We're selling Columbia, South Carolina -- why we live here and how you can, too! Weekly episodes with culture, history, humor, and real estate knowledge for locals wanting new digs or out-of-towners wondering where to start!
Sellers Start Here!
07/05/2019 Duration: 32minThis week, Samantha sits down once again with transaction coordinator Kirsten Witry: this time, we're talking Selling 101! What to expect and why you NEED a real estate agent!
Basics of Buying
23/04/2019 Duration: 21minSamantha sits down with Disharoon Homes transaction coordinator, Kirsten Witry, to talk about the very basics of buying a home in Columbia. Due diligence periods, inspections, things to keep in mind when buying a home, and why going with a company that has a team transaction model is superior to a general agent!
Plant Your Roots!
09/04/2019 Duration: 22minThis week, Samantha sits down with broker-in-charge and hobbyist gardener, Fan Disharoon, to talk vegetable gardens in Columbia. What do you need to do before you start, how do you know what to plant, and more! Spring is here in Columbia, so now's the time to get down in the weeds!
Why DO we sell Soda City?
02/04/2019 Duration: 21minSamantha sits down with cohost of the week, Stephen Rebl, to have an open discussion to answer the question: Why do YOU live in Columbia? Stephen is the lead buyer agent at Disharoon Homes, specializing in helping people purchase property, and helps people answer the question "Why should I live in Columbia?" every day.
Sell Soda City Trailer Episode!
25/03/2019 Duration: 01minSell Soda City! drops next Tuesday, April 2nd! It's the snazziest new podcast in town talking about Columbia, SC: why we live here, why we think you should, too, and how to make that happen!