Prayer In The Making Lent Bookclub

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 6:50:13
  • More information



Why not join us on a Lent journey through my book "Prayer in the Making"? I'll be talking about each section of the book, and sharing a few extra thoughts on how prayer works in our lives. I'd love to have your company.


  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 8: Crossing over

    04/04/2020 Duration: 10min

    Thoughts on those stories in the Old Testament about the Israelites finding ways through rivers and seas ... rye stopping of the flow, the opening of a way and the chance to cross to somewhere and something new.

  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 7: Who's in control around here?

    02/04/2020 Duration: 12min

    Getting into a bit of prayer theology about how sovereignty and human agency work. Is God in control? Are we in control? And how do we pray in the midst of those questions?

  • A Coronavirus Retreat Part 6: Let it be

    29/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    What does prayer look like on the days when this doesn't feel doable?

  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 5: The 'one word' technique

    25/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    Thoughts on turning prayer from a flood of words into a simpler, deeper, fuller, more meaningful connection with God.

  • A Coronavirus Retreat Part 4: At home

    24/03/2020 Duration: 10min

    Well, we're all at home for a while. But home can be a place that's full of the living, loving presence of God. Here's some thoughts on how ...

  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 3: Being Present

    22/03/2020 Duration: 04min

    Thoughts on multitasking, focusing, living well and lighting candles ...

  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 2: Steadying

    21/03/2020 Duration: 04min

    Thoughts on finding our balance amidst the wobbly-ness of it all.

  • A coronavirus Retreat Part 1: Going beneath

    20/03/2020 Duration: 09min

    This is a strange old time, isn't it ... So why don't we make it a retreat? Here are my first three tips on how to get your coronavirus retreat underway. It's all about becoming a submarine ...

  • The nub of it all (Chapter 12 Part 2)

    20/04/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 12: Resilience; Part 2: Growing a Relationship. It's the last episode in this Prayer in the Making Lent Bookclub, and this is my attempt to get to the heart of things. Thanks for listening, and May your prayer life go from strength to strength.

  • Praying the way you're made (Chapter 12 Part 1)

    18/04/2019 Duration: 15min

    Chapter 12: Resilience; Part 1: Building a Rhythm. If our relationships with our loved ones always include things we really love to do, then how much more our relationship with God? Yet how often do we focus on the areas of prayer we think we need to improve in? And do we end up thinking that the stuff we really enjoy doing probably doesn't count as much? This is a tiny summary of my teaching on prayer and personality, with a challenge to work out what kind of prayer we most love ... and then to go and do more of it.

  • Essential ingredients for a breakthrough (Chapter 11 Part 2)

    16/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    Chapter 11: Warfare; Part 2: Victory Strategies. The Bible is full of stories about people who needed to hold their ground until God helped them win victory and find breakthrough. One of my favourites is Gideon, and this is a little reflection on the three ingredients which helped him get his breakthrough.

  • Alienation and homecoming (Chapter 11 Part 1)

    14/04/2019 Duration: 15min

    Chapter 11: Warfare; Part 1: Opposition Strategies. Why is prayer so hard? The answer is partly because it's opposed. Since the dawn of time, the enemy has been sowing alienation between humankind and God. Here's how ... and here are some suggestions as to how you can push back against that prayer-killing opposition strategy.

  • Praying the Bible for your local community (Chapter 10 Part 2)

    14/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Chapter 10: Scripture; Part 2: Justice and Kingdom. How do you take what was written in the Bible centuries ago and pray it for your 21st century community? This is a few thoughts on how we need to approach scripture when we're seeking to pray it in our modern times ... and what some of the pitfalls might be.

  • Reading the Bible with all 5 senses (Chapter 10 Part 1)

    11/04/2019 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 10: Scripture; Part 1: Power and Promise. One of my biggest struggles with prayer over the years has been how to keep myself fresh and open to hearing God's voice in the Bible. Of course that's essentially the work of the Holy Spirit but it's also something I can help with ... so here's my recipe.

  • The tricky subject of praying out loud (Chapter 9 Part 2)

    09/04/2019 Duration: 15min

    Chapter 9: Voice and Body; Part 2: Praying out loud. After a lot of years of praying with people in prayer meetings, I have some thoughts on how we might make praying out loud more engaging and more enjoyable. This isn't really about how you pluck up the courage to pray aloud, it's more about how those of us who are used to doing it can break out of some old patterns and help to make it a more positive experience for others.

  • A menu of fasting options (Chapter 9 Part 1)

    07/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    Chapter 9: Voice and Body; Part 1: Praying with your Body. This chapter mentions fasting briefly, so this podcast digs into that subject a bit more. It's an intro to three different types of fasting.

  • Thoughts on forgiveness (Chapter 8 Part 2)

    06/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    Chapter 8: Restoration; Part 2: Forgiveness. These are just a few thoughts on how the act of turning to God in prayer can make it easier for us to forgive others.

  • Wound management (Chapter 8 Part 1)

    04/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Chapter 8: Restoration; Part 1: Inner Healing. If God is doing a work of renovation, restoration and transformation in us, then prayer is the place where we receive it. This is me talking through a few questions that help us partner in that work of restoration.

  • Another brick in the wall (Chapter 7 Part 2)

    03/04/2019 Duration: 08min

    Chapter 7: Strategy; Part 2: Prayerful Persevering. This is all about how we probably need to change our view of prayer if we're going to learn how to keep praying for the same thing for a long time.

  • Getting life in focus (Chapter 7 Part 1)

    01/04/2019 Duration: 14min

    Chapter 7: Strategy; Part 1: Prayerful planning. This episode looks at 3 questions we can ask ourselves, to help set focus and direction in the way were living and the things we're praying for.

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