Helping parents navigate the world of CoParenting
When do you tell your kid about the Easter Bunny??
06/05/2019 Duration: 26minOr Santa Claus? Do you let them find out for themselves? As your kid gets older, they get exposed to so much more of the real world. As much as we may try as parents, we cannot keep our children sheltered from everything. Has your kid been called a name or bullied by another kid? … Continue reading "When do you tell your kid about the Easter Bunny??"
Co (and anti-co) parenting styles
29/04/2019 Duration: 21minWhen you first start on your coparenting journey, you may think it will be easy as long as you both get along. Do not be caught off guard by the fact that you WILL have bumps in the road and you may find that more obstacles than you anticipated. There are four main types of … Continue reading "Co (and anti-co) parenting styles"
Random Conversations
22/04/2019 Duration: 28minThis week, we started out with a topic in mind, and ended up with no specific topic at all. This is literally how a conversation between us goes when we get to talking about our kid. We talk about differences in schedules, our master manipulator (or future saleswoman), giving our kid a phone, and making … Continue reading "Random Conversations"
Mumble Rap and the Money Talk
08/04/2019 Duration: 17minWho really likes to talk about finances? Especially with your ex? We all know that money is one of the top reasons for arguments in a marriage. On top of that, finances is in the top 10 reasons why people divorce! So obviously, talking to your ex about money can be stressful and uncomfortable, but … Continue reading "Mumble Rap and the Money Talk"
Our Experience at Mediation
01/04/2019 Duration: 27minWhen we went to mediation, we went with the boxing gloves on. Mediation and court proceedings can seem terrifying, especially when you don’t know what to expect from the other person. We found that it became a time of learning to trust. CoParenting isn’t 50/50…it’s 100% of your effort that you put into it, just … Continue reading "Our Experience at Mediation"
Chris has an Epiphany…
25/03/2019 Duration: 26min….and I am shocked that it took us so long to have it. One of the things that I love about Podcasting is that it gives us a chance to talk…and I mean talk talk. In this episode, we talk about our different styles of parenting and our original views of Coparenting. Follow us on … Continue reading "Chris has an Epiphany…"
(Co)Parenting in the Technology Age
18/03/2019 Duration: 25minFinding balance for your kids and the technology that they use daily is difficult for any parent, am I right? In this podcast, we talk about the struggles of finding balance with technology and our daughter, some of the trends we see happening, and ideas that we have tossed around to help find this balance. … Continue reading "(Co)Parenting in the Technology Age"
Keeping Open Communication….
11/03/2019 Duration: 08minWITH YOUR CHILDREN! One of the most difficult things in coparenting (or just parenting in general) is keeping that open line of communication with your kids. Some kids are natural talkers and want to share everything with you. This is likely because as a parent, you fostered a safe place for your children to communicate … Continue reading "Keeping Open Communication…."
A Unified Front
06/03/2019 Duration: 29minThis was my favorite podcast by far. Not only because I believe it is one of the easiest coparenting tools to implement, but because we had a lot of laughs recording this podcast. Having a unified front in parenting means that you handle situations that arise together, and showing the child that you agree on … Continue reading "A Unified Front"
How did we get here???
04/03/2019 Duration: 19minAlmost 3 years ago, I told my now ex-husband that I wanted divorce. Anyone that has ever ended marriage can understand the inner turmoil that burns inside of you as the thought of splitting up your family comes to life. We had tried everything. Counseling 3 times. Faking it until we made it. Vacations to … Continue reading "How did we get here???"