think you could all benefit from. In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing 5 Facebook or Instagram ad observations and updates for you. Many people have been overcomplicating their ad campaigns. It’s time to simplify your campaign structure. Gone are the days of complexity with your ad campaigns. The key is consolidation and simplification. These observations will help you get back on track with your Facebook or Instagram ad campaigns so that you can start getting what you are paying for and seeing results. In this episode, you’ll learn:What’s new with the 28-day attribution windowHow to simplify your campaign structureTips for attributing results to campaignsThe importance of page load speedsWhat’s going on with Ad CreativeThe problem with many ads managersHow to get breakdowns Lin

  • The Evolution of a Multi-Million Dollar Offer

    16/11/2022 Duration: 32min

    How do you know it's time to make a change in your business or your offers?In this episode of Art of Online Business, I wanted to open up and share about my own experience changing course and really optimizing my business over the last two years, specifically my offers.So many people are afraid to make changes to their business because they don’t want to be locked into something that they don’t enjoy, or because they don’t want to rock the boat on something that’s already working for them, even though it isn’t in alignment with their goals. Sometimes you do need to make a change though. In this episode, I’m sharing how to know when it’s time to change, how to pinpoint opportunities for your business, and improve your business using data and intuition. In this episode, you’ll learn:Pivots I made within my Accelerator programMy pilot program How I tested and optimized my offerWhy you should check in with yourself about your offerTips for gathering and analyzing dataHow to start making changes in your busin

  • (Best Of!) Pros & Cons of "Black Friday" Promotions

    11/11/2022 Duration: 21min

    Are you thinking about running a Black Friday promotion?In this quick tip episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing a “Best Of” episode from this time last year. The reason I wanted to share this again is that it’s that time of year and I get a lot of questions about this so I knew this would be a great episode to revisit. To be honest, I have some pretty strong feelings surrounding Black Friday promotions and I want to break down the pros and cons in this episode so that you can make the right decision for your business. The origin of this day is probably not what you think it is. It actually has a very negative association in history. If you decide to do it, there are ways that you can do it really well without getting mixed up in all of the noise of Black Friday promotions. In this episode, you’ll learn:The origin of Black FridayWhy your promotion may just blend in with the rest on this dayWhy discounting diminishes the value of your workHow a discount helps people who can’t always afford your offersW

  • How the "5 Ps of Alignment" Affect the Success of Your Business, with Annemie Tonken

    09/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    The word alignment gets thrown around a lot and it can have a lot of different meanings. It’s really near and dear to me personally because I’m always striving to do things that are in alignment with what I deem important, especially my values. Today on Art of Online Business, I sat down with Annemie Tonken, a former Accelerator member in the photography space, to talk about what she calls the 5 Ps of alignment and how they can affect the success of your business. Annemie has been a professional photographer since 2010 and is now a respected educator, speaker, and podcaster focusing on business systems and strategies that help creative entrepreneurs run profitable, sustainable businesses they love.She's the host of This Can't Be That Hard, a top-rated weekly business podcast for photographers, creator of the Simple Sales System, which is used by thousands of photographers worldwide to create in-person sales-level income and service in an automated, workflow-friendly way, and co-founder of The Family

  • 3 "Creative" Funnels Working Right Now

    04/11/2022 Duration: 17min

    I recently shared a behind-the-scenes look at what happened at our Accelerator retreat. We all went around and shared what was working in our businesses right now and to tell you the truth, nothing was revolutionary.It was all of the fundamental business methods that we have heard time and time again. It goes to show that what’s old really is new. When you stick to it, refine as you go, and do what feels good for you and aligns with the audience that you want to help, that's when things really click.In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing three small case study examples of “creative” funnels that a few of my Accelerator members are doing right now that are working really well. None of these methods are revolutionary or new. It’s all about staying consistent and doing what aligns with you and how you want to serve your clients.In this episode, you’ll learn:How one member uses weekly live webinarsHow another member uses monthly paid live workshopsHow a different member offers different membe

  • How (and Why) to Choose the Right Coach or Mentor

    02/11/2022 Duration: 52min

    When it comes to investing in a coach or a coaching program, I used to get stuck in short-term thinking when I was considering the investment because I had coaches before. I was so focused on earning my money back. I eventually learned to take a step back and realize that whatever you’re investing in is going to give you a very long ROI. It’s going to be there far beyond the time you’re in the coaching program. When you realize that, something very powerful opens up, and your whole outlook on business changes. In today’s episode of Art of Online Business, I draw on my experience as both a coach and student to show you what to look for so you can find a coach that suits your needs.I also discuss why finding next-level advice feels like searching for a tiny needle in a very dense haystack of basic & generic information… and give tips for making your search easier.In this episode, you’ll learn:The power of personal connection in a coach-student relationshipWhat to do if your personality or values don’t align

