Hello and welcome to the orgasmic goddess podcast!I am your host, Margie. I am a dedicated yogini in kundalini, tantra and aerial yoga. I have been travelling the world for more than 5 years teaching these orgasmic techniques for women to build a life of their wildest dreams. When you start your morning with momentum, you cannot help but create magic in your day. This podcast is dedicated to helping women to heal their divine sexuality and step into their power, to launch a business that is fueled by soul and make lots of money while they are at it. Join me every week for new tools, tips and tricks to help you create a life beyond your wildest imagination.
How to Fiercely Protect Your Energy
03/07/2019 Duration: 25minHow to give a fuck more about YOU and your ART, speak your truth, and fiercely protect your energy. Inspired action vs. distractions and how to navigate them. Why you MUST listen to your heart over what anyone else thinks about you. HOW TO STOP SETTLING for less than you are worth. Basically…everything I do in my life to create healthy boundaries, pump out content like a boss and stay in my power in relationships. To apply to work with me, go to
How to Travel the World and Build an Empire
24/06/2019 Duration: 22minHow to Travel the World and Build an Empire Masterclass To download the worksheet, go to SPIRITUAL PRACTICE #1 Don’t chase what you want. Elevate your game so what you want chases you. Attracting and magnetizing your people - the daily practice - Gratitude and recognizing the dream. My story- saw the dream, felt the dream, couldn’t help but create the dream #2 ASK FOR HELP - Hire a spiritual guide/mentor #4 GET CLEAR ON YOUR OFFER & STAND OUT - Get clear on what you offer- who, what, where, when, why, how, so what- just keep talking about it and sharing it. Give bits and pieces away so people can get a transformation. Find something that YOU will stand out for, something no one else is doing. Ran a studio to support myself - While building the youtube channel/instagram on the side #4 PROTECT YOUR ENERGY - Healthy boundaries: Protecting your time, energy and money. #5TRAVEL TO TRAVEL - Travel with volunteer opportunities with Wanderlust, worked with local sto
The Science of Living Your Dream Life
16/06/2019 Duration: 21minI get pretty real on this latest podcast about my near death experience. This one is all about The Science of Living Your Dream Life. When I looked to my right and saw a car just feet away coming at me full speed, I had a choice: To LIVE or die. I chose life and it flashed before my eyes. What came after was this miraculous feeling of being held, safe and protected. I have learned on a deeper level… the importance of cultivating a daily practice. The intention behind creating this energy is to simply to be in a divine union with spirit, the universe, the cosmos as my lover, best friend and business partner. In this episode, I share the science and philosophy of yoga - The Koshas and how an idea sprouts into an entire dream life. Knowing and understanding this will keep you consistently come back to your practice every single day. There is a link in my bio to listen to the podcast or search Live in the Dream on iTunes Podcasts
My Story of Manifesting My Dream Life
08/06/2019 Duration: 45minIn this episode, I share my story of the past 6 years finding yoga, manifesting my dream life, travelling the world and being a spiritual teacher. RAWWW & REAL! For more info and how to reach me, go to Love you, MP