A Podcast that tells the History of the World through its Empires. We start with Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Empire.
4. Heir to Achilles IV - Darkest Before the Dawn
24/02/2019Archelaus offers Ancient Macedonia a temporary respite, and following his death the kingdom is quickly pulled into its death spiral, almost resulting in it's destruction.
3. Heir to Achilles III -Surviving Succession
17/02/2019Heir to Achilles III - Surviving Succession tells the story of Perdicass II as he struggles to keep Ancient Macedon independent during the Peloponnesian War
2. Heir to Achilles II - Alexander the Philhellene
10/02/2019This episode of Empire History Podcast takes us through the Persian Greek wars, as Alexander I the Philhellene leads Macedonia to new heights.
1. Heir to Achilles I - Ancient Macedon
10/02/2019This episode introduces us to our series on Alexander the Great, and provides a background of ancient Macedon. It's the Macedonian Origin Story.
Introduction to Empire History Podcast
10/02/2019This episode introduces Empire History Podcast, and its host, Seth Wheeler.