  • We're All Just Figuring This Online Business Thing Out

    28/10/2022 Duration: 45min

    Normally, this episode would be a quick tip but in this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m doing something a little different. We just finished up a live Accelerator Coaching retreat, and it was honestly one of the best live events I have ever done. I left it feeling so inspired. So I’m going to be giving you a behind-the-scenes look at this retreat and share my perspectives, lessons learned, and main takeaways. One of the biggest takeaways from this retreat is that it’s all about the basics. As they say, what’s old is new. Those tried and true business strategies are still what’s working best. Don’t spend time with shiny object syndrome. Your business will thrive if you simplify and stick to the basics. There are many other takeaways that really stuck with me at this retreat and I’m sharing them all in this episode. In this episode, you’ll learn:Why this event was so successfulWhat's important to be doing in your business right nowHow to differentiate and simplify your business Tips for creating lev

  • Creating a Business That Makes Money While Surfing, with Brenton Ford

    26/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    It’s Organic October and in this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing a case study with you that I think is going to really inspire you. I sat down with Brenton Ford who has built a wildly successful business using primarily organic marketing strategies. Brenton has a membership that he sells with his small, but effective team and he has been able to build his business with flexibility so that he can focus on the things that matter to him, like spending time with his family and surfing. The main thing he focuses on in his business is simplicity - he focuses on creating results rather than creating more content. Regardless of if you have a membership or not, this episode has tons of helpful tips that you can use to give yourself more flexibility in your business. Brenton Ford, founder of Effortless Swimming, helps triathlon athletes and swimmers improve their technique, speed, and efficiency in the water through his online membership. With over 1,500 current members and 15,000+ copies sold of his var

  • (Best Of!) Advanced Evergreen Sales & Marketing Strategies, with John Lint

    24/10/2022 Duration: 49min

    Are you interested in learning some advanced evergreen sales and marketing strategies? In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m revisiting an interview I had with John Lint back in July of 2022. The Founder of Kleq, formerly 10xpro, John Lint is sharing some of those advanced strategies and how easy it is for you to set up your funnels using Kleq.John has been in the online space for 21 years now and he has seen so many marketing campaigns running through his program that he now has a great understanding of what really works and what doesn’t. He also knows how to help you set things up very easily so that you can have an effective sales and marketing campaign in your business. Your marketing campaigns are one of your most important business assets. This episode is packed with valuable information and tips for creating campaigns that convert again and again. Kleq is excellent for taking your campaigns to the next level. Make sure to use my affiliate link below to get a free trial. In this episode, you’ll

  • What I'm Doing to INCREASE Email Opt-Outs During Promotions

    21/10/2022 Duration: 11min

    Our email list is the only thing that is really ours. Facebook can go away tomorrow. Instagram and TikTok are the same. The only thing we have full control over is our email list, and we have to respect that. In this quick tip episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing what I do to increase opt-outs during my promotions. It may seem counterintuitive, but I don’t want to show up for my email list doing only promotions. I want to sprinkle it in while I primarily lead with value. I highly recommend that everyone view their email marketing through the lens of their values. In my business, we prioritize making people-based decisions, not just profit-based decisions. People are on your email list for a reason, not to be sold to all the time. I respect my email list so much so it’s very important for me to give them the option to opt out of promotions. By doing this for your promotions as well, you’ll build trust, gain appreciation, and create deeper relationships with your audience.In this episode, you’ll learn

  • How to Use Ethical Affiliate Marketing to Grow Your Revenue

    19/10/2022 Duration: 36min

    Are you using affiliate marketing for your business? In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing some ways that you can use ethical affiliate marketing to grow your revenue for your business. I’m taking you behind the scenes of some affiliate marketing promotions I use and how I promote them. There are a lot of benefits to adding affiliate marketing to your business and, if done right, it really adds a lot of value to your audience’s lives. You just have to find the right products and be honest about how they helped you and why you think they’ll help your audience too. By using the tips I share in this episode, you can easily add affiliate marketing to your revenue stream in an ethical way and build even more trust with your audience. In this episode, you’ll learn:The benefits of affiliate marketingHow to decide what products to become an affiliate forThings to consider before becoming an affiliateHow to market your affiliate offersGiving people the option to opt-out of promotional emailsWhy you ne

