Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real



Hosted by latin rap artist Ms Krazie, comes "Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real" (Homegirls, Real Life Stories) the revamped 2019 version of her popular "Hello Loca" online talk radio show from the early 2000's. Relationships, love, marriage, friendship and general talks from a homegirls point of view. The day to day life of a mother, wife and hustling entrepreneur. Raw unscripted and sometimes highly controversial, late night conversations with the Loca herself.


  • EP:78 Weight loss, hair, life updates!

    19/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    Catching you up on everything I done been through recently from my recent weight loss to the hair extensions, arm lift drama and more. I talk about our upcoming Mexico trip and why I really want to start doing this for my kids more. We also discuss my music situation and music videos. Pretty much a summary on everything til this day. Remember you can see some video updates on these things via my TikTok @helloloca

  • EP:77 My new MS KRAZIE eyeshadow palette!

    22/09/2023 Duration: 17min

    Back story and just chit chat on my new eyeshadow palette that will be officially dropping online on my HELLOLOCA.COM website this Saturday September 23 at midnight pacific standard time. Lets talk about it. ;)

  • EP:76 A day in my life ATL edition.

    25/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    This weekend I had a show in Atlanta and it was amazing. It was at a lowrider show and it was a super nice experience that I never want to forget so I decided to record my experience on here so I always remember. This is how it went down.

  • EP:75 The home issue is fixed!

    16/06/2023 Duration: 12min

    Update on the situation from the past episode where I spoke about the home repair maintenance issue that is happening. I was so depressed that I had no choice but to get in contact with the home builder and thankfully my cries were heard. Blessed!

  • EP:74 I wasn't ready for this.

    27/05/2023 Duration: 23min

    Update on where I have been and the fact I am currently going through my first major, costly, maintenance issue at my new house & not handling it so good. I am emotionally and mentally so hurt right now because the stress is so high and I don't know how to handle this. I thought I was ready for this stuff, but apparently Im not.

  • EP:73 Miami Mess Day 1

    31/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    Documenting my experience in Miami getting my teeth done & how big of a mess it has been. This is my 5th trip out here and $40k in the process and still trying to "finish". One of my biggest regrets has been not having stayed local and just gone with a local dentist in my area.

  • EP:72 Sick in Mexico, Happy 2023.

    04/01/2023 Duration: 38min

    It is what it is. I been in Mexico for almost 2 months now and I am currently sick. We all are. Its not covid, but it's something cause I been laid out pretty much all day for the past 3 days.. but with that said, i still hope you guys have an AMAZING new year. GOD willing, we will all be OK.

  • EP:70 Almost died on the plane.

    06/11/2022 Duration: 47min

    The most embarrassing moment of my life probably. Story time on what happened to me yesterday on a flight from Miami heading home and how I ended up almost having to have them do an EMERGENCY LANDING on the plane and surrounded by paramedics at the airport. I don't know what happened guys, but I was dying.

  • EP:69 My dental implants failed.

    18/10/2022 Duration: 42min

    Bad news. After waiting for many months to come back here to Miami for my follow up dental implants check up.. and I am told that some of the implants failed. So now what? Depressed. Please listen to this if you are considering getting missing teeth replaced and are thinking dental implants are right for you. Take care of your teeth when you are young! If you need a root canal, get it! Don't opt for the easy way out like just getting it "taken out". Save your teeth!

  • EP:68 My song went viral!

    13/10/2022 Duration: 56min

    Just like the title says, my song "A Gangster's Wife" went viral on TikTok. It hit 1 Billion plays as of yesterday 10/3/2022 and thanks to this, my Spotify currently has almost a million monthly listeners.. search Ms Krazie. This is the story of how I found out that the song had gone viral and what my reaction was plus the feelings and emotions I have gone through because of this. Has everything been good? Am I Truly happy? What do I think about white people using the song? How much money am I making from it? Etc. Everything that has to do with this topic is being covered.. so that I never forget this beautiful moment in time.

  • EP:67 I Tried Medical Marijuana.

    20/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    My experience with giving medical weed a try. Suffering with long covid and the exhaustion it left me with and that I have to deal with daily now, I decided to give THC edibles a try. Here is how it went..

  • EP:66 This is REALLY affecting my life.

    13/09/2022 Duration: 38min

    Long covid fatigue is real! Lets talk about it because its hard to find people who know about this, who know this is real and who are also hopeful that a cure is found soon! This is affecting my life. People are losing their jobs, their families, THEMSELVES because of this. Sleeping most of the day. Brain fog that makes you forget even what day you are living in. How this messes with your family life, specially if you have kids! My kids are homeschooled right now.. can you imagine if they weren't!? I wouldn't be able to handle it. My days turn into nights in the blink of an eye. I had to shut my small business website shop down because of this.. because I am so tired physically that I cannot even function correctly right now. This is the most tired I have felt my entire life! I am still working as a performing artist and its fkn tough right now let me tell you, but this is my lively hood y'all and this is what feeds my kids. Prayers to everyone going through something right now.