  • My Exact Plan for Growing My Account On TikTok

    14/10/2022 Duration: 16min

    If you’re anything like me, you’ve been putting off getting on TikTok and growing your brand, community, or your following. I’m here to tell you that we can’t ignore this platform anymore. I’m not someone who jumps on every new platform. I’m all about doubling down on what’s working. However, the attention is on TikTok right now. It has over a billion active users and it is growing every day. Short-form video is where it’s at. In this quick tip episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing my exact plan to grow my account on TikTok. I’ve been doing a lot of research on this and I came up with a strategy that I plan to put into place in the near future.You don’t have to dance around and point at things on the screen to be successful on TikTok. There are ways that you can use the platform to elevate your business and grow your community in a fun and entertaining way. In this episode, you’ll learn:Why you should be over the top on TiktokWhy you should be intentional about your TikTok videosHow to get ideas for

  • TikTok: How to Make Money and Build Community, with Keenya Kelly

    12/10/2022 Duration: 48min

    Raise your hand if you have been ignoring getting your business on TikTok. I know my hand is raised, but I’m planning to change that soon. There are over a billion users on TikTok and it’s only growing. Many businesses have been slow to adapt, but the ones that utilize TikTok are growing exponentially. In this episode of Art of Online Business, I sat down with one of my Accelerator members, Keenya Kelly, to talk about some of the updates on TikTok and why you don’t have to be dancing around in order to build an amazing following, grow your brand, and get tons of new leads on TikTok. Keenya Kelly is the CEO of If You Brand It, a marketing and consulting firm in San Diego, CA where she strategically helps business owners understand the value of marketing their businesses online through video.In 2020, Keenya decided to learn about the TikTok platform as a way to market her business during the pandemic. In just 12 short months Keenya has grown her account to over 400,000 followers and has helped clients reach mil

  • 3 Effective Organic Marketing Ideas You're Probably Overlooking

    07/10/2022 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to Organic October!All month long, I’m going to be talking about organic marketing strategies for your business. Now, ads are still 100% effective even though they are different than they used to be. However, in this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing some organic marketing methods you can use instead.  In this episode, you’ll learn three of the most effective organic marketing strategies that you are probably overlooking. I’m sharing what they are, why they’re important, and some of their cons as well. It all starts with delivering excellent service and results that will keep people coming back and sending referrals your way. For each of the strategies I’m sharing, you can set up systems to make them more seamless so you can grow your business on autopilot. In this episode, you’ll learn:The importance of fulfillmentThe four systems you have to focus on in your businessConnecting with people who have engaged in the pastHow to do shadow sessions for your audienceLinks & Resources:The Ar

  • Intentional Organic Marketing that WORKS, with Hunter Donia

    05/10/2022 Duration: 50min

    Wondering what you can be doing in your business to diversify your traffic without doing ads?This is a question I hear a lot and in this episode of Art of Online Business, I sat down with Hunter Donia to talk about how you can grow your business organically. These intentional strategies we are sharing in this episode will help you grow quickly and without any type of ad spend. Sometimes as a coach, you get to work with people that you just know right away are going to make a massive impact on the lives of the people they serve. Hunter is definitely one of those people. He has a unique niche and he serves them in a way that very few other people do, and it has led to massive success. Hunter is a digital educator teaching beauty professionals how to streamline, automate and elevate their processes in their businesses. He’s been recognized and awarded by multiple industry publications, spoken at well-known industry events, and has built a multi-6-figure business for himself by the age of 24 - all with modern, or

  • Why You CAN'T Compare Your 2022 Business to 2020/21

    30/09/2022 Duration: 12min

    I'm sharing a cautionary tale in this episode of The Art of Online Business. For many online businesses, 2020 and 2021 were some of the best years of their business, however, those two years were an anomaly. These times were unprecedented. People were working from home, kids were going to school from home, and everything was online.   All of this created a gold rush of sorts for many online businesses. The events going on in the world today are different than they were then and the things people are interested in online have evolved. There are a lot of online businesses that haven’t adapted to the world landscape and as a result, businesses are facing challenges. You’ve got to be willing to adapt, innovate, and be different than other people.  It’s more important than ever that you take the time to connect with your customers and see what they want so that you can decide what steps to take moving forward. In this episode, you’ll learn:Why 2020 and 2021 were out of the ordinaryWhy your strategies from tho

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