  • EP:65 I got covid AGAIN.

    28/08/2022 Duration: 38min

    Not me getting covid again early August and still suffering with the after effects at the end of the month. Its been tough. Long covid is real. I am now extremely tired, my tired is tired. My breathing isn't the same, I want to sleep all day, I feel like I got run over, my body aches, it sucks! Luckily its over now and all my family is OK but its been a mission. Primeramente DIOS everything will be OK. Documenting this journey for my own memories!

  • EP:64 Why We Decided To Homeschool.

    13/08/2022 Duration: 39min

    In this episode I will let you guys in on my new journey.. homeschooling my kids and how that's going. As a krazie homegirl I know that this is probably the last thing that you would think I would be doing right now but it is my reality and with the way the world is right now.. it is the best thing I could do for my kids so come with me as I document the beginning of my journey homeschooling. All while trying to continue with my hustle as a rapper and business owner.

  • EP:63 I need a few good cries.

    26/07/2022 Duration: 32min

    Feelings of being super overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, fearful, self doubts, powerless, rushed, mom guilt, not being good enough, mentally emotionally physically exhausted, sick, tired, wanting to sleep but cant.. everything down and out. This is THAT episode. You are NOT alone tho! :")

  • EP:62 Got my teeth done in Miami!

    30/06/2022 Duration: 38min

    A quick summary of how my experience was with getting veneers in Miami Florida at CG SMILES. I eventually want to record an actual YouTube video review on them, but before I forget I wanted to do this quick run down and let you know the major points in case you are considering getting a smile makeover. For context, I had always had low self esteem about my teeth believe it or not but since I had issues with my body as well.. that kinda stole the spotlight from me focusing too much on my low self esteem teeth wise lol. Once I had my body semi "fixed" lol my mouth really became an issue. Not having a pretty smile has been holding me back from living my life to the fullest! Doing videos, youtube etc so it was only a matter a time before I jumped on this. It is a VERY VERY EXPENSIVE process so it took me a long a$$ time honestly but here we are! Almost done! I got porcelain veneers top and bottom, crowns and dental implants! If you are considering doing this, girl do it!

  • EP:61 Not feeling too good.

    28/05/2022 Duration: 16min

    just like the title says it I haven't been feeling too good healthwise and I wanted to come up on here and update you guys because I didn't wanna leave the podcast abandoned but I also am finding it really hard to have energy to do anything even writing this right now I'm doing it through the voice thing because it's exhausting and I know it sounds crazy but I mean it's life. :"(

  • EP:61 My LA trip. PART 4 FINAL

    05/04/2022 Duration: 40min

    Finally done with this saga of how my trip to LA in late January went. How the first show I had done since the pandemic started went and how it ended. I finally get to speak on how my plastic surgery, mommy makeover follow up consultation went with my plastic surgeon that I hadn't seen in years! The fact I know I need to lose 10 lbs before I can even begin and the fact that I need to fix my iron anemia situation before I go under the knife again. Gurl, it was embarrassing! I also take a moment at the end of this episode to speak on my desire to go see my family in Michoacán Mexico and not wanting to call any unnecessary attention.. because I am usually an attention whore when I am down there lol.

  • EP:60 Hot ass mess, again.

    29/03/2022 Duration: 01h01s

    LMAO "hello plants and plant parents" sorry guys its because i had just recorded a tik tok for my plant account! Anywho, In this episode, I tell you all about how this weekends shows in Dallas, Arlington and Houston Texas went. I speak on the many wardrobe malfunctions I have had throughout my career along with looking a hot ass mess naturally. A detailed account of everything that went down at these shows and things that not many fans know about when it comes to stuff that the artists go through behind the stage. The good, the bad and the ugly. A bonus to this episode is me warning any first timer "self tanner" know about shit that can happen to you because it happened to me this weekend as well lol. Beware of "sun kissed" self tanning lotions girl.. you do not want this to happen to you! lol

  • EP:59 A "dumb" bitch.

    24/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    A little social experiment that i did to see how other women would react to someone asking them advice for something sad relationship related to see whats really out there when it comes to having homegirls we can actually open up to about our relationship love struggles.. and heres what i found. Unfortunately there are few who can actually admit to their own heartbreaks and imperfections which leads those of us who want to find a homegirl who understands us, who we can share our stories with.. hard, very hard to find.